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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2011, 12:17:39 PM »
You'd have to be someone who shrugs off the murder and rape of a million women to believe that the carnage left behind by Mao and Stalin is propaganda.

Any governmental formation that has a history of killing millions of its own people, communism, is not a national liberation movement, it's a national nightmare.


Michael Tee

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2011, 12:18:24 PM »
<<For a guy that uses the slur Uncle Tom against black people that's a bit of a stretch but nice try.>>

FYI, Kramer, "Uncle Tom" is not a slur against "black people" but against black whores who sell out their own people to shill for Whitey's racist GOP and expect their whoring to go un-noticed by the dumb and "brainwashed" black majority and others, and to receive the same dignity and respect for their whoring as other blacks get for fighting for their own group interests.  Never happen, Kramer.  And I've GOT to tell you how hilarious it is to see you, sirs and the other GOP racists in the group shriek in fake horror at the "racism" that you have claimed to find.  LMFAO.  Nice try yourself.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2011, 12:28:54 PM »
For a person claiming an intent in no longer trying to defend himself from perseverating racial slurs, now adding whores to the equation, you sure are spending alot of time "not defending" it.
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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2011, 12:29:24 PM »
<<For a guy that uses the slur Uncle Tom against black people that's a bit of a stretch but nice try.>>

FYI, Kramer, "Uncle Tom" is not a slur against "black people" but against black whores who sell out their own people to shill for Whitey's racist GOP and expect their whoring to go un-noticed by the dumb and "brainwashed" black majority and others, and to receive the same dignity and respect for their whoring as other blacks get for fighting for their own group interests.  Never happen, Kramer.  And I've GOT to tell you how hilarious it is to see you, sirs and the other GOP racists in the group shriek in fake horror at the "racism" that you have claimed to find.  LMFAO.  Nice try yourself.

Would you have the balls to say that directly to Thomas Sowells face on national TV?

Michael Tee

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2011, 12:30:08 PM »
<<You'd have to be someone who shrugs off the murder and rape of a million women to believe that the carnage left behind by Mao and Stalin is propaganda.>>

I didn't say they were women, I said they were Nazi bitches.  And it wasn't, unfortunately, a million but something way less than that number.  But maybe I shouldn't have shrugged it off - - however small and pitiful the real number was, it was at least a tiny step towards the payback that those fucking bastards should have received but never did.

Yeah, I know, that's just vengeful and negative.  Kinda like your own thoughts on our former gallant ally, the Red Army.  Let's just do some breathing exercises and then meditate to a place where we can see all past actions as simply failure to recognize mara for its true nature,  formed out of ignorance and not outrageous but merely infinitely sad and unenlightened.

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2011, 12:32:41 PM »
<<For a person claiming an intent in no longer trying to defend himself from perseverating racial slurs, now adding whores to the equation, you sure are spending alot of time "not defending" it.>>

I know.  It's insidious.  I can't resist the urge to rebut blatant stupidity when I see it.  Maybe I'll just have to try to limit my efforts, keep 'em short.

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2011, 12:47:30 PM »
<<Would you have the balls to say that directly to Thomas Sowells face on national TV?>>

Hell no, that would be just plain rude.  But I'd try to put it more politely.  These scum HAVE to be exposed for what they are and national TV would be the ideal place to do it.   

I guess one of the problems would be the distraction issue.  Once I called him an "Uncle Tom" the whole discussion would then be hijacked by the issue of MY alleged "racism," pretty much as happened here.  It's worse on national TV, where the debate time is strictly limited and the typical conservative trick would be to take the focus off their own racism and or Uncle Tom status by attacking the "racism" of the guy that made the call.  After I'd given him the straw-man on a silver platter, I'd never be able to get a word in edgewise.  It would be almost like begging him to please hijack the whole discussion, at my expense.  I'd have the choice of trying to defend myself against the racism charges or letting them go to discuss the issues, and giving up on the "racism" charges completely.  The TV format is really way too limiting.

Short answer - - never.  I'd rebut Sowell's allegations, I'd point out how blacks could get hurt by them and how Whitey would benefit, but I'd never overtly raise the "Uncle" or "whoring" issues to give him the opening.  The audience itself would have to conclude based on what I'd pointed out that the guy was really a whore and an Uncle Tom.   The smart ones would get it immediately, the dumb ones, never - - but they'd still see the problems with Sowell's reasoning.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2011, 01:13:21 PM »
News Flash......once you started using the racial slur, it no longer remained in the realm of "alledged"
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2011, 02:51:03 PM »
The only whore around here is you Snowblower. Whoring for some of the most murderous regimes in history. In the mean time I believe your own children, at least some of them, live here, pay taxes here, etc. I note that they didn't move to Russia, or Cuba, or some other hell hole you whore for.

The German women who were raped and murdered, and it wasn't some small pitiful number, no more deserved it than the Jews who were gassed in the camps. And the members of the Red Army who raped and murdered them were no different than the Nazies who worked in the death camps.

