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Adelman, Rumsfeld
« on: November 12, 2006, 03:54:16 PM »
Issue of 2006-11-20
Posted 2006-11-11

Two months ago, Kenneth Adelman, the former director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, received a call from the Pentagon: Donald Rumsfeld would like to see him as soon as possible. Adelman said he knew then that this meeting might be their last.

The two men had been friends for thirty-six years. Adelman first worked for Rumsfeld in the Nixon Administration, and then served as Rumsfeld’s assistant during his more rewarding term as the Secretary of Defense, under President Ford. Rumsfeld drafted Adelman to help him in his brief, ineffectual campaign for President, in 1988. Their families sometimes spent vacations together, and Rumsfeld continued to call on Adelman for advice. In 2001, Rumsfeld appointed his friend to the Defense Policy Board, a group of lobbyists, defense intellectuals, and politicians of once high standing, who gather periodically to give the Secretary unvarnished advice on strategy and management.

Rumsfeld had apparently come to see Adelman’s advice as a bit too unvarnished. Before the war, Adelman famously remarked that the invasion would be a “cakewalk.” He wasn’t wrong about that. Seizing Baghdad was comparatively easy; holding it quickly became the problem. “When Rumsfeld said, in reaction to all the looting, ‘Stuff happens,’ and ‘That’s what free people do,’ I was just so disappointed,” Adelman recalled last week. “This wasn’t what free people did; it’s what barbarians did.” Within the confines of the policy board, Adelman became blunt about his disenchantment with the Pentagon’s management of the war. At the board’s meeting this summer, Adelman said, he argued that the American military needed a new strategy.

“I suggested that we were losing the war,” Adelman said. “What was astonishing to me was the number of Iraqi professional people who were leaving the country. People were voting with their feet, and I said that it looked like we needed a Plan B. I said, ‘What’s the alternative? Because what we’re doing now is just losing.’ ”

Adelman said that Rumsfeld didn’t take to the message well. “He was in deep denial—deep, deep denial. And then he did a strange thing. He did fifteen or twenty minutes of posing questions to himself, and then answering them. He made the statement that we can only lose the war in America, that we can’t lose it in Iraq. And I tried to interrupt this interrogatory soliloquy to say, ‘Yes, we are actually losing the war in Iraq.’ He got upset and cut me off. He said, ‘Excuse me,’ and went right on with it.”

The meeting ended disagreeably. In any case, the two men had stopped socializing some time ago. Adelman’s wife, Carol, hoped to maintain the friendship, but he had become unsure. “On Christmas in 2005,” Adelman said, “Don invited us over for a small gathering, but by that time I couldn’t go. Carol went. I was feeling too much pain by then.”

When Adelman went to see Rumsfeld in his office, he knew that Rumsfeld wanted him out. “He said, ‘Ken, you’ve been my friend for most of my adult life,’ and he said that I was going to be his friend for the rest of his life,” Adelman recalled. “Then he said, ‘It might be best if you got off the Defense Policy Board.’ I said, ‘It won’t be best for me. If you want me off, it’s not a problem, but if it’s up to me I’ll stay on.’ He wanted me to resign. He didn’t want to do it himself. And so we did that little dance.”

Adelman went on, “Rumsfeld said, ‘You’ve become disruptive and negative.’ Well, I got a little flustered and said, ‘That’s bullshit about being disruptive. Negative, you’ve got right.’ He responded by saying, ‘Well, you interrupt people in the meetings.’ And I said, ‘You know where I learned that from? I learned that from the master.’ ” Rumsfeld laughed, Adelman said.

“I had the floor then, and I started by saying what a positive influence he had been in my life, that I love him like a brother. He nodded, kind of sadly. And then I said, ‘I’m negative about two things: the deflection of responsibility, and the quality of decisions.’ He said he took responsibility all the time. Then I talked about two decisions: the way he handled the looting, and Abu Ghraib. He told me that he didn’t remember saying, ‘Stuff happens.’ He was really in denial that this was his fault.” Adelman said that it struck him then that “maybe he really thinks that things are going well in Iraq.”

