<< To name three [differences]: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point. >>
Excellent point, Einstein: The Streeters have no jobs. That is one of the things they are protesting, the gutting of America's manufacturing industries through the exportation of millions of American jobs overseas by - - you guessed it! - - by American corporations. Which I guess means they also have "a point," one of many, as it happens, which most people seem to be able to understand through the symbolism, signs and chants of the crowd. Now, showers - - Einstein has a point there - - the original Tea Party took only a few hours, so I'm guessing that the participants all went home, had a nice hot bath and washed all the red paint off their skins so that the British civil authorities couldn't arrest them for their crimes. Since the Occupation - - get that, Einstein, an OCCUPATION, not a Party - - goes on for weeks and weeks, and the participants don't get to go home during it, it would be nice if the NYPD, ever mindful of the demonstrators' lawful rights of peaceful assembly, provided some free shower facilities for them. Don't hold your breath waiting for those fascist thugs to do it, though. They're too busy spraying pepper spray in the eyes of non-violent demonstrators and whacking them with their batons.
<<No one knows what the Wall Street protesters want -- as is typical of mobs.>>
Yeah, of course no one knows. They never say why they're there. Maybe they're against . . . Wall Street? Is that too crazy to consider? Corporate America? Gee, this is really tough to figure out, but I think I finally cracked the code. Yay!!! According to my painstaking cryptographic analysis, I think that they're upset that a web of financial institutions that nearly brought the whole country to its knees financially, requiring a trillion-dollar bailout from the US Treasury and the Fed because of their sub-prime loan shenanigans are still up to the same old skullduggery, resisting new attempts to regulate them so they can't pull off any more shit like that in the future. They also seem a little bit pissed off at the massive unemployment, the real rate of which is around 20%, not the nine-point-something bullshit figure that their Wall-Street-controlled government hands out. They seem to connect it with governmental (Wall-Street-inspired) decisions. Like Free Trade and "globalization" which are code words for saying, "We will export millions of your jobs to China and 99% of you will get absolutely nothing from it while 1% of us will get obscenely rich." Some of them are concerned that social security, public health care and other frivolous wastes of money will have to be cut so the country can better afford more trillion dollar handouts to the rich, more multi-trillion-dollar corporate wars for oil, more billion-dollar bonuses to bankers and stockbrokers and other good stuff.
<<They say they want Obama re-elected, but claim to hate "Wall Street.">>
NO, Einstein. Maybe this is a good time to straighten out one of your basic misconceptions. They say they hate Wall Street, alright, but YOU say that "they want Obama re-elected." That is total bullshit, my friend. They are in the streets PRECISELY because they don't trust the electoral system at all, and have decided to bypass it completely in favour of massive civil disobedience and public pressure for change. These are folks who already voted for Obama once, and got Bush back instead. Guys who voted for "change" and got more wars, more killing, more catering to the corporations and the rich. More Guantanamo, more military trials for accused "terrorists," more immunity for torture. No sir, they do NOT "want Obama re-elected." That is total bullshit, my friend. What they would LIKE is for Obama to be Obama, the guy they voted for. But they aren't going to be fooled by him a second time.
<< You know, the same Wall Street that gave its largest campaign donation in history to Obama, who, in turn, bailed out the banks and made Goldman Sachs the fourth branch of government. >>
NOW you're getting it, Einstein. Congratulations. Wasn't that hard after all, was it?
<<But to me, the most striking difference between the tea partiers and the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd -- besides the smell of patchouli -- is how liberal protesters must claim their every gathering is historic and heroic. >>
It is heroic. Fucking pigs paid directly by Wall Street firms beat the shit out of them, arrest them, spray them in the face with pepper spray - - that's what they risk every day and that's what's heroic about it all. When was the last time you saw a Tea Party beaten up, arrested and sprayed with pepper spray? By their enemies ye shall know them - - the Tea Party represents no threat at all to the criminal class of super-rich who have bought up the U.S. government, therefore they are never pepper-sprayed, beaten or arrested by Wall Street's paid thugs.
<<They chant: "The world is watching!" "This is how democracy looks!" "We are the ones we've been waiting for!" >>
All true - - and all genuine differences with the tea party. Nobody is watching the tea party any more - - they are watching what REAL change and REAL democracy advocates are doing.
<<At the risk of acknowledging that I am, in fact, "watching," . . . >>
LMFAO. Gotvcha!!!!
