Author Topic: I am telling you...she is running for President!  (Read 1744 times)

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I am telling you...she is running for President!
« on: July 20, 2010, 10:52:51 AM »

I never thought I would say it, but this lady would be a
drastic improvement over the Bozo we now have in office.

She is running for President and she could win,
but at the very least she will replace BozoBiden
and would help the ticket....but I still say she
is probably going to win in 2012.
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 11:47:32 AM »
CU4 gets out the same crystal ball that he uses to predict nuclear war with Iran and tells us that Hilary Clinton is running for president. I do not question that she would be a good president, or at least better than any foreseeable Republican, but I do not see her running for president unless something really major happens to Obama. "Something major" is not CU4 calling Obama a bozo.

There has been NO president elected since 1932 that has faced so many problems from the onset. Observe that he passed health reform. Observe that he passed financial reform. Observe that he has been "no drama Obama" from the start. Afghanistan and the economy are still problems, but his term is a long way from over.

There was NO WAY that Obama could ever please the ultra righties in this forum. I never expected him to do that.
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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2010, 02:55:35 PM »
Let's just say that your crystal ball is....imprecise?   ...inoperative? ...seriously delayed?

In what situations has a party ever dumped a president and handed to another candidate?

Observe that the Republicans did not dump Olebush, nor did the Democrats dump Carter.
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 03:02:43 PM »
In what situations has a party ever dumped a president and handed to another candidate?

Read your own words:
"There has been NO president elected since 1932 that has faced so many problems"

In case you don't know it we live in different times, history is broken every day.
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 03:30:42 PM »
However, history usually follows the trends set in the past.

You just hate Obama, so you want him gone. You hate Iran, and want it to go away. That is your trend, not history.
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2010, 04:55:38 PM »
"However, history usually follows the trends set in the past"

Usually, but history is also full of exceptions to the rule...see BP Oil rig

You just hate Obama

Actually that is not correct.
He may be a nice naive guy.
Not much to hate about him.
But thats the difference in you and me.
You hate Conservatives, I hate Liberalism.
Big difference.

so you want him gone

Yes and so do millions and millions of other Americans.
Rasmussen shows Obama has a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17
Fifty-three percent of voters disapprove of the job Obama is doing.
I am far from alone.

You hate Iran, and want it to go away

Yes I hate people that want "Death To America".
I hate enemies of the Western World and my country.
I hate people that hate democracy and freedom and fund/support killing US soldiers.
Pretty simple equation really.

Iranian Former Leader Explains Why Say "Death to America"
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 06:21:27 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 01:02:27 AM »
If Hillary runs it will be because of domestic issues, like the economy. Her experiences as SoS is just icing on the cake.


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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2010, 02:08:29 AM »
If she runs, it will be because she wants to be president, just like everyone else.

Hillary is no conservative.
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2010, 03:13:38 AM »
 ::)   Pray tell, who said, or even implied, she was a conservative??
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2010, 04:35:45 AM »
If she runs, it will be because she wants to be president, just like everyone else.

desire is important, aptitude is as well.


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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2010, 10:48:57 AM »
If she runs, it will be because she wants to be president, just like everyone else.

desire is important, aptitude is as well.
The desire is what she supplies. The aptitude is what needs to be perceived by the voters. I think Hillary would make a good president, certainly better than anything that the Republicans are likely to conjure up. But I do not think she will run, unless, as I said, something really major happens to Obama. That is just not how US politics work. Hillary is vastly better qualified to be president than Palin. And we should not assume that Palin wants to run only because she wants to lead the country, either. She has perceived that she is being paid for her celebrity, and the more celebrity she has, the more she will be paid. Being a defeated presidential candidate would give her higher fees than she is getting now. There is also a biological clock a-ticking: men get craggy and end up looking like they had character, as Redford and John Wayne did. Women turn into dessicated old crones. Greta Garbo and Sofia Loren certainl know this well, and prefer to have the public remember them as they once were. Palin's struggle is to preserve her image while itcannot be belied by her actual appearance. The one certain thing is that Palin will get wrinkly and eventually will have all the sex appeal of Madeline Albright. By which I do not mean to demean the competence of Albright. I am referring to image, and image is what Palin is being paid to project. It's really all she has.

As for nuking Iran, it is really, really dumb to want to drop weapons of mass destruction on entire populations of other human beings. Iranians are people, just like CU4. Most of them do not hate the American people, though American policy towards Iran has as much to hate about it as Iranian policy towards the US govt. Iranians have not shot down airliners full of civilian passengers and called it a mistake. Iranians have never overthrown an elected US government and imposed a tinhorn puppet king on Americans for 25 years for the benefit of greedy Iranian oil companies. Iranians do not "hate our freedoms": they merely hate what we have done to their country.
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2010, 10:51:06 AM »
Still waiting for who thinks Hillary is a conservative?
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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2010, 11:07:12 AM »
CU4 seems to be enamored with Hillary and HE thinks he is a Conservative. I am pretty sure that Hillary is not.
CU4 as a person who associates Jesus Christ with a Grover Norquestian political agenda and wants to exterminate  several hundred thousand Iranians who have never done him any harm, is the one who seems to have a contradictory view of things.

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Re: I am telling you...she is running for President!
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2010, 11:26:30 AM »
So, your claiming that Cu4 thinks Hillary is a conservative??  Really?? 

Cu4, care to clarify for the saloon?
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle