Author Topic: CNN Wolf Blitzer: If Sequestration Is So Horrible, Why Did Obama Propose it?  (Read 3517 times)

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"How can they claim to say they are against the government intruding on the rights of individuals when they want to control a woman's choices for reproduction, tell people that gays should have no rights to marry because of what they do in the bedroom, and blather about the greatness of profit medicine,and offer no choices for those who think that it is a bad idea?"

Exactly, that's why I got out. Interesting that the idea of mandatory medical insurance came from a conservative think tank but now the right is against it.



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Give me some examples.

Republicans may not like as big a government as Democrats, but they do like big government
Simply look at spending.....over the last Presidents of either's exploded!
Look at the growth of government over the last Presidents of either's exploded.
Look at illegal immigration..the Republicans have caved and/or done's exploded.
The stunning 2010 midterm election victories happened because a conservative opposition loudly and vociferously convinced a majority of Americans that ObamaCare would be harmful to them. And then that fantastic engine of change was packed away and replaced with political consultants who were all focused on seizing the center and offending as few people as possible. But you don't win political battles by being inoffensive. And you don't win elections by avoiding conflict.
The Republicans have basically sold us down the river to the statists/globalists.
Both parties are basically funded by the same corporate interests
Both parties are "owned" by big money and big banks.
Wall Street dominated Bush economics/bailouts and dominates Obama economics/bailouts.
The Republicans like Democrats are big spenders, paper-money inflationists and crony capitalists.
They pick wimpy ass cave in leaders like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.

All money bills must originate in the House: Obama cannot so much as add one paperclip to this government if the House refuses to pay for it. They have way more power than they think. They can force Obama to heel in a thousand ways. They are terrible negotiators
The New Year's Eve vote (89-8) in favor of the fiscal cliff compromise engineered by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Vice President Joe Biden. All but five of the Republicans from this lame duck session voted for it: Marco Rubio (FL), Mike Lee (UT), Rand Paul (KY), Richard Shelby (AL), and Charles Grassley (IA). This was a violation of Republicans 2011 pledge to cut spending.  The McConnell-Biden compromise spends $41 more for every $1 in revenue it brings in.
The GOP elites have proven that for at least the last 8 years when they have fought against or refused to help with funding campaigns of real candidates. When they have done redistricting as in the case of Allen West, withheld funding to Michele Bachmann who was up against serious money from the opposition, and the same with Sharron Angle who had no GOP support in her serious race against career politician Harry Reid.
President George Bush created "diversity visas" massively increased legal immigration and eliminated the English requirement on the naturalization test.
NJ Gov Chris Christie in a "love fest" with Obama weeks before the election.
Republican Supreme Court Justice Roberts ok's ObamaCare.
Despite lofty platform claims, both parties opted for $billion bailouts & $trillion deficits, favoring corrupt bankers over fiscal propriety and balanced budgets - they won, american people lost.
Both current & former administrations passed major changes to first, the Prescription Drugs Act and later, the Universal Healthcare Act, adding $billions to unfunded liabilities. Both Obama and Romney are in favor of State-mandated universal health care.
Both parties believe in welfare as a tool of wealth distribution - with different recipients.
One prefers to give it to struggling individuals and the other to struggling corporations.

the list goes on and on....

the Republicans are the lesser of two evils....but still evil
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Interesting that the idea of mandatory medical insurance came from a conservative think tank but now the right is against it.

What is so interesting about that? I'm for true universal health care paid for with a sales tax.


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When many of the rightwingers say they want a smaller government, what they REALLY mean is that they don't want to have to stop polluting, stop swindling the public, stop treating their employees like crap,and stop taxing them. They are all for perpetual war with people they don't like, such as all Muslims (though they will always find an enemy somewhere).

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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When many of the rightwingers say they want a smaller government, what they REALLY mean is that they don't want to have to stop polluting, stop swindling the public, stop treating their employees like crap,and stop taxing them. They are all for perpetual war with people they don't like, such as all Muslims (though they will always find an enemy somewhere).

I want smaller government.


Do not translate !

DO NOT TRANSLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want smaller government.

And if I want to say some other thing I will not need to use any code. I know the English words for what I mean to say.

But if you want to translate everything I say, I might as well just let you do all my talking for me while I hold silence, saving work for my keybord and giving your imagination a workout.

Meanwhile we are well on our way twards having a lot more government than we can afford, why are we in need of so much direction? Don't most of us have a mind?


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What is the right size of the Government?

