I plan that never sees the light of day!
So THAT'S it! How clever!
I've lost track of how many bills (PLANS) the House has passed that continue to gather cobwebs on Reid's senate desk. It's not "clever" nor "secret", its FACT
The Republicans don't have sh!t.
I'll take theirs over what the Dems are trying to cover us with, in a heartbeat. One that will actually make a dent in both our debt and unemployment, that MIGHT pull of out of this Obamabyss that's going to be thrown onto our children, and their children's children.
I realize you don't care, since you'll be long since dead, like me, but apparently I, and many others, come Nov, actually do, and will make the necessary decisions to reverse this Greece-like course Obama & the Dems are taking us down
And nice non-answer on those apparently secret "tax breaks", that only you seem to be privvy to, but can't seem to share with the rest of us