<<this is most definitely not how democracy looks. >>
God no! People in the street demanding that Wall Street get out of their government, with signs advertising their grievances -- what's democratic about THAT? Democracy looks like back-room deals far away from the TV cameras where Obama makes deals with Wall Street and hires guys like Geithner, Larry Summers and others straight off Wall Street to "advise" him on how more public funds can be turned over to failed banks and financial institutions so they can pay out more billion dollar bonuses to their leaders before losing the last round of bail-out money in new reckless gambling ventures. THAT'S what real democracy looks like.
<<First of all, the Boston Tea Party was nothing like tattooed, body?pierced, sunken-chested 19-year-olds getting in fights with the police for fun.>>
So what? Neither is the Wall Street Occupation anything like "tattooed, body-pierced, "sunken-chested" (Has this guy been going around measuring the chests of the demonstrators? Actually, if he saw the video clips of the topless "We Can't Afford Shirts" Wall Street lady protestors, there was absolutely NOTHING "sunken chested" about them - - maybe this guy needs his eyes examined!!!) 19-year-olds getting in fights with the police for fun." The Occupation has people of all ages, shapes, sizes and colours. They exclude no one.
And what moron would describe being beaten with batons, kicked in the chest and back and sprayed in the face with pepper spray as "fun?" I seriously question the sanity of whatever corporate-paid ass-hole wrote this drivel. Surely Wall Street can pay writers of better ability than this to trash their opponents.
<< Revere's nighttime raid was intended exclusively to protest a new British tea tax.>>
Yeah well he was a Tea Partier alright.
<<(The Wall Street protesters would be more likely to fight for a new tax than against one.) >>
True enough, but that's only to get back the money that Wall Street stole from their Treasury in bail-outs, fraudulent savings and loan scandals, sub-prime mortgage loan scandals, oil wars, "foreign aid" to Israel, etc. The list of the Kleptocracy's thievery from the American people is just too long for one post. King George hadn't looted the American people as thoroughly as Wall Street has, the state wasn't teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, and 200 years ago nobody had pensions and social welfare benefits to be worried about.
<<Revere made sure to replace a broken lock on one of the ships and severely punished a participant who stole some of the tea for his private use. >>
Yeah? "Severely" punished? In those days the punishment for theft of anything valuable was death. What was Paul Revere? Judge, jury and executioner? What did Paul Revere DO to the tea-thief? Inquiring minds need to know. And then by way of contrast, inquiring minds also need to know, what was done by the corporate-controlled state to those who stole, not tea, but hundreds of billions of dollars, from the American people? The difference, I am sure, would be very instructive.
<<Samuel Adams defended the raid by saying that all other methods of recourse -- say, voting -- were unavailable. >>
YESSSSS!!! BINGO!!!! I guess after all you watched the Chris Hedges video I posted here where he explains EXACTLY why it is impossible today for Americans to vote against the banks and the financial industry, who have bought out all the politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle. Excellent. Glad to see that someone is finally getting it.
<<The tea partiers didn't arrogantly claim to be drafting a new Declaration of Independence. They're perfectly happy with the original. >>
Sure they are - - and so are their bosses on Wall Street. That's why they're NOT revolutionaries, they're just fucking parasites who want to continue their giant rip-off of the American working class.
<<Tea partiers didn't block traffic, sleep on sidewalks, wear ski masks, fight with the police or urinate in public. They read the Constitution, made serious policy arguments, and petitioned the government against Obama's unconstitutional big government policies, especially the stimulus bill and Obamacare. >>
How many of those thousands of protestors were "urinating in public" anyway? According to Einstein here, there should have been a torrent of pee big enough to wash away all the cops and their horses into the East River. I watched plenty of videos of these events and have yet to see even ONE guy "urinating in public," but Einstein here appears to think it's an essential part of the protest movement - - how can ya possibly confront Wall Street unless you pee in public? As for "blocking traffic," the NYPD do a pretty good job there all by themselves. I remember just a few weeks ago, on Lexington Avenue in the mid-Fifties watching as police roadblocks stopped and re-directed ALL eastbound vehicular traffic onto Lexington rather than allowing it to proceed further cross-town; AND stopping all vehicles van-size or larger on Lex for interior checking. Nobody in New York gives a shit about traffic any more. Three Fridays ago, guests coming for a Friday night dinner were held up for over two hours by police roadblocks and checkpoints on the FDR Drive. BFD, the demonstrators blocked traffic. What else is new?
<<They are probably going to succeed in throwing out a president in next year's election. >>
Fuck him, if they do, he deserves it.
<<That's what democracy looks like.>>
Sure that's what it LOOKS like, but once you realize that BOTH candidates were bought and paid for with the same Wall Street money, then you know exactly how deceptive that appearance really is. The Occupy Wall Street movement already knows that. The Tea Party is just too fucking dumb to connect the dots.