Author Topic: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly  (Read 25474 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2006, 03:18:24 AM »
Well, sirs, you certainly are predictable.  Another fucking lie, after two in a row were shot down.

<<Oh, I just made that assumption by how often you defended such demeaning pics in the past, as well as the occasional agreement. >>

Maybe you could show me ONE occasion where I defended a demeaning picture of anybody in the past, demeaning somebody on the basis of their physical appearance.  But then again, since it was another big fucking lie on your part, maybe you can't.

<< Perhaps "hysterically" was an inappropriate adjective.  Perhaps simply smiled will suffice. >>

And what software are you using that permits you to see when I'm smiling, and at what?  Your feeble excuses are getting loonier by the minute.

<< Point being, until I see any attempt, just 1, of criticising someone's commentary or toon aimed at demeaning the looks of conservatives, like Coulter or Rice, I'm simply going to have to base my conclusions on your continued actions of gleefully enjoying them when they're posted>>

Well, my "continued actions" of "gleefully enjoying" cartoons demeaning the looks of conservatives like Coulter or Rice are non-existent, since you failed to come up with a single example of them.  That's because you are a lying bullshitter, by the way.   As far as basing your conclusions on a theory of what I fail to condemn I must endorse, that's a fitting philosophy for the moronic devotee of a moronic "President" who reasons that he who is not on his side is against him. 

By way of illustration, let me just say that you have by now posted literally dozens of cartoons on this site; not one of which was even half-way intelligent, not one of which I agreed with.  Yet I have only commented adversely on a small fraction of the cartoons you posted, ignoring the rest.  Does that mean I have endorsed all of the others?  Keep on dreamin, bullshit artist.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2006, 04:00:37 AM »
Bt, can you get me access to the prior saloon's archives so that I can show Tee the multiple examples he claims are non-existant?
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2006, 02:14:52 PM »
Bt, can you get me access to the prior saloon's archives so that I can show Tee the multiple examples he claims are non-existant?

Is this worth even a fraction of the effort it will require?

There needs to be a return to topic , just drop the distraction .

Will the USA ever again elect a President as homely as Lincon?

Can a person who is female and very attractive be taken seriously as a thoughfull person?

Can a guy who seems to need a haircut express himself and be taken seriously on weighty matters?

Can someone express an opinion about the appearance of a celebrety or leadership personality without becomeing an example of shallow ?


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2006, 02:27:44 PM »
Bt, can you get me access to the prior saloon's archives so that I can show Tee the multiple examples he claims are non-existant?
Is this worth even a fraction of the effort it will require?  Can someone express an opinion about the appearance of a celebrety or leadership personality without becomeing an example of shallow ?

Well Plane, the issue was Tee supposedly calling me a liar for reminding folks that when in the prior forum, I vividly recall how often he gleefully agreed and enjoyed those completely pathetic castigations of Rice.  Be it as Aunt Jemima, or other very demeaning caricatures.  I recall his postings of his enjoyment and justification for such.  Obviously there won't be any examples in this forum, because of how recent it is.  And that's what Tee is banking on, with this effort to call me a liar.  If he want's to be dishonest and claim he never did, I simply wanted to prompt the request to show him how wrong he is. 

It's all about the invalid claim of me being a supposed liar, when he knows how bogus an accusation it is
« Last Edit: October 26, 2006, 11:41:22 AM by sirs »
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2006, 03:51:05 PM »
Bt, can you get me access to the prior saloon's archives so that I can show Tee the multiple examples he claims are non-existant?
Is this worth even a fraction of the effort it will require?  Can someone express an opinion about the appearance of a celebrety or leadership personality without becomeing an example of shallow ?

Well Plane, the issue was Tee supposedly calling me a liar for reminding folks that when in the prior forum, I vividly recall how often he gleefully agreed and enjoyed those compltely pathetic castigations of Rice.  Be it as Aunt Jemima, or other very demeaning caricatures.  I recall his postings of his enjoyment and justification for such.  Obviously there won't be any examples in this forum, because of how recent it is.  And that's what Tee is banking on, with this effort to call me a liar.  If he want's to be dishonest and claim he never did, I simply wanted to prompt the request to show him how wrong he is. 

It's all about the invalid claim of me being a supposed liar, when he knows how bogus an accusation it is

Think about the origional subject of the thread , could you have been distracted from any subject so easily?

This is not about me or you , unless it is , but it isn't.

If you have got to defend yourself each time then you will spend little time on the points in which you are being convinceing.

Let me call you a liar , and you are suddenly talking about you and me .

Hip deep in the alligators you have forgotton that you are here to drain the swamp.

Let someone who calls you a liar see his shot be a clean miss.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2006, 04:08:20 PM »
Think about the origional subject of the thread , could you have been distracted from any subject so easily?  This is not about me or you , unless it is , but it isn't.  If you have got to defend yourself each time then you will spend little time on the points in which you are being convinceing.  Let me call you a liar , and you are suddenly talking about you and me .  Hip deep in the alligators you have forgotton that you are here to drain the swamp.  Let someone who calls you a liar see his shot be a clean miss.

