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Michael Tee

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #45 on: October 28, 2006, 01:21:26 PM »
<<BTW, has Senator Byrd apologised yet?  I seem to remember his inappropriate comments, not to mention his inappropriate membership in the KKK.  I seem to recall that he's still a member of the Senate.  Have I simply been missing your demands for his resignation??, for the party to toss him out??>>

Byrd's KKK membership was a long time ago and I'm sure he has apologized for it many times.  Explained it AND apologized.  Had he refused to do either, I am sure he would  have been kicked out of the party.  It's hard to find a white Southern politician of that age who has not either been a Klansman or a Klan ally because in the South of those times, that was the sine qua non of political survival.  NOBODY got anywhere in Southern business or politics by preaching integration and race-mixing.  And those were the days of the Solid South - - all Democrat, all racist, all white.

But why live in the past?  Because all the racists were in the Democratic Party then?  Why not move into the present, when all the racists LEFT the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans?  Oh, I forgot - - that's the REAL world.  That's where Republican argument shrivels up and dies.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2006, 01:34:20 PM »
Why not move into the present, when all the racists LEFT the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans?

You keep repeating that mantra like you have proof it is true.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2006, 01:39:28 PM »
Byrd's KKK membership was a long time ago and I'm sure he has apologized for it many times.

Got a quote or two to back up that claim?
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2006, 02:23:55 PM »
Byrd's KKK membership was a long time ago and I'm sure he has apologized for it many times.


Explained it AND apologized.  Had he refused to do either, I am sure he would  have been kicked out of the party

You mean kicked out of the party of inclusion??  You mean kicked out of the party that advocated a "Chocolate City"?  Kicked out of the party after having sex with an underage page??  Yea right, tell me another one, Tee

But why live in the past?  Because all the racists were in the Democratic Party then?  Why not move into the present, when all the racists LEFT the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans?

Show us Tee.  You keep using single soundbites from single sources, that are most often simply dumb comments, then blown way out of proportion.  Show us that laundry list of racist Republicans, and more importantly HOW they are racist.  Or is this yet another Tee tactic of lack of proof is proof positive.  That the GOP is really good at hiding their racism, and it's those rare occasional idiotic public speaking moments that "proves" the GOP is one big massive KKK party?
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2006, 03:27:22 PM »
<<Show us that laundry list of racist Republicans, and more importantly HOW they are racist. >>

Here are the ones I can think of right now:

Senator Macacawitz; How?  "macaca;" "Welcome to the real America;" stuffing a severed deer's head into the mailbox of a black family; keeping a Confederate flag and a noose in his office; displaying a Confederate flag on his vehicle; frequent past use of the N-word.

Trent Lott: lamenting that Strom Thurmond hadn't been President; regretting that the country chose a different path from Strom's.  Associatng closely with known racists.

Republican National Committee:  Tennessee TV ads artificially darkening the skin of the light-skinned black candidate; showing an actress playing a blonde party animal asking "Harold" to give her a call; playing symphonic, "swelling" background music for shots of the white Republican candidate and jungle drums for shots of his black challenger

This is just the more blatant stuff.  I'm sure there are plenty of others.  The guys behind the Willie Horton ad campaign, for instance.

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2006, 03:33:43 PM »
In answer to the idiotic question whether Byrd ever apologized for his Klan activities (idiotic because it's inconceivable that he could remain in ANY political party today without apologizing - - even Trent Lott had to pretend he was sorry for what he said, and that was in the Republican Party) here's what Wikipedia has to say - - and this wasn't at all hard to find, any moron could have found it in under 30 seconds had he taken the trouble to bestir his lazy ass:

In 1997, he told an interviewer he'd encourage young people to become involved in politics, but: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[citation needed]

<<In his latest autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions." [7]

<<Byrd also said in 2005: "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times . . . and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[4]>>

That answer your [incredibly stupid] question?


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2006, 04:37:36 PM »
That answer your [incredibly stupid] question?

Not really, since that article claims he dropped out of the Klan in 1943, but he filibustered the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

Also, three years after he supposedly stopped being a member, he wrote a letter to the Imperial Wizard, in which he said "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union." He also continued to recommend people for various positions in the KKK organization for years after he supposedly quit the group. And as recently as 2001 was using the "nigger" word in interviews.
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2006, 05:37:35 PM »
<<Show us that laundry list of racist Republicans, and more importantly HOW they are racist. >>

Here are the ones I can think of right now:

Senator Macacawitz...Trent Lott...Republican National Committee.  This is just the more blatant stuff.  I'm sure there are plenty of others.

And yet again we're back to picking 1 soundbite from 1 politician, (Lott's case he apologized exponentially more than Byrd is claimed to have done), and a debatably questionable commercial, and then the cherry on top "plenty of others" (blatant stuff).  You see Tee, your warped reality and definition of "blatant stuff" wouldn't even get you an interview for the KKK, much less the claim of being racist.

