Author Topic: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout  (Read 33918 times)

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #180 on: October 19, 2011, 09:09:22 PM »
Those would be the erroneous claims that no facts have been presented, when they clearly have.  And despite your best opininated efforts, yes, they are, and the facts you do attempt to affirm, don NOT butress your notion of the MSM supposedly reporting the OWS gang in an "unfavorable" light

FACTUALLY, quite the polar opposite, Superman
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Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #181 on: October 19, 2011, 09:18:16 PM »
<< . . .  the erroneous claims that no facts have been presented, when they clearly have. >>

OK, sirs, it's possible that we are just talking past each other.  If you have presented ANY facts (apart from those that I already dealt with and demolished) that I ignored  (apart from Bozo's drivel) let me know which ones you presented, where you presented them, and if I haven't already dealt with them, I will do so now AND apologize to you for overlooking them.  Otherwise, STFU about them.

<<And despite your best opininated efforts, yes, they are, and the facts you do attempt to affirm, don NOT butress your notion of the MSM supposedly reporting the OWS gang in an "unfavorable" light>>

This is just an attempt to start another "am not!  are too!" round of so-called
"argument."  You've expressed your POV and I've expressed mine.  More than adequately.  What each of us has said can stand on its own and as we don't agree, we can just leave it there.


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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #182 on: October 19, 2011, 09:32:02 PM »
Asked and answered already in the numerous prior posts, as well as the most recent one regarding the NYTimes. 

Kind of reminds me of the Conrad Murry Trial, when after a Physician gave his testimony for the prosecution, the Defense attorny attempted to claim something along the lines of....Well, Dr, your testimony appears to be based on a lot of assumtions, correct?  The Dr's response...Well, actually, no they are facts that my testimomy is based on.  There was Propofol being used in the home.  There was no monitoring device which is required in the use of Propofol.  911 was not initiated right away.  And so on and so on and so on

Your ignoring of the facts presented, in no way dispells them or makes them as non existant.  Furthemore the facts you do try to use to support your fatally flawed notion of how the MSM reports the actions of the OWS movement....well, I can't help you.  Your template to bare, and at this point, I think we've run this into the ground
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 10:56:07 PM by sirs »
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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #183 on: October 19, 2011, 10:58:55 PM »
Yes, you may have the last word(s)  Opine away.  Still doesn't dispell the facts already presented on this topic, but I'm guessing you're itching to pull some more red is blue crud.  fire away
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout
« Reply #184 on: October 19, 2011, 10:59:52 PM »
MT:  If you have presented ANY facts (apart from those that I already dealt with and demolished) that I ignored  (apart from Bozo's drivel) let me know which ones you presented, where you presented them, and if I haven't already dealt with them, I will do so now AND apologize to you for overlooking them.  Otherwise, STFU about them.

sirs' answer:  <<Asked and answered already in the numerous prior posts . . . >>

In other words, no answersirs is not able to point to one single "fact" that he's presented to date (apart from what he found in some worthless crap rag whose reputation for truthfulness is well below zero) that I have ignored.  Despite his innumerable complaints about facts (never specified then or now) that I have been ignoring.  Except . . .

sirs' answer (continued):  << . . . as well as the most recent one regarding the NYTimes.>>

In other words, the ONLY "facts" that sirs presented that I ignored or failed to deal with were the ones from his latest post three hours ago, which I haven't yet found time to answer.  This in a thread in which his accusations of my ignoring his "facts" began just before 2 o'clock yesterday morning.

In other words, (this is hilarious) sirs has been accusing me all day yesterday and all day today of ignoring "facts" that he's posted, and yet (apart from some bullshit in a rag of zero credibility that I and apparently many others no longer even bother to rebut) the ONLY "facts" that sirs can claim I failed to respond to are those in his post of just a little over three hours ago!

sirs, excuse me, but:  WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT.  You make up shit, you can't back it up, and you force me to waste my time in defence of your bullshit accusations.  I'm sorry, and really, no hard feelings, but I am just not going to bother debating with you again.  It just isn't worth it.  I'll answer the "facts" you raised in your post of about three hours ago because I said I would, but God-damn it sirs, you have absolutely no respect for my time and to think that I need to waste it on stuff like this is just nuts.  Have a nice life.