Author Topic: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea  (Read 7858 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2011, 03:59:32 AM »
<<I don't like to see women blown up, shot, captured, and tortured, and it's bad enough that it happens to our young boys.>>

Craziest fucking thing I've seen in a long time.  I think in the interests of truth and accuracy we should probably rephrase this slightly, as in:

<<I don't like to see American women blown up, shot, captured, and tortured, and it's bad enough that it happens to our young boys.>>

With or without the addition of the single adjective, the statement indicates a sickening degree of callousness that goes a long way towards explaining the lack of any real mainstream opposition to the Bush and Obama readiness to go to war as the first or second option available, rather than as a genuine last option.  Kudos to BT for recognizing and linking the underlying philosophy to chivalric codes tied to racism and less obviously to anti-Mormonism.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 05:08:24 AM »
Of course there's nothing wrong with the rape and murder of one million German women by Stalin's illiterate thugs, aka the Red Army. Or the murder of thousands and thousands of female infants in China.



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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2011, 05:17:24 AM »
Kramer the conservative lion >> I don't like to see women blown up...................<<

Gee, and I thought you just didn't like the "liberal way" we were going about killing people.


Michael Tee

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2011, 05:39:17 AM »
<<Of course there's nothing wrong with the rape and murder of one million German women by Stalin's illiterate thugs, aka the Red Army. >>

Those so-called "illiterate thugs" are what kept me and my mum and dad and millions like us out of the gas chambers.  And as for the German women raped and killed by the Red Army, fuck those Nazi bitches, I only wish it really WAS one million of them.  Compared to what their men did in Eastern Europe and Russia, one million is way too small a number for any meaningful payback.  It's not even on the radar.  They should just thank their fucking God that it was a Red Army and not a Jewish army that came to take their revenge on them.  Since you don't seem to have a clue WTF you are talking about here, it would be better for you to just STFU.

<<Or the murder of thousands and thousands of female infants in China. >>

Female infanticide was practiced all over Asia for millennia.  Life is very hard for hundreds of millions of people over there, attitudes toward human life are way different than ours.  When their living standards are raised, as the CCP is trying to raise them, more liberal and humane values will naturally come to prevail there.  I certainly believe that whatever the current rate of female infanticide is in China, it would be way less than what it was there a hundred years ago.  And for that, we can thank the CCP.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2011, 06:20:09 AM »

  Is 20% insignifigant?

   There is a reason to prefer that women be protected by men to the reverse, it is a bit harsh. 
    Loosing up to 20% of the populations males does not impact the reproductive capability of the population significantly.

    Each percent of females lost is directly a percent of reproductive capability lost.

   China, India, even Korea may in a few years have 15% or so more males than females in their early twentys.

     Especially in China with its history of ignoring the rights of the individual , this suggests that the solution will be self starting as the males will start shooting each other.  Might as well draft them and make them shoot the excess males of other countrys rather than allow them to shoot up their hometowns.

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2011, 06:48:15 AM »
AS the father of two lovely, educated and talented women, I certainly don't want to be seen as minimizing the horrors of female infanticide.  (My daughters would kill me!)  It's a desperate measure arising out of desperate circumstances that no family should have to endure.  But in Asia, it's just an ugly reality, and obviously not a by-product of communism so much as a long-standing perceived survival mechanism deeply embedded in the various local cultures.  I think a large part of it is just sheer stupidity, the culture not permitting the families to see the illogic implicit in their "survival mechanism."  Education and better standards of living seem to be the best answers.  But the prejudice runs deep, and it's pervasive through all classes.

Back a few years when my wife was pregnant with our first child, I happened to run into a well-educated, young, upper-class Pakistani fellow who had worked for me but then left amicably to return to school.  We were catching up on each other's news, when I told him my wife was expecting, and I still remember how his face lit up and he shook my hand, saying "Congratulations, sir!  May it be a boy!!!"


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2011, 07:03:47 AM »
"gendercide" in China:

BTW, Stalin and his illiterate thugs, along with Mao and his illiterate thugs slautered more people, mostly their own people, than all of our prsidents put together.



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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2011, 10:35:28 AM »
They won't be shooting each other so much, because China has pretty effective gun control.

There is no 2nd Amendment to the Chinese Constitution.

Maybe they will use knives.

Excess males are preferable to starvation, which is the alternative.
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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2011, 11:15:38 AM »
Your position is based on some sort of Chivalry.

You know i read somewhere where anti-mormonism as well as jim crow laws were based primarily on the chivalrous intent of southern men.

Not that your position and that tidbit are related. But your position remi9nded me of reading that.

Be that as it may our country should vigorously defend it's women and children and if it were absolutely necessary that our women go to battle then so be it. I celebrate that we don't have to as Israel is required. And I do not see it as discrimination; on the contrary, our nation should have a higher regard for our women. What has changed since WWII? And since women birth children they should be there to raise them. I see a huge disconnect building in society with our children growing up without proper rearing. Our country is paying a heavy price for our children not being raised in proper families. Likely many of the defects that are protesting in our cities these days have been raised in dysfunctional homes.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2011, 11:21:32 AM »
Not only did the CCP encourage "gendercide", Snowblower, by its one child per family edict it owns the "gendercide" as surely as Hitler owned the ovens.



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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2011, 11:29:01 AM »
Yeah, I'm sure that having a few women in spec ops will lead to more protests down the road.



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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2011, 11:49:17 AM »
China's gun control not all that effective.

Yes, XO, lets curb international population growth by killing all the infant girls. And maybe we can kill 100,000,000 people every so often like Stalin while we're at it. That should curb some of the starvation around the globe.   



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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2011, 11:52:25 AM »
Yeah, I'm sure that having a few women in spec ops will lead to more protests down the road.


Dave Halloween is approaching. Got an idea for a costume that you might want to wear.

Dress up as the pirate Long John Silver.

Michael Tee

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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2011, 11:53:46 AM »
<<BTW, Stalin and his illiterate thugs, along with Mao and his illiterate thugs slautered more people, mostly their own people, than all of our prsidents put together. >>

Well, obviously, you can choose to believe Cold War propaganda bullshit or you can choose to laugh it off for the ludicrous crap that it is, and we've each made our choices.

There's also a question of WHO got killed by each side - - Stalin and Mao aimed at the enemies of the people, the USA (post-WWII) aimed at nationalist fighters for independence and their civilian supporters.  I'll admit that plenty of targeting mistakes were made by both sides.  However, while I don't see anything wrong with killing the enemies of the people, I sure as hell have an objection to torturing and murdering fighters for national independence and their families.


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Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2011, 11:57:13 AM »
Kudos to BT for recognizing and linking the underlying philosophy to chivalric codes tied to racism and less obviously to anti-Mormonism.

For a guy that uses the slur Uncle Tom against black people that's a bit of a stretch but nice try.