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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #105 on: January 31, 2008, 07:10:08 PM »
There is a long list of these priveledges , but Marrage predates our government , might predate government itself , and doesn't need the government's help to exist.

But it needs the governments help to protect it from homosexuals? 

Is this just a legacy problem?

Thousands of years of considering a marrage to be the union of a man and a woman has produced an inertia ?

Where were the homosexuals of anchient times lax in establishing their brand ?

What was the origin of the public reguarding them with horror?

Marrage is as marrage does , right now two guys can team up and take on the world without government sanction , they just can't call it marrage on a leagal document . How long should this model prove itself successfull before the public and the government accepts it as such?


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #106 on: January 31, 2008, 07:12:32 PM »
Where were the homosexuals of anchient times lax in establishing their brand ?

What was the origin of the public reguarding them with horror?
That would be Judaism, followed by Christianity.

The Romans and Greeks had no problems with it, and neither do the Buddhists, the T'aoists, the Shintos or most other world religions.

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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #107 on: January 31, 2008, 07:22:31 PM »
Where were the homosexuals of anchient times lax in establishing their brand ?

What was the origin of the public reguarding them with horror?
That would be Judaism, followed by Christianity.

The Romans and Greeks had no problems with it, and neither do the Buddhists, the T'aoists, the Shintos or most other world religions.

Oh , then which of these has a centurys old tradition of Gay marrage?


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #108 on: January 31, 2008, 07:25:15 PM »
The Spartans not only allowed something akin to homosexual gay marriage, they REQUIRED it.
Alexander the Great was gay and lived with a lover, and he was far from the only one.

I am sure you could find out a lot about this if you used your googling talents.

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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #109 on: January 31, 2008, 07:33:15 PM »
The Spartans not only allowed something akin to homosexual gay marriage, they REQUIRED it.
Alexander the Great was gay and lived with a lover, and he was far from the only one.

I am sure you could find out a lot about this if you used your googling talents.

I don't feel obliged to build my opponents argument , FM is very able , as are you.

I understand the records of Spartan habits are quite explicit , includeing the raiseing of children by the state , common homosexuality , brutal training for war the entire length of a boys youth, slavery and ritual murder. Are these the records left us by Spartans or by their good freinds the Athenians?

I hate to tell you what Confederate accounts of Northern habits were like.

Anyway if it worked so well , where did it go?

According to the theroy of "Triumph of the Meme " good habits perpetuate themselves .

If it was an advantage to a society , what enabled another sort of society to outcompete?


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #110 on: January 31, 2008, 08:19:27 PM »
The Spartans were outnumbered by other Greeks, and all of Greece was conquered, first by Alexander, then by the Romans, then the Christians took over. The Spartans were good at what they did in their historical moment in time. But the Greeks were unable to unite effectively until Alexander.

It would be silly to attribute the fall of Sparta to homosexuality alone.

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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #111 on: January 31, 2008, 08:30:50 PM »
>>You grab and mix willy-nilly, and pretty soon your whole picture of politics is an Alice in Wonderland hodge podge of contradiction and confusion.<<

Is this something like the rats of your greed eating the corn of your conscience stain? You truly are the Daniel Johnston of 3DHS.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 08:33:24 PM by Rich »


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #112 on: January 31, 2008, 09:42:55 PM »
Could you please explain this? Can you sight some examples of government action that supports such a ridiculous claim? Remember now, you're charges with sighting actual litigation to turn America into a theocracy.

Evidently in your haste, you forgot to cut and paste the part (that was sarcasm btw).  I don't know if you intentionally left that out and proceeded to jump down my throat for an attempt at humor, or if you're really just that fucking stupid, but maybe you should think before you do it next time.  It's not only lame, it's dishonest.

>>I do believe the government should reflect my beliefs, and I am not a conservative Christian, so the government shouldn't have any say regarding homosexuality.<<

You obviously do or you wouldn't want the government to santion homosexual marriage. Nobody is stopping you, find someone to marry you.

What I want is for the government not to stop me from homosexual marriage.  I have married someone, in a church service (I know, amazing a church will do that huh?  Much less a fine WASP denomination like Episcopalian).  What I want is the rights that marriage grants me from my federal and state governments.  Also, passing Constitutional Amendments, as has happened in several states, is not quite "hands off".  Fairs fair.

Why shouldn't the government condone polygamy?

I don't know, you tell me?  After all, polygamy was referenced numerous times in the Bible.

Why shouldn't it condone it between siblings?

Probably because of the drastic risk of birth defects and retardation if they have children.


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #113 on: January 31, 2008, 09:48:47 PM »
>>It's not only lame, it's dishonest.<<

My mistake. My apologies.


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #114 on: January 31, 2008, 09:51:01 PM »
>>Probably because of the drastic risk of birth defects and retardation if they have children.<<

I've read a some studies that contridicts this thinking, at least between cousins.

But so what? Who is the government to stop two people who love each other?


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #115 on: January 31, 2008, 10:09:25 PM »
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #116 on: January 31, 2008, 10:47:49 PM »
I apologize for putting my answers to both your and the Prof's points in one post Plane, I was in a hurry for work this morning, so I hope you'll accept that I wasn't trying to minimize your point of view.

The government has seen it to be in the governments interest to forbid marrage in several circumstances ,

close relitives  answered above, see my reply to Rich

interspecies  an animal cannot give consent, even a talking parrot

single sex  this is what we're debating here (I assume you're referencing same sex)

corpses   a corpse also cannot give consent (only to vote)

bigamists  if it's consensual bigamy, I have no problem.  If it's not consensual, then a person should not be allowed to marry twice, as marriage requires the consent of both partners.

underage  the age of consent varies in different states (and countries).  As I said above, a marriage requires consent of both parties, if one is not of the age of consent then there is no marriage.

do all the people who want to have non-traditional marrages feel that they are repressed and ill treated ?