Is the proper size of government determined by how much we can afford, or how much we need?

Or neither?

Right now I think we have a government that continues to grow past all need or ability to be paid for, if we had only the government we needed it would be much smaller than it is.

If we had only the government we coudl afford, it would be about 40% smaller than it is.


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When i as a member of the right say i want smaller government i mean i want a government as close to the governed as possible.

Today or yesterday Obama was campaigning against the sequestration he introduced by pointing out how many policemen, firemen and other first responders would no longer be there to answer our calls.

I can remember when those functions were handled by local governments, paid for by local taxpayers and administered by those taxpayers neighbors.

That is the small government i long for.


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Well, CU, opposition to the power of big money in Washington is universal so I won't count that. And yes, of course, Washington is a mess at the moment.

Now for the rest of it. Too many complaints for me to comment on. I get the jest though. I've heard it all before from friends and non friends. I'll sum up my response this way. This isn't 1950. Times have changed. America has changed. The world has changed. You're fight, CU, isn't with the Republican party, it's with a reality that you seem unable to accept. Safety net programs will continue. Eleven million illegal immigrants aren't going to be rounded up and sent packing. Governors like Chris Christie are going to thank Presidents when they come to their aid after a natural disaster whether you like the timing or not.

I know a lot of people who think the way you do. Believe it not, because I live in Massachusetts, a lot of them are Democrats. That's right, you'd be surprised how many hard working blue collar Democrats in this state think exactly like you do. Firemen, police officers, nurses, state workers, tradesmen, etc. There was a time when I understood it, no longer. Why? It won't work. I'm too old now to be anything but a realist.



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What's with all this nostalgia from the right? Small gov'ment. Local control. Longing for the "good" old days. Fugetabotit! For right now, and into the foreseeable future, that just ain't going to happen. I'm not saying that's good, or bad. I'm saying you can pack that stuff in a trunk and carry it up to the attic. Oh, and I'm not saying we should have more gov'ment, or that it shouldn't be run efficiently. I'm just saying SMALL gov'ment is not going to happen at this point in time.

Understand something. The world is changing at warp speed. There is absolutely no way a SMALL government is going to be able to keep up with that change in a way that is beneficial for its citizens. And the private sector can not do it alone. I'll give you this. 100 years from now history may say that was wrongheaded. You never know. But no one in their right mind would take that gamble now. 



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Today or yesterday Obama was campaigning against the sequestration he introduced by pointing out how many policemen, firemen and other first responders would no longer be there to answer our calls.

I can remember when those functions were handled by local governments, paid for by local taxpayers and administered by those taxpayers neighbors.

That is the small government i long for.
First off, the police and firemen are STILL local. You do not call DC when you want them, and they do not come from DC.

Second, what you are talking about is not smaller government, it is simply a dispute about WHICH government is responsible for what services.

The federal government simply provides a few services to the local governments that they do not or cannot provide for themselves.

The 40% smaller government Plane says he wants would likely be a government in which he was not employed by the government.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Yeah, plane himself works for the government. I suspect Sirs does to by the amount of time he spends in here.



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Oooo, nice trashing of public service and Government employees.  Quite the irony,  Bravo

Oh, and I love the rationalizations being used regarding "big government" vs "small government".  We have a "rule book", its called the Constitution.  Whatever is not explicity referenced in the Constitution is then the pervuew of state and local Governments, as Bt was referencing.  Just because 'times are changing", doesn't equate in ignoring the rule book.  I realize the left does that routinely, whether its the 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, 4th amendment, etc., but the founders put into place the mechanisms to amend the "rule book", should "times have changed". 

You don't ignore the rules, you amend them.  Until then, the emotional rationalizations as to why they should be ignored fly squarely in the face of reality, which IS the Constitution of United States
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The rule book does not say one word about small government or big government.

I have an excuse, as I have retired after 52 years of gainful employment, but sirs seems to be here 24/7. Perhaps mrs sirs is his "sugar momma".
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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The rule book does not say one word about small government or big government.

Actually it lays out specifically what the Fed can and more so, CAN'T do.  That makes it all about small vs big.  Anything not clearly deliniated in the Constitution is NOT a function of the Fed

You don't like it....then amend the rules, and add some functions....AS IT WAS DESIGNED to be

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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FACT: Average annual deficit by GWB from 2001 to 2008 was 500 billion dollars.

FACT: Average annual deficit by BHO from 2009 to 2012 was 1.5 trillion dollars.

And Obama is worried about a piddly 80 billion dollar sequester???

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987