Author Topic: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?  (Read 1411 times)

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Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:29:37 PM »
Occupy Wall Street folks tell us to blame Wall Street for the nation's financial troubles. Notice the no-fly zone over President Barack Obama. Where are the anti-President Barack Obama signs or the verbal chants denouncing the president? Imagine the protests/sit-ins/rallies/mass marches on Pennsylvania Avenue – not Wall Street – if after two years of Republican White House leadership, America remained stuck on over 9 percent unemployment!

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and President Barack Obama say they sympathize with the protesters. Of course, they do.  After over two years of reckless spending, the inflationary printing of money, massive "stimulus" that failed to "save or create" 3.5 million jobs, green technology "investments" in soon-to-be-bankrupt companies whose investors donated to and raised money for the president's election and unpopular bailouts, the dismal results are in.

What to do?

Find a scapegoatprovided it isn't Freddie, Fannie or the Community Reinvestment Act, the real culprits behind the housing meltdown. No, Wall Street will do nicely. Just keep Obama's name off the list of grievances:

"Greedy" investment bankers? Obama's second chief of staff, William Daley, previously worked as Midwest chairman for JPMorgan Chase. Obama's first chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, worked as an investment banker and pulled down $18 million in two-and-a-half years.

Bailouts? President Bush bailed out financial institutions, and Obama raised the ante, bailing out more companies, including GM and Chrysler.

Federal reserve? Obama reappointed Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Most Americans aren't buying the blame Wall Street nonsense.

One in three likely voters, according to The Hill, blame Wall Street, while 56 percent blame Washington. A USA Today/Gallup poll of all Americans found that 30 percent blame big financial institutions, with 64 percent pointing the finger at Washington. Thirty percent is still a frighteningly big number for such irresponsible scapegoating.

Yoko Ono, John Lennon's $500-million-net-worth widow, offered her support: "I love 'Occupy Wall Street'! John is sending his smile to 'Occupy Wall Street.' I am sending my love to 'Occupy Wall Street.' We are all working together. You are letting the world know that American activists are doing this. That gives them inspiration and encouragement. That is very important now for the United States and the world. As John said: 'One hero cannot do it. Each one of us have to be heroes.' And you are. Thank you. ..."

Given Ono's support for those opposing excessive greed, how does she explain away the $500 million? According to the reaction to my Facebook post on the question, not very well:

"I am betting she doesn't keep all her money in a mattress! You think she would pull all her money out of the banks or out of Wall Street? Not likely."

"Let's not forget that her late husband wrote the Marxist anthem 'Imagine' while living in a Park Avenue penthouse. 'Imagine no possessions ...'"

"She is a rich lib ... she did not earn the money she has. Thus she does not understand like most liberals what they r complaining about. Someone should ask her ... 'Hey Yoko! Thank you for working hard to keep d memory of John going. ... But d money u have now ... is it easy to keep, do u have bills to pay. ... who made your clothing ... how about d limo? Private home, vacation home ... do u shop at Walmart with d regular folks ... or at Target? U going back to ur castle in New York? How much will u give to d US Treasury?'"

"Here's a line John forgot to put in his song, 'Imagine there's no liberals. It's easy if you try.'"

"Yoko Ono!! She's still around??  Is she taking some of those nuts back to her house for shelter? Oh wait. ... They expect only U.S. to walk the walk while they just talk and talk and talk ... and go back to their alternative universe they live in. ..."

"If she never sings again, that's gift enough for me."

"But she worked hard for her money ... oh ... never mind."

As for erasing the "wealth disparity," the protesters have their work cut out for them. A 2006 study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research looked at wealth distribution worldwide. Defining "wealth" very broadly as the sum of all assets – not just financial assets – minus debts, the study concluded that:
the top 10 percent of the world's adults control about 85 percent of world's household wealth.
The top 10 percent of Americans own 69.8 percent of their country's wealth.
In Switzerland, the top 10 percent own 71.3 percent,
and in France it's 61 percent.

Meanwhile, on the West Coast, an "Occupy L.A." protester who identified herself as a Los Angeles Unified School District employee knows exactly whom to blame: "I think that the Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve – which is not run by the federal government – they need to be run out of this country."

Hey, at least she didn't blame Yoko.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 01:34:32 PM »
Shows you just how ignorant these fools are.

Michael Tee

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Re: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 02:39:26 PM »
from what I've seen and heard of them, they don't support either political party because they know that both parties got the country into the mess and neither one can get the country out.  that's because Wall Street keeps both sides on the payroll.  They notice that no matter which party gets in, Wall Street always wins.

Yoko Ono is an easy target - - rich on unearned wealth and yet supportive of the demonstrators.  Not in any way is she representative of any of the other demonstrators in the Occupation, but the article wastes a gallon of ink on her as if she were the face of the occupation.  Cheap shot.  Usual fascist BS.