I don't feel repressed or ill treated.  I simply want what's ours, or what should be.

Because I have the right to marry a woman but not a horse is there an inequality twards those who would rather marry a horse?

No, because a horse cannot give its consent.

Why does the government have an intrest  in preventing any of these catagorys of non traditional marrage?

Other than same-sex marriage, consent cannot be given, thus a marriage cannot be formed.

If someone wanted to marry many underage horses of the same sex as he , and of course we are talking of dead horses , who is hurt?

Conceivably, no one.  However, a person could NOT marry many dead underage horses, because once again, there is NO consenting party.

Is this just a legacy problem?

No, and I notice that you didn't answer my question, so again:  Marriage possibly predates all government, and certainly our government, but it needs a Constitutional Amendment to survive, because it's under threat, attack, assault, pick your buzzword?

Thousands of years of considering a marrage to be the union of a man and a woman has produced an inertia

I never said that.  For the vast majority of that thousand years, government benefits weren't granted to married partners, nor were marriages recorded or licensed.  Also polygamy was very common, if not prevalent, so that's not a man and a woman.

Where were the homosexuals of anchient times lax in establishing their brand ?  

It's vaguely insulting to hear gay marriage referred to as a brand.  Are you denying that there were homosexuals in ancient times?

What was the origin of the public reguarding them with horror?

Being as how homosexuality as anathema is only common to Western Civilization, and some Eastern and Native Americans believed it to be far more spiritual than heterosexuality, I'd have to say that XO is correct in the lineage from Judaism to Christianity.

Marrage is as marrage does , right now two guys can team up and take on the world without government sanction , they just can't call it marrage on a leagal document .

If, as you state Plane, marriage is as marriage does, then that means that marriage has no clear definition.  Right?  If 20 years from now, gay marriage is legalized, does that mean that you will feel obligated to recognize a homosexual union as a marriage?  Because that's what I'm getting from that statement.

How long should this model prove itself successfull before the public and the government accepts it as such?

Slavery was successful for thousands of years Plane.  Civilizations were built on it.  140 years ago it was viewed as acceptable and natural to buy the freedom of another person and subject them to the whim of the owner, in this country!  So I've got to tell you I'm not buying into the whole legacy/tradition thing.

According to the theroy of "Triumph of the Meme " good habits perpetuate themselves .

And homosexuality, despite the near constant attempt at eradication, still survives.  It might thrive or perpetuate, but it's still here thousands of years later.  So either a.  it's born with, which would allow your theory to retain validity, or it's a choice, which causes the loss of the validity of your theory.  I don't know what camp, if either, you fall into (personally, I think it's a little of both), but it seems to me that a lot of conservatives want to have that one both ways (not necessarily you).

If it was an advantage to a society , what enabled another sort of society to outcompete?

Perhaps there was no competition.  Perhaps one group did their thing and another did theirs.

I don't feel obliged to build my opponents argument , FM is very able , as are you.

Thanks for the compliment Plane.  You're quite capable yourself.  I really do enjoy these debates, even if nothing is really gained by them.


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #117 on: January 31, 2008, 10:49:21 PM »
My apologies as well for jumping down your throat Rich.  Mistakes happen, my bad.


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #118 on: January 31, 2008, 10:57:44 PM »
After re-reading my post Plane, I saw some things that needed clarification.

And homosexuality, despite the near constant attempt at eradication, still survives.  It might thrive or perpetuate, but it's still here thousands of years later.  So either a.  it's born with, which would allow your theory to retain validity, or it's a choice, which causes the loss of the validity of your theory.  I don't know what camp, if either, you fall into (personally, I think it's a little of both), but it seems to me that a lot of conservatives want to have that one both ways (not necessarily you).

Should be:

And homosexuality, despite the near constant attempt at eradication, still survives.  It might not thrive or perpetuate, but it's still here thousands of years later.  So either a.  it's born with, which would allow your theory to retain validity, or it's a choice, which causes the loss of the validity of your theory.  I don't know what camp, if either, you fall into (personally, I think it's a little of both), but it seems to me that a lot of conservatives want to have that one both ways (not necessarily you).

Also, with this line
(personally, I think it's a little of both),
I was trying to say that it's my personal opinion that it's both upbringing and inborn.  I wasn't trying to say that I think that's what you believe.

My apologies for any confusion.


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Re: Vote on arresting Bush, Cheney
« Reply #119 on: January 31, 2008, 11:09:59 PM »
I've read a some studies that contridicts this thinking, at least between cousins.

I've seen that too, though I think the risks increase many times between siblings (a near match) vs. cousins (a match of 50% unless they're double cousins, which is again a perfect match).

But so what? Who is the government to stop two people who love each other?

If the child of a marriage has (I don't know the chances here, I'm just going to state a number) an 80% chance of producing a non-viable offspring, then that marriage probably shouldn't happen, because this  (to me) is a form of child abuse (which isn't to say that it won't or can't happen, I'm sure it has and does).  This is kind of a grey area in my feelings on civil rights (yes I have grey areas).  I would imagine the numbers requesting an incestuous marriage vs. those requesting a gay marriage would be a fraction of a percent.  Further, with the societal taboos against incest (which to be sure, there are still some against homosexuality, but not nearly as drastic as with incest), I would think that two people requesting such a thing should see a good psychiatrist, and not Dr. Phil.  He didn't do Britney any good.