No conclusions were reached at the meeting, and there was no further communication from Rumsfeld until shortly before the election, Adelman said. Rumsfeld sent him a letter, which reads, “As we discussed when we met, we are moving ahead on the Defense Policy Board and we’ll be naming a replacement for your spot in the next week or two. I appreciate your cooperation.” It was signed “Regards, Donald Rumsfeld.” (Rumsfeld’s office did not return telephone calls seeking comment.)

A few days later, Rumsfeld was out. Adelman is, apparently, still in. “I’m heartsick about the whole matter,” he said. He does not know what to make of the disintegration of Rumsfeld’s career and reputation. “How could this happen to someone so good, so competent?” he said. “This war made me doubt the past. Was I wrong all those years, or was he just better back then? The Donald Rumsfeld of today is not the Donald Rumsfeld I knew, but maybe I was wrong about the old Donald Rumsfeld. It’s a terrible way to end a career. It’s hard to remember, but he was once the future.”
— Jeffrey Goldberg
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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 04:03:39 PM »
And the long knives become unsheathed. Friendships are transitory. Loyalty is a fools game.

If I were in a position to hire Adelman, i wouldn't.


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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 04:19:36 PM »
Truth is the coin of the realm, not loyalty. And speaking truth to power is the highest virtue. I'd promote Adelman.


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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2006, 05:24:54 PM »
There is no call to squelch truth. There is a call for discussing disagreements between peers directly instead of through a third party like the press.

I would not hire him. His choice to air his laundry through the press indicates he is more a slf server than a team player.

His patron was down on the ground and bleeding. Adelman made the choice to kick him while he wa down. I have no use for people like that.


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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2006, 07:06:42 PM »
There is no call to squelch truth. There is a call for discussing disagreements between peers directly instead of through a third party like the press.

I would not hire him. His choice to air his laundry through the press indicates he is more a slf server than a team player.

His patron was down on the ground and bleeding. Adelman made the choice to kick him while he wa down. I have no use for people like that.
This is not how I read this. Adelman told Rummy to his face that he was wrong.

Adelman only spoke to the press after Rummy had resigned, it seems.

Rumsfeld will go down as one of the Major Bad Examples of poor planning and excessive arrogance in US history. He deserved not one, but several 'Dope Slaps'. People have died needlessly becauswe of Rummy's arrogance.

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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2006, 09:08:06 PM »
Adelman only spoke to the press after Rummy had resigned, it seems.

Why would Adelman see the need to talk to the press? Trying to impress his new boss?


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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2006, 10:34:44 PM »
Why not?

Isn't this a free country?

Isn't what he said newsworthy?
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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2006, 10:40:30 PM »
Why not?

Because he comes off as self serving.

Isn't this a free country?
And that has what to do with anything? I didn't say he wasn't allowed to speak. I said i would not hire him because of it.

Isn't what he said newsworthy?

What ? That there were differing opinions in Rumfeld DOD? Hardly news to me.


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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2006, 10:49:46 PM »
The sooner we understand  what went wrong here, and why,  the better off we are.  I am thankful Adelman spoke out.
I don't care if he comes off as self-serving as long as he ultimately serves us, the citizens, by speaking out. 
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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2006, 10:58:46 PM »
please explain how adelman served us? What did he contribute to the dialog? Best i can tell is he shoved a shiv in the back of a friend on the way down. And to what purpose? The Defense Policy Board was made up of the likes of Perle and Feith and Adelman. And suddenly Adelman is a hero to you because he claims he disagreed with Rumsfeld? Please . Since when have you felt the need to defend neocon central?


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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2006, 09:50:47 AM »
And suddenly Adelman is a hero to you because he claims he disagreed with Rumsfeld? Please . Since when have you felt the need to defend neocon central?

She is defending his speaking out and being truthful, not defending "neocon central".

Rummy was a walking disaster. He deserves some parting shots. He deserves prison time, but parting shots will suffice for the moment.

As for you not hiring Adelman, that is like me saying that I shall not employ Karl Rove to wash the skidmarks from my tighty whities.

I shan't, but the statement is meaningless, as was yours.
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Re: Adelman, Rumsfeld
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2006, 12:35:02 PM »
I shan't, but the statement is meaningless, as was yours.

It may have been meaniningless, but it was my statement, and i stand by it.