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Missing spending cuts
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:05:01 PM »
The President and his staff have not proposed any spending cuts.

Not anything.

I guess the idea of a balanced deal is over.

I thiunk we are doing the sequestration,(fiscal cliff) because it is more fair than anythingf proposed so far, unfortunately it amounts to an austerity program, and it is gonna hurt for a while.


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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 07:25:21 PM »
I thiunk we are doing the sequestration,(fiscal cliff) because it is more fair than

i doubt's a game of chicken
both corrupt parties will not let that happen
the Taxocrat Socialist are more evil
and the wussie Bonyer types will cave
they will kick the can down the road again and again and again
with promises of reform
sooner or later reality will stop the disgraceful non-sense, but i doubt it will be now
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 07:56:15 PM »
At best the fiscal cliff will be the sort of brinksmanship that got our bond rating reduced a cupple of years ago.

At worst it could become a weightloss program , useing amputation, plus a tax increase much larger than the President has asked for.

So why isn't the president interested in meeting about halfway?

Because he just won an election that is why , compromise isn't all that interesting.


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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 08:52:37 PM »
The President and his staff have not proposed any spending cuts.

Not anything.

Are you serious?  ALL this guff we get from the Dems and the WH, of all this NEED for a BALANCED approach, and NOTHING, but more class warfare garbage and talk about GOP "cracking" as it relates to their no new taxes pledges?

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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 12:41:42 AM »
What's that  I hear?

There are the sounds of water splashing.

They seem to be coming from Grover Norquest's bathtub.
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2012, 03:08:34 AM »
What's that  I hear?

An effort at trying to have a civil debate, and discuss the current hypocrisy, coming from DC Dems.  You should try it sometime

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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 06:41:54 AM »
What's that  I hear?

There are the sounds of water splashing.

They seem to be coming from Grover Norquest's bathtub.


Only in our dreams.

What is realy going to happen is that the government will continue to grow like a cancer untill our country cannot support it anymore , then it will fall like a Jenga tower with an anvil on the top of it.

That is what our nation has voted to have , we are going to achieve the demise we deserve.


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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2012, 11:02:18 AM »
Yep      :-[
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2012, 11:17:51 AM »
Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, says he “burst into laughter” Thursday when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner outlined the administration proposal for averting the fiscal cliff.  He wasn’t trying to embarrass Geithner, McConnell says, only responding candidly to his one-sided plan, explicit on tax increases, vague on spending cuts.

Geithner’s visit to his office left McConnell discouraged about reaching a “balanced” deal on tax hikes and spending reductions designed to prevent a shock to the economy in January.  “Nothing good is happening” in the negotiations, McConnell says, because of Obama’s insistence on tax rate hikes for the wealthy but unwillingness to embrace serious spending cuts.

Geithner suggested $1.6 trillion in tax increases, McConnell says, but showed “minimal or no interest” in spending cuts. When congressional leaders went to the White House three days after the election, Obama talked of possible curbs on the explosive growth of food stamps and Social Security disability payments. But since Geithner didn’t mention them, those reductions appear to be off the table now, McConnell says.

Obama is pushing to raise the tax rates on couples earning more than $250,000 and individuals earning more than $200,000. But those wouldn’t produce revenues anywhere near $1.6 trillion over a decade.

The “guess” of those involved in the negotiations, Politico reported, is that a bipartisan deal “will include a rate hike, higher taxes on carried interest and probably capital gains and dividends, and either a cap on total deductions for rich people or some form of a minimum tax rate for them.”

House speaker John Boehner said today that nothing has been agreed to. “No substantive progress has been made.”

Besides raising taxes, Geithner was reported to have proposed a one-year delay in scheduled $1.2 trillion spending cuts to defense and domestic, and a $400 billion reduction in Medicare funding.  The $1.2 trillion in cuts was mandated after Congress failed to reach an agreement in 2011 on reductions.

Obama has talked up what he calls a “balanced” approach to averting the fiscal cliff of tax hikes and spending cuts in January.  But he’s offered few specifics on the spending side.

Remember all the grief being thrown at Romney, because he was being too vague?
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 12:20:12 PM »
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2012, 02:05:48 PM »
I don't think common sense is generally considered in liberal group think     :o
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2012, 06:17:42 PM »
Q: One of the things Speaker Boehner said this morning was that any increase in the debt limit would have to be matched by or exceeded by further spending cuts. That's the same kind of rhetoric that we heard in 2011. Are you concerned that that is being used as leverage again in a way that could be damaging to the United States?

JAY CARNEY: That's a good question, I was struck by that myself. I'd say two things about that: Asking that a political price be paid in order for Congress to do its job to ensure that the United States of America pays its bills and does not default for the first time in its history is deeply irresponsible. It was deeply irresponsible in the summer of 2011 and it would be deeply irresponsible if we were to see that kind of approach taken again. The President absolutely expects Congress to do its job, and one of the jobs that Congress has is to make sure the United States government pays its bills as the greatest economy and the greatest country on earth -- we pay our bills

Apparently spending cuts are now "deeply irresponsible".  So much for the "balanced approach"
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Re: Missing spending cuts
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2012, 07:22:59 PM »
Q: One of the things Speaker Boehner said this morning was that any increase in the debt limit would have to be matched by or exceeded by further spending cuts. That's the same kind of rhetoric that we heard in 2011. Are you concerned that that is being used as leverage again in a way that could be damaging to the United States?

JAY CARNEY: That's a good question, I was struck by that myself. I'd say two things about that: Asking that a political price be paid in order for Congress to do its job to ensure that the United States of America pays its bills and does not default for the first time in its history is deeply irresponsible. It was deeply irresponsible in the summer of 2011 and it would be deeply irresponsible if we were to see that kind of approach taken again. The President absolutely expects Congress to do its job, and one of the jobs that Congress has is to make sure the United States government pays its bills as the greatest economy and the greatest country on earth -- we pay our bills

Apparently spending cuts are now "deeply irresponsible".  So much for the "balanced approach"

Ouch !

My intelligence has been insulted.