Author Topic: Federal Appeals Court Rules California's Ban on Gay Marriage Is Unconstitution  (Read 2485 times)

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Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 -- 1:16 PM EST
Federal Appeals Court Rules California’s Ban on Gay Marriage Is Unconstitutional
A federal appeals court panel ruled Tuesday that a voter-approved ban on gay marriage in California violated the Constitution, all but ensuring that the case will proceed to the United States Supreme Court.

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OBAMA: "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman."

Barack Obama on Gay Marriage
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Also keep in mind, the left & pro-gay folks have the template already set.

If the law is agreed upon by SCOTUS as unconstitutional, folks will say "See...told ya so"

If the voter approved legislation is upheld as Constitutional, those same folks will say "See...told yo SCOTUS was right wing"
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What I find silly was the prop 8 people actually thought when this law passed the opposition will just give up.

This was always going to be a long dragged out fight . In fact i know no matter what the outcome this will be. The fighting will still continue. This is not gonna go away fr awhile.


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It is pretty clear that Obama simply did not want to turn the campaign into a referendum on gay marriage. He said what he said because it was what he needed to say to defuse the issue. Of course, he has taken no action on this issue because such thins are not up to the President.

53% favor allowing gays to marry. Those who oppose it are violently against it because of their weird religious indoctrination.

I have no desire to marry another man at all, so I am not a fanatic on the issue.

Eventually this will be resolved by gay marriages being legal within all or most of the country.

Within 100 years, we will have gay Catholic priests and women priests. Within 20 years, I predict a pregnant Pope. Within 300, a gay pregnant Pope.

Remember, you heard it first here.
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Those who oppose it are violently against it because of their weird religious indoctrination.

Let's see some FACTS to back up that asanine claim.  The all too rare hate crime, where the victim happens to be gay, doesn't quite cut it.  I'm opposed to it, precisely because of my Chrisitianity.  How the hell does that translate into "violently against it"??  Let's see some stats.  Your all too often wrong say so, isn't going to cut it

Eventually this will be resolved by gay marriages being legal within all or most of the country.

Unless SCOTUS sets a precedent, otherwise.  Then we'll see what the majority of each state thinks, and not just some poll

« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 02:31:19 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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You are too much of a wuss to be violent, but there are others with hour religious based insane beliefs that are violent.

It harms you not one bit if Adam marries Steve. You have probably never seen the marriage license of any of your straight neighbors: why should you care if your gay neighbors have one? You shouldn't, of course, but you do, because you are apparently an obsessed sicko.
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You are too much of a wuss to be violent, but there are others with hour religious based insane beliefs that are violent. one has to be either a wuss or be violent.  Those are the only 2 options.  I guess that makes you a wuss as well, on pretty much every other issue

Not to mention there are are a plethora of leftists with their own insane beliefs, that lead to violence.  We had an exponential number of examples with all those OWS protests

And sorry, your rationalizations aside, there are certain actions that are sinful, in the eyes of God.  Simple as that.  Doesn't have to personally harm me for someone else's actions to be a sin, nor does it prevent me from still loving them as a Christian

But cudos on the number of times you made insults in that last post, not to mention ZERO facts to back up the asanine claim, in the 1st place.  Just that ever present wrong say so, of yours

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If Adam marrying Steve is a sin, it is not YOUR sin, not even if you pay taxes to a government to approves of the marriage.

God is probably smart enough to put whatever blame he wishes on the right party. I fail to see where you could be blamed.
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If Adam marrying Steve is a sin, it is not YOUR sin, not even if you pay taxes to a government to approves of the marriage.

Never said it was, nor did I claim that the simple act of "marriage" was the sin in question.  If someone murders someone else, it's not my sin either.  In those immortal what?  Sin is still sin, and this has squat to do with blaming anyone for anything      :o

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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So what is the sin, exactly?
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If I were answering like Bt, I'd say go google it.  But to answer the question, the sin is Homosexuality.  Pretty cut & dry on that one
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Adam and Steve live together and practice homosexuality.

If the State of California issues them a marriage license, they will do the same thing.

Do you actually think that if the State of California issues them a marriage license, God will hold YOU responsible?

Why oppose their getting the marriage license? It has no effect whatever on you.
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Adam and Steve live together and practice homosexuality.

The practice is the sin.  Not the marriage

If the State of California issues them a marriage license, they will do the same thing.

and....?  Do I care?  Of course not.  It doesn't effect me, in anyway.  So long as they're not breaking any laws or hurting anyone else, they can do whatever they want to do     ::)   oy

Do you actually think that if the State of California issues them a marriage license, God will hold YOU responsible?

Nope.  He will note if I am following his guidelines as a Christian

Why oppose their getting the marriage license? It has no effect whatever on you.

Because its an ongoing effort to try and legitimize the sin.  An ongoing effort to remove the stigma of the act.  "Hey, if their 'marriage' is recognized by the state, then what they do, must be ok"

Sorry, it's not.  But I've already downgraded my position, in that I'll accept a legal arrangement between the 2.  Carries all the legal do's & don'ts, to make everyone all giddy inside.  Just don't call it marriage
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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