So, if you have some REAL examples of BLATANT stuff, let's see it
- Show us this laundry list of Racist Republicans. 
- Show us these known racists that Lott hangs around with. 
You know, Politicians that advocate a Chocolate City.....ooops, that's not racist, is it Tee
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2006, 06:07:07 PM »
In answer to the idiotic question whether Byrd ever apologized for his Klan activities (idiotic because it's inconceivable that he could remain in ANY political party today without apologizing - - even Trent Lott had to pretend he was sorry for what he said, and that was in the Republican Party)

You see, this is the garbage you pose as debate.  You imply that Byrd had to have been sincerely sorry & contrite, and HAD to have apologized, or the party would have thrown him out.  Then in the same breath keep using Lott as some overt example of GOP racism, and conclude that his apologies were completely insincere.  How can you make such a conclusion?   ???   How is it inconceviable that Byrd remained in the party?  You think the Dem party doesn't put up with racists?  Doesn't embrace them when it serves their purpose?  How is the New Orleans mayor still a Democrat?  Was his apology deemed "sincere" by you, while Lott's wasn't?  How are Sharpton & Donna Brazille still Democrats?  I haven't seen them thrown out or condemned by the Dem higher-ups.  I don't even recall any apologies for their overt racist comments.  And yet YOU'VE concluded that Lott was simply pretending to be sorry....based on...............................?  Oh yea, because he's a member of the GOP, and they're the party or racists.  Tee has said so.

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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2006, 08:02:47 PM »
<<Not really, since that article claims he dropped out of the Klan in 1943, but he filibustered the Civil Rights Act in 1964.>>

So what?  The apology must have come long after 1964, especially since he claims to have apologized thousands of times. 

<<Also, three years after he supposedly stopped being a member, he wrote a letter to the Imperial Wizard, in which he said "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union." >>

Yeah so when was that?  His apologies probably started long after that date.

<<He also continued to recommend people for various positions in the KKK organization for years after he supposedly quit the group.>>

Again with the undated accusations.  NOBODY denies the guy ONCE was a racist.  What is the point of this vaguely worded bullshit?  Come up with some dates and maybe somebody will take you seriously.

<< And as recently as 2001 was using the "nigger" word in interviews.>>

What's the source for that?


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2006, 08:07:41 PM »
What happende to make all Republicans forget that they are the party of Abriham Lincon ?

What occured that made all Democrats forget that they are the party of Jefferson Davis?


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2006, 08:15:03 PM »
Again with the undated accusations.  NOBODY denies the guy ONCE was a racist.  What is the point of this vaguely worded bullshit?  Come up with some dates and maybe somebody will take you seriously.

I like how your "rebuttal" contained a quote that said "citation needed" for the attributive, yet mine require dates.

Besides, you rarely come up with dates and sources. Don't see why mine are required.

Regardless, here's the link:

Let's see some links to your sources, now.
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2006, 08:15:25 PM »
<<And yet again we're back to picking 1 soundbite from 1 politician, (Lott's case he apologized exponentially more than Byrd is claimed to have done),>>

Except that it's NOT one sound-bite.  Lott had made a similar remark about the nation's tragic loss of a Strom Thurmond Presidency years before but it had not attracted the same amount of media attention.  Lott has a lot of other racist baggage, but you'll have to get off your ass and look for it yourself if you don't take my word for it.  That last bit of stupidity (denying Byrd's apology which common sense alone would tell you he must have made) when a 30-second Google search would have solved the problem, kind of soured me on acting as your fucking research assistant.  Lott, I recall, opposed the Martin Luther King holiday and viciously attacked the character and accomplishments of the late civil rights leader.  He's a racist pig and on the basis of what I said here, it's a life-long pattern, NOT "one soundbite."  The fact that you are defending the little shit only proves the tolerance the Republicans have for racism.

<<and a debatably questionable commercial, and then the cherry on top "plenty of others" (blatant stuff).  You see Tee, your warped reality and definition of "blatant stuff" wouldn't even get you an interview for the KKK, much less the claim of being racist.>>

Debatedly questionable?  What is "debatable" about darkening the guy's skin colour?  What's "debatable" about symphonic type background music for their white guy and jungle drums for his black opponent?  You're just full of shit when you claim that's not racist.

Macacawitz I won't even go into.  Seems like NOBODY is denying any more that the guy is racist, there's just too much dirt piled up on him.

Plus on s'excuse, plus on s'accuse.  (The more you excuse yourself, the more you condemn yourself)  You are digging yourself in deeper and deeper with every post you send.


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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2006, 08:16:58 PM »
Lott has a lot of other racist baggage, but you'll have to get off your ass and look for it yourself if you don't take my word for it.

Maybe that shoulda been my response when you asked for sources. It will be in the future.
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Re: Opponent denies calling Clinton ugly
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2006, 08:20:35 PM »
<<You see, this is the garbage you pose as debate.  You imply that Byrd had to have been sincerely sorry & contrite, and HAD to have apologized, or the party would have thrown him out.>>

I didn't say that at all.  NOWHERE did I say that Byrd's apology had to be sincere.  Where do you get that?  The entire debate is right here in this thread, you don't have to go running to plane to open the archives, show me where in this thread I said one word about the sincerity of Byrd's apology?  You can't, because I never said it.  Like a million other things, you made that up too.

You and Ami both asked if Byrd had ever apologized.  Probably the stupidest question either of you have asked in the past 48 hours.  OF COURSE the guy had to have apologized.  A fucking moron would have known that.  So I found the apology and it took me all of thirty seconds.  Was it a sincere apology?  You gotta be kidding!