Further, Stalin, who sent untold millions to his camps where they died of neglect is no different than Hitler.

Drop dead Canuck.


Michael Tee

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2011, 05:33:10 PM »
<<The only whore around here is you Snowblower. Whoring for some of the most murderous regimes in history. In the mean time I believe your own children, at least some of them, live here, pay taxes here, etc. I note that they didn't move to Russia, or Cuba, or some other hell hole you whore for.>>

My kids formed their own conclusions about the world and I formed mine.  They don't think like me and they don't think like you.  I have no idea why their conclusions should be dragged into this, especially when you have absolutely no idea what they think about anything.  Don't descend beneath your own level of stupidity.

<<The German women who were raped and murdered, and it wasn't some small pitiful number, no more deserved it than the Jews who were gassed in the camps. And the members of the Red Army who raped and murdered them were no different than the Nazies who worked in the death camps.>>

They were Nazi bitches who deserved everything they got and more.  And the Red Army men who meted it out to them were heroes and destroyers of Nazis.  Youreally don't know shit about Nazis and their bitches, the Red Army or the death camps, so IMHO you really need to STFU about them.  You are just embarrassing yourself with your fucking stupidity.

<<Further, Stalin, who sent untold millions to his camps where they died of neglect is no different than Hitler.>>

You don't know shit about either one of them, so your opinions on the subject are worth less than zero. 

<<Drop dead Canuck>>

Eat my shit, motherfucker.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2011, 05:40:40 PM »
They were Nazi bitches who deserved everything they got and more.

Then why didn't Allied Force i.e. American, British & Canadian troops rape em? Because as I previously stated Russians are fucked up and that's pretty much why Russia has been fucked up the last 100 years or so.

Mike that was very insensitive of you because Nazi or not Rape is Rape and it's wrong and moral people don't do it.

Clearly the Red Army ended up surpassing what the Germans did in war crimes in 1945.

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2011, 06:03:01 PM »
<<Then why didn't Allied Force i.e. American, British & Canadian troops rape em?>>

Obviously because the Nazis had not invaded America, Britain or Canada, and had not raped and tortured and murdered American, British or Canadian women, so the Americans, British and Canadians had nothing to seek revenge for.

<<Mike that was very insensitive of you because Nazi or not Rape is Rape and it's wrong and moral people don't do it. >>

Rape and murder of a Nazi bitch is basically doing God's work on earth.  These people committed some of the most horrific crimes in the history of the planet and some kind of horrible punishment had to follow.  Even a million (BSB's purely fictitious number) would not have been close to enough - - the whole fucking country should have been annihilated in a nuclear holocaust, but unfortunately The Bomb wasn't perfected until after the Nazis were defeated.

<<Clearly the Red Army ended up surpassing what the Germans did in war crimes in 1945.>>

Kramer, that statement is so fucking ludicrous that it's actually funny.  The short answer is that like most Americans you know absolutely nothing about German war crimes, which is not really your fault, but still represents an appalling level of sheer ignorance.  Maybe you should read up on a little history before expressing opinions like that.  If I have the time, I'll try to dig up some Wikipedia or similar pieces on the crimes of the German people in WWII.  Or just look 'em up on your own.  When you learn what those fucking bastards did, you'll be able to put the rape and murder of a few Nazi bitches in its proper perspective of nothingness.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2011, 06:16:28 PM »
I doubt very seriously Kramer is minimizing the crimes of the Nazis.  I think the issue is the regime you support, and the fella running it, was pretty much just as bad/evil as messer Hitler.  Possibly worse

So, if you want to claim how horrible and egregious the Nazis were under Hitler, I don't think you're gonna find anyone here that disagrees, but knock your socks off in finding & posting whatever articles you wish to display, that likely no one's gonna disagree with
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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2011, 07:39:01 PM »
I doubt very seriously Kramer is minimizing the crimes of the Nazis.  I think the issue is the regime you support, and the fella running it, was pretty much just as bad/evil as messer Hitler.  Possibly worse

So, if you want to claim how horrible and egregious the Nazis were under Hitler, I don't think you're gonna find anyone here that disagrees, but knock your socks off in finding & posting whatever articles you wish to display, that likely no one's gonna disagree with

XO & Mike have a unique way of selectively defending & justifying evil acts. They seem as emotionalyt removed from evil and racism as Mike Dukakus was when asked what he would do if Kitty had been raped and killed, or was it killed and raped. I hope Mike & XO aren't typical of the leftist crowd or shall I say I hope leftists aren't anything like them two. This is the kind of mentality that causes genocide and ethnic cleansing.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2011, 07:52:11 PM »
I don't think so......I had a thread on what I opined as the 2 types of hard core libs.  I deduce that Xo, as wrong as he so often is, possibly fits into the more sincere liberal mode.  Tee, on the other hand, is a textbook example of the power liberal, I referenced in that thread.  Pretty scary world to think of with folks like that running societies and/or governments.  Ironically, not too far off from what Radical Islam's options are....join, be subjugated by, or die
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle