When every American can get adequate health care and every American child has the chance to get enough education to live a productive life, then we will be taxed enough.
The average Black family has $200 in liquid assets.
The average Hispanic family has $300.
The average White family has $23000.
A very few people are too disabled to enter the workforce. There are far too many Americans that are simply insane when they do not take their meds that are roaming about. Often the solution is to throw them in jail. This is expensive and does not work.
It is, and it should be ,rare for people to be forced to take medication.
A socialist remedy for people unable to work have very few opponents.
Are you accusing minority people of having bad habits?
Or is this a reason to steal from the haves and hand it to the have nots?
Some portion of the poor are not going to stay poor because they are smart and productive, a good combination that is beneficial for any race.
When every American can get adequate health care and every American child has the chance to get enough education to live a productive life, then we will be taxed enough.
By this formula we are taxed depending more on the desired result than on our ability to pay the tax, this is exactly where the hard thinking needs to be applied to strike that balance you mentioned.
By this formula there is no top to "enough" and taxes that made the government into the entire economy would not be high enough.
There could be a lot of health care with no tax spent on it , so what is "enough" health care? When people don't die anymore the expense of medical care will stop rising.
Is spending the main problem with education? Aren't there places getting better results spending less per student than we already do?
Taxes are like every other expenditure , there is a point of diminishing returns, and my argument is that this point is far in the past.
Money not taken out of the public is not wasted , at least not wasted at the rate that the government wastes it.