That was my goal, but your point is well made
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2006, 09:20:44 PM »
Think about the origional subject of the thread , could you have been distracted from any subject so easily?  This is not about me or you , unless it is , but it isn't.  If you have got to defend yourself each time then you will spend little time on the points in which you are being convinceing.  Let me call you a liar , and you are suddenly talking about you and me .  Hip deep in the alligators you have forgotton that you are here to drain the swamp.  Let someone who calls you a liar see his shot be a clean miss.

That was my goal, but your point is well made

You understood me?


I shall get you to explain me to me someday.

Michael Tee

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2006, 11:41:02 PM »
<<Well Plane, the issue was Tee supposedly calling me a liar for reminding folks that when in the prior forum, I vividly recall how often he gleefully agreed and enjoyed those compltely pathetic castigations of Rice.  Be it as Aunt Jemima, or other very demeaning caricatures.  >>

"Aunt Jemima" was not a reference to Rice's appearance, you dolt, it is the feminine version of "Uncle Tom," a servile black who promotes his own self-interest by serving white racists despite the harm they do to the black population as a whole.  She's "Aunt Jemima" because she's a black woman in the service of white racists, not because of her looks.  She doesn't look anything like Aunt Jemima.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2006, 11:47:24 PM »
Aunt Jemima" was not a reference to Rice's appearance, you dolt, it is the feminine version of "Uncle Tom," a servile black who promotes his own self-interest by serving white racists despite the harm they do to the black population as a whole.  She's "Aunt Jemima" because she's a black woman in the service of white racists, not because of her looks.  She doesn't look anything like Aunt Jemima.

LOL.....Tossing in some racist AND rationalizing rhetoric in 1 fell swoop.  Quite entertaining
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2006, 03:16:32 AM »
<<Well Plane, the issue was Tee supposedly calling me a liar for reminding folks that when in the prior forum, I vividly recall how often he gleefully agreed and enjoyed those compltely pathetic castigations of Rice.  Be it as Aunt Jemima, or other very demeaning caricatures.  >>

"Aunt Jemima" was not a reference to Rice's appearance, you dolt, it is the feminine version of "Uncle Tom," a servile black who promotes his own self-interest by serving white racists despite the harm they do to the black population as a whole.  She's "Aunt Jemima" because she's a black woman in the service of white racists, not because of her looks.  She doesn't look anything like Aunt Jemima.

Oh so you are a racist now?


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Condi and Aunt Jemima
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2006, 10:45:32 AM »
"Aunt Jemima" was not a reference to Rice's appearance, you dolt, it is the feminine version of "Uncle Tom," a servile black who promotes his own self-interest by serving white racists despite the harm they do to the black population as a whole.  She's "Aunt Jemima" because she's a black woman in the service of white racists, not because of her looks.  She doesn't look anything like Aunt Jemima.

Aunt Jemima used to be an overweight Black Mammy figure who was in fact really and truely utterly black in tone. She had a nice smile and was portrayed as a women who knew how to prepare a most excellent breakfast (the most important meal of the day, lest you forget) for Massa and Miss Emily.

In recent times, she has been reincarnated as a slim and attractive African-American woman of a much lighter hue with about the same stylish figure as Condi Rice herself. She lacks now, as ever, the gap between her front teeth, though.

Condi Rice is probably unrelated to Aunt Jemima other than in doing the Massa's bidding.

Rumors that Condi is in any way related to Uncle Ben are malicious and untrue. She is NAMED Rice, while he sells it.

A mere coincidence!

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2006, 01:15:43 PM »
Needless to say, it was the OLD "Aunt Jemima" to whom I was comparing Condoleeza Rice, and needless to say, the two bear no physical resemblance to one another at all.

It was hilarious to read plane's and sirs' accusations of racism.  Two Republicans screaming "racism" at an attack on blacks who join the racists' team.   Once again, fooling absolutely nobody with their amateurish and juvenile sophistry.

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2006, 01:24:15 PM »
Speaking of racism, though, it appears that Senator Macacawitz is not the only racist standard-bearer for the Republicans in the South.  We also have the Republican National Committee's TV commercials in the Tennessee Senatorial race darkening the skin of the Afro-American Democratic candidate Harold Ford and showing a blonde bimbo claiming that she met Ford (the Democrat) at a Playboy party, ("Harold!  Call me!) and in a subsequent series, playing "swelling, symphonic-type" musical background for shots of the white Republican candidate and jungle drums as background for shots of the black Democrat. 

Hilarious.  And I'M the racist for calling out Condi for associating herself with the party of  these scumbags.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2006, 09:26:45 PM »
I don't see how using a race based pejorative could be anything other than a racist statement.

But i don't know what is in your heart, i just see the words you type.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2006, 10:03:03 PM »
I don't see how using a race based pejorative could be anything other than a racist statement.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle