You're saying that the struggle for women's rights in the Muslim world trumps the struggle against fascism, militarism and imperialism in America? That you'll ignore fascism, militarism and imperialism in America as long as America fights against the oppression of women in the Middle East?
Never heard that before, but how do you reconcile that attitude (if that's what you're saying) with these facts:
1. Iraqi women were much LESS OPPRESSED than women in traditional U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait; and
2. there are many more people (babies, toddlers, teenagers, women, the elderly) killed as a result of American action in the Middle East than there are women killed by patriarchal oppression in the region?
Also, considering the torture, rape and murder of women in Iranian prisons, particularly Bahai women, how come Bush, Cheney and Rummy, the saviours of Middle Eastern womanhood, invaded Iraq, which was liberal and accepting in its attitude towards women, and not Iran?