Politics is the art of bringing people together in a spirit of compromise. We had one engineer and probable genius as president, Herbert Hoover. He was not a people person, at least when it came to running the country. He was pretty much a disaster.
There was a chance to elect Steve Forbes,and it failed rather pitifully. I am not sure of Forbes' abilities at math. His magazine tends to be overly favorable of anyone who advertises in it, but it is clearly appealing to a target audience.
Cain won't get the nomination. Changing tax laws is not all that appealing. Most people do not do their own taxes, they pay someone else to do them.
We have also elected a Nuclear Engineer, and we were disapointed that time too.
You may have a point , that math skill is not enough alone.
My counter point is that even so the lack of good math skill is critical when so many of our serious problems are mathmatical in nature.
If we elect someone who has to hire a mathmatician , but won't understand the hireling, we will be run by the unelected hireling.