The examples of waste in the Obama administration are pathetic and insignificant compared to the trillions pissed away on Bush's wars.

The contribution of deregulation and the repeal of Glass-Steagall, major causes of the 2008 melt-down, both achieved with bi-partisan support, never mentioned as a cause, only OBAMA, the demonstrators need to attack Obama.

Don't blame Wall Street, even though every available fact implicates Wall Street and/or the politicians that are in its pocket, which is to say, almost all of them.

Only one in three Americans blames Wall Street?  Fine, then where are the other 2/3?  The Tea Party raises its ugly fascist head at these Occupations only in tiny groups of a handful or two TP counter-protesters.  WHERE are the 2/3 who support Wall Street?  Maybe the Occupy! movement needs to do a better job of educational outreach to the US sheeple but I'd say that a movement that in a month has captured the support of 1/3 of the US public is doing just fantastic and will hopefully get another 1/3 in the next thirty to forty days.

The absolute absurdity of the article's arguments indicates the desperate straits in which the ruling class and it's "useful idiots" now find themselves.   The opponents of the movement are shitting themselves all over, spouting out nonsense like this article in a frantic effort to diminish the movement and hold it down.  Two words for them:  not-working.


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Re: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2011, 03:31:28 PM »
Someone sure has a burr up his butt, as it relates to trying to keep blaming Bush.  News Flash, he's gone.....for over 3years now.  The wars could have been stopped at ANY TIME, under Obama, and the 1st 2 years his Democrats controlled DC.  Gitmo could have been closed.  Now Obama has added a 3rd war, so where the hell is your outrage and perseverating on Obama's wars??
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Re: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2011, 04:07:27 PM »
There is a tendency in this country to demonize that which you don't understand.

This thread is a perfect example.


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Re: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2011, 04:14:47 PM »
former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and President Barack Obama say they sympathize with the protesters.


Pelosi in a financial disclosure form, reported that her husband owned between $250,000 and $500,000 of stock in AIG, which ceded majority control to the U.S. government this week in exchange for $85 billion of loans.

Pelosi the staunch "union supporter" Pelosi has even received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farm Workers Union. But her $25 million Napa vineyards and winery, she and her husband own are non-union shops.

Pelosi is also partners in a restaurant chain called Piatti, which has 900 employees. The chain is, you might have guessed, a non-union shop. It is a very high-end restaurant group with locations in Carmel, Sonoma and Danville to name just the locations I dined at. Hardwood-fired ovens, exhibition kitchens, Napa wines, a very nice experience.

In June 2011 is was reported that Nancy Pelosi's net worth skyrocketed 62% last year(during the recession), to a jaw-dropping $35.2 million, according to financial disclosure forms released. Her husband reported raking in $1 million to $5 million last year from a sale of Apple stocks. The couple also has a commercial property in San Francisco and a home in St. Helena, Calif., each valued between $5 million and $25 million. She also has a stake in some valuable residential real estate in Sacramento.

While Nancy Pelosi pushed hard for ObamaCare, her district was the big winner in the latest round of health care law waivers, securing almost 20 percent of the exemptions granted in April.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's husband, a real estate developer and investment banker, stands to make millions of dollars in a previously undisclosed residential real estate project in California as a partner with the father of a woman Mrs. Pelosi helped become ambassador to Hungary, records show. Paul F. Pelosi's investment in Russell Ranch is worth at least $5 million and possibly as much as $25 million in a deal put together by his friend and longtime business associate, Angelo Tsakopoulos, patriarch of a multimillion-dollar real estate development firm, according to Mrs. Pelosi's latest personal-disclosure statement.

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Re: Hey, OWS: What, no anti-Obama signs?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2011, 04:24:47 PM »
While Nancy Pelosi pushed hard for ObamaCare, her district was the big winner in the latest round of health care law waivers, securing almost 20 percent of the exemptions granted in April.

Does that not "speak volumes"?

In June 2011 is was reported that Nancy Pelosi's net worth skyrocketed 62% last year(during the recession), to a jaw-dropping $35.2 million, according to financial disclosure forms released. Her husband reported raking in $1 million to $5 million last year from a sale of Apple stocks. The couple also has a commercial property in San Francisco and a home in St. Helena, Calif., each valued between $5 million and $25 million. She also has a stake in some valuable residential real estate in Sacramento

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's husband, a real estate developer and investment banker, stands to make millions of dollars in a previously undisclosed residential real estate project in California as a partner with the father of a woman Mrs. Pelosi helped become ambassador to Hungary, records show. Paul F. Pelosi's investment in Russell Ranch is worth at least $5 million and possibly as much as $25 million in a deal put together by his friend and longtime business associate, Angelo Tsakopoulos, patriarch of a multimillion-dollar real estate development firm, according to Mrs. Pelosi's latest personal-disclosure statement.

Yea, they can sooooo associate with the "little guy".  How much do you think either of them added in tax payments, above their minimum requirement, I wonder
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle