Yeah, you're off on the Buddhist position.
Korean Zen uses "don't know mind." so I'll use that. And by the way I went over this in my first post to XO's definition of "Mu".
If you want to get to the "suchness" of something, racism, the universe, whatever, you have to come at it from "don't know mind". If you start right up using concepts, labels, notions, etc., your mind is building something that isn't there. You'll never get to the truth of it. Don't know mind is used to get to the reality of life, the suchness of things, it's not for thinking, oh fuck it, who knows? Its the same as Socrates wisdom of not knowing and serves in many ways the same purpose.
Now, did Socrates cultivate his mind using a more intellectual method than the Buddhists use? Maybe, but that would be tough to prove. I do know someone who is pretty knowledgeable on Socrates maybe I'll run it by him. He'd have an opinion no doubt, it's up his alley. I know how the Buddhists get there, and so does he.