Here's the a society founded on freedom, there will ALWAYS be some level of poverty. People have the freedom to choose...not to work, not to contribute, to be a bump on the proverbial society log. As such, Government has no ability to "end" poverty. That requires socialism, where everyone is made to be equally miserable, while the elites in Government take in everyone's income, then divvy it all up "equally", as they see fit, and dictate how and what everyone is to do. THAT is the only venue where poverty could be ended by Government
In a Freedom founded society, the best Government can do is make sure no one is illegally profitting over someone else. However, there will be poverty & there will be very rich people. For anyone to have a problem with rich people, simply for being rich, has a serious problem themselves. As long as they've made their money legally, its their money, to do with it, what they want, and how they want, so long as it's legal