Author Topic: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?  (Read 2592 times)

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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2007, 04:19:17 PM »
>>And the Protestants are still going "You're Catholic? You're going to hell!"<<

That's pretty mild actually.

It is, but that doesn't make it right for us to return the favor.

I was never taught this, nor were my friends who were in other mainline Protestant churches.  Only when I moved to the Midwest did I encounter that belief. 
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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2007, 05:36:40 PM »
Check out the full strength.

Claims by Chick Publications
Chick's tracts and other publications make many controversial claims. Some are typical of conservative Protestant beliefs ? for instance, Chick claims that evolution is a fraud [11], homosexuality is sinful [12], and abortion is murder [13]. Others are controversial even within conservative Protestantism.

In particular, Chick's tracts make frequent reference to a vast Satanic conspiracy controlling many of the world's organisations and institutions. Religions other than fundamentalist Protestantism are generally presented as instruments of Satanism; Chick claims that the King James Version of the Bible is the only recorded word of God, and all other editions are corrupt[14]. Christian ecumenism is rejected as a ploy to corrupt true Christianity by encouraging acceptance of corrupted beliefs.
A recurring theme in Chick's tracts is the role of the Roman Catholic Church, which he presents as one of the most powerful and insidious branches of this conspiracy. According to Chick the Catholic Church is the 'Great Whore' referred to in the Book of Revelation, and will bring about a Satanic New World Order [15][16] before it is destroyed by Jesus Christ.

Drawing on the dubious claims of Alberto Rivera, Chick claims that the Catholic Church helped to mold Islam as a tool to lure people away from Christianity [17], that it infiltrates and attempts to destroy or corrupt all other religions and churches [18], and that it uses various means including seduction, framing, and murder to silence its critics [19]. He accuses Catholicism of supporting ideologies such as Nazism and Communism, and using the Holocaust to persecute opponents of the Catholic Church [20][21].

Various forms of occultism are also presented as part of a Satanic conspiracy. Most forms of fantasy and presentations of magic ? including Harry Potter [22], Dungeons and Dragons [23], and Halloween celebrations [24] ? are portrayed as an attempt to draw children into Witchcraft, represented as a tool of Satan.


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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2007, 06:03:19 PM »
You dilute the message Christ lived and died for by applying whitewash to the entire matter, thereby reducing the focus of the Message, namely that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father (want me to quote Scripture verses to you?)

Therefore, you cannot go to Heaven at your appointed time without believing in Jesus Christ as Messiah/Son of God/Lion oj Judah et al. This, of course, means that Heaven is forever locked out to other faiths, but God made these rules, ladies and gentlemen. Many times mankind attempts tp apply our 21st century perspectives on issues like this without realizing that it is, what is is. No watering down of the Gispel is called for and is not necessary. Believe and be saved, don't and hope asbestos is effective.

This may sound harsh by our current sensibilites, but that is just the way it is. Universalists and so on just attempt to get around the issue because it lets them do what they want and still, in God's eyes, be acceptable as far as salvation. Won't work. Never will.

Beyond this, are you Armenian in outlook,  or Calvin or Wesleyan?
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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2007, 06:06:21 PM »
Oh, Christ, a true believer, brain not intact.


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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2007, 06:07:16 PM »
Should we worry more about the truth or the harshness of such assertion?


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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2007, 06:10:54 PM »
One of the things that makes thoughts like Professor's absurd is that, without much structural change, it provided a model for Nazism (in this regard), the latter being the polar opposite of what Jesus was about.

Michael Tee

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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2007, 11:10:06 PM »
<<Therefore, you cannot go to Heaven at your appointed time without believing in Jesus Christ as Messiah/Son of God/Lion oj Judah et al. This, of course, means that Heaven is forever locked out to other faiths, but God made these rules, ladies and gentlemen. Many times mankind attempts tp apply our 21st century perspectives on issues like this without realizing that it is, what is is. No watering down of the Gispel is called for and is not necessary. Believe and be saved, don't and hope asbestos is effective.>>

I think this is total bullshit.  If there is a God His commandment was clearly to the Jews and nobody else to have no other gods before Him.  This means you worship God and nobody else.  No sons, no daughters, no nieces, no nephews.  A Jew who worships Jesus or claims that Jesus was a god is in really deep shit, IMHO.   He's a blaspheming son of a bitch and unless God really loves him for some other reason he is going to pay big-time for his apostasy.  Every male Jew is circumcised as a sign of a continuing covenant between God and the Jewish people that began with Abraham and that covenant is meant to go on forever.  To worship Jesus Christ as a God is to break the Covenant and then it is up to God what is going to happen to the guy but I would not want to be in his shoes (if there really is a God.) 

As far as Christians or Gentiles worshiping Jesus, what difference does it really make?  God never ordered them to worship Him and  personally I don't think He gives a shit.  Before Jesus came along, they would worship anything - - rocks, idols or even snakes, so in some sense, you could say that Jesus-worship is some kind of improvement on their previous spiritual lives, but it's really comical when they talk like the Professor and get on their so-called high horse to denounce the rest of the world.  The rest of the world is pretty much in the same boat as they are, only they are the ones with the most blood on their hands so they probably have the most to answer for, if God cares what they did.  My own guess is that God loves them like the animals of the forest because he lets them get away with murder, fornication, massacre, torture, etc. and they never pay the price any more than the wolf pays the price for killing the deer.  The difference of course being that the wolf eats his kill.  So it's kind of a mystery to me, but it really isn't any of my business.  If there's a God, He knows what He is doing and he'll probably take care of these guys in His own sweet time.  Or not.  Maybe they're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing.  Nobody really knows.  If there IS a God, life's just one big hidden mystery and if there isn't, it's just a puzzle waiting to be all put together by scientists who've already put together lots.  But who the fuck really knows, eh?


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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2007, 11:59:07 PM »
In spite of the numerous organized religions who believe in a Heaven/Hell destination after death, none of us really know for sure what we will face once our lives end.  The concepts serve a purpose as incentives to follow the precepts and guidelines of a chosen faith - if you do all the right stuff, you'll gain the rewards of Heaven.  If you screw up, you'll be denied entrance and depending on the magnitude of your infractions, you might even be condemned to eternal Hell.  For some, the idea of Hell isn't the fire brimstone version, but having to dwell in the absence of God's glory as a direct consequence of their actions.

I don't believe that there is just nothingness after we die, but where that undefinable thing that makes each person unique goes, I don't know.  What I do know is that we'll all find out someday, and I'm fairly certain that some of us are in for a big surprise. That's why the Golden Rule makes the best guideline for all of us - it encourages acceptance and empathy towards others, even if they don't share our beliefs.  Who knows?  They might be the ones checking off names in the Book of Life, after all.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 01:03:06 AM by MissusDe »

Michael Tee

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Re: News to Me: Jesus Was a Fascist?
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2007, 02:35:30 PM »
According to the Tibetan (Mahayana) Buddhists, when you die your soul separates from your body and enters the Void.  This is a terrifying experience for the unprepared soul and out of sheer panic it will seek to enter earthly life again in the body of a newborn.  This of course is a huge mistake because the soul is then trapped again in the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth.  The suffering can be truly horrendous.  If you read the al Qaeda torture manual that BT posted about it seems inconceivable that there exist human beings who can do such things to any living being, but there are and there are people who actually fall into their hands.  And of course the re-entering soul doesn't know its fate at the moment of reincarnation.  So rebirth is really the dumbest option.  A soul that is well-prepared to meet the Void will not be terrified of it and will probably elect to remain a disembodied soul forever, thereby finally breaking free of the cycle.