It's kinda simple mathematics, IMHO. ANY addition to the status quo is an ADDITION, as in more Government. My notion, which you've passed on as the status quo, which it isn't, its merely the results of Government NOT doing what they're mandated to do, adds nothing. You are ADDING, which you can opine is "very little", but without removing something in the process, is ADDING to an already ginormous Government bureaucracy
So, while we can both be singing the same chorus on how detrimental ILLEGAL immigration (because we know there are a plethora of leftists who'll try to mutate our positions as being supposedly against immigration in general) is to this country, our unrealistic approaches are apparently very different, in that one (mine), supports a more narrow, enforce, enforce, enforce, using current law and current methods, while yours apparently is focusing on more bureaucracy and the ever famous saying "show me your papers" approach. And will STILL require a level of enforcement that we currently don't have