Author Topic: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?  (Read 5705 times)

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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2008, 10:59:06 PM »
This would be that the supposed "patient waiting" for "answers" to "questions" is a constant annoying habit of sirs. He never accepts anyone's answers, and most often changes the supposed meaning of his "questions" whenever anyone calls him on it.

It is simply an emphatic way of reminding everyone to just let him continue to wait, since his "questions" are always just a ruse.

Try to keep the insults out of the body of your replies. Just mumble to yourself.

It makes for a more pleasant board.

And for certain a lot more boring mi amigo


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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2008, 01:38:28 AM »
Still waiting patiently for an answer
Wait forever, you duplicitious fool. No one cares one damn about your bogus "questions", not have any answer to any such questions ever pleased you in the least.  Wait until they can be used as epitaphs.

A) they weren't my questions
B) the lack of them not being answered, speaks volumes
C) Still with the problem with self control.  Too bad
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2008, 07:19:47 AM »
No one in the entire history of this Forum has ever answered any of your silly questions to your satisfaction.

Answering your silly questions has proven to be a total waste of time.

And yes, they ARE your questions, as evidenced by the fact that you are the one asking them.

The volumes this speaks have written on every page. Bogus questions, waste not your time.
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2008, 03:24:57 PM »
No one in the entire history of this Forum has ever answered any of your silly questions to your satisfaction.

Now we can add to the tally how wrong you are.  Many questions have been answered to my satisfaction, over all this time in the saloon, not to mention PiC cafe, and its offshoots before that.  In fact nearly every question answered is to my satisfaction, since much of the time it actually validates my premise, or the premise being presented by another poster.  Trying to see how many times you can be wrong, in some alloted amount of time, perhaps Xo?

Answering your silly questions has proven to be a total waste of time.

LOL...says you.  I have a suggestion for you then.  Ignore them, don't respond, try something called controlling yourself

And yes, they ARE your questions, as evidenced by the fact that you are the one asking them.

Nope, they were Bt's.  That makes you wrong twice, in this 1 post alone.

The volumes this speaks have written on every page. Bogus questions, waste not your time.

And their continued non answeres from not just you, but your whole leftist lunacy branch continues to speak volumes, while you comb your computer for the next best snarky insult to respond with instead.  While I do appreciate your effort in validating said premise, if you can't answer the questions, just move on
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 04:17:37 PM by sirs »
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2008, 09:53:38 PM »
Is Obama's lack of experience & judgement a concern with you, from someone who wants to be making the command decisions for this country?

Not really.  We've seen people with plenty of executive experience come in and not do worth a damn (Bush II and Carter for example), and people with little experience come in and do pretty well (Kennedy comes to mind).  I tend to think that the whole experience thing is overblown.  I look for A) Someone who has stated firm policy goals that I'm in agreement with,  B) Knows what the heck they're talking about  and C) has the personality and the collegiality to work with Congress and get it done.

and, Is McCain's age & being a long term legislator, with not a whit of executive experience, a concern with you?

The executive experience, as I mentioned above, isn't something really important to me.  It's nice to have, but it's not really an indicator of job performance as POTUS nor do I think that it "qualifies" someone for the job.  The age doesn't really bother me either, he's supposedly in sound health and that's enough for me.  Anyone elected could die the next day, of a plethora of causes.  To focus the attention on McCain because of the age, as a health aspect, is a diversion.  The one important part of the age argument is whether or not someone his age is out of touch with America, but frankly I think anyone that gets elected is going to be out of touch with parts of America, from single mothers working two jobs to the union factory worker facing a layoff.  Politicians are generally pretty well off from stable backgrounds (I know, there are exceptions, but I'm speaking generally here), I don't find it unfathomable that there would be a disconnect between them and blue collar America.  That's one nice thing about Palin, regardless of her views, is that at least she knows how a lot of Americans (we rural ones anyhow) live.  She doesn't go hunting as a photo-op or to hobnob, she goes to hunt.  And regardless of how much I may dislike some of her views, I respect that and her knowledge of rural issues, which I tend to believe are minimized in comparison to urban ones.

Who "concerns" you the most?

They both do.


As BT mentioned, this is a hold your nose pick any way you look at it.  I used to like McCain until he started trying to court the religious right, that kind of put me off of him in a lot of ways.  Yes, I understand that he needs them but that doesn't mean that I have to like it.  I have high hopes that if he's elected he'll decide to serve one term, and tell that wing of the party where to stuff it.  The more that I listen to Obama, the more I'm convinced that he's, as the saying goes, all hat and no cattle.  He has policy proposals (and some I like), but he hasn't proposed how to fund them.  I've tended to lean toward McCain all along, and Palin didn't do much to influence that as her pluses and minuses (to me) cancel each other out, but I haven't come to a final conclusion and probably won't until the day before I vote.

How about these questions sirs, how would you answer the ones that you've asked me?


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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2008, 04:26:10 AM »
How about these questions sirs, how would you answer the ones that you've asked me?

Is Obama's lack of experience & judgement a concern with you, from someone who wants to be making the command decisions for this country?

Experience, a little...Judgement, BIG time.  As much as the left trys to portray the Community organizer as the next God-like President, and tries to refute Obama's judgement in who he hangs out with, with that of McCain's Keating 5 debacle, are seriously grasping at straws here.  Yes, he can make a great speech, and yes, he's very charismatic, but for me, I need a President who doesn't hang around racits, calling them their spiritual mentor, and try to tell us he never heard his Pastor make such vile commentary.  Give me a break.  Obama, as the left has been trying to perseverate on, is an intelligent fella.  He knew what he had to do to move up the political ranks.  He had to get down and dirty with Chicago politics, hang out with the right PC crowd, and look to hang pleasant with racists & domestic terrorists.  That's piss poor judgement in my book, that he had been continuing, right up intil those associations became Politically Incorrect.

and, Is McCain's age & being a long term legislator, with not a whit of executive experience, a concern with you?

Like you, I have very little issue with his age.  My Father-in-law is an avid Golfer, who can almost shoot is age of 86.  Smart as a whip, just a little bit hard of hearing.  And Obama could have a genetically predisposed to having an Aortic aneurism, which could cause him to die in his sleep, or in the middle of one his great speeches.  And has Obama quit smoking?  Far worse than old age is smoking, and the effects it has on the body

Lack of executive exp is also a mild problem in my book.  Yes, there have been those with executive experience who have done poorly as a President, but I think it's largely due to policy decisions, vs their executive ability.  I wish he had more, but glad his veep has plenty

Who "concerns" you the most?

Not so much "who" as much as "what".....the fact that regardless who the President becomes, Government will continue to grow into an ever greater monster, attempting to regulate all walks of a person's life.  At least if McCain/Palin practice what they preached during the convention, it should grow slower.  Not to mention the greater amounts of money we citizens can keep, from our hard work.
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2008, 11:13:05 AM »
The presidency seems to age people like few other experiences. Look at pictures of Olebush in 1988 and 1992, Clinton in 1992 and 2000, Juniorbush in 2000 and 2008. Each seems to have aged twice as fast as people that have not been president. It is possible that McCain would manage to last for four years in the WH and still function normally, but I would say the odds of this are no better than 50-50.

If you have someone who is dependent on a bunch of pills to function, this presents another problem, because then the person that supplies the pills can control the president with ease. I take three Rx drugs to function, and the doctor tells me that I need another two OTC pills to stay healthy. But then, no one needs to control me.

Dick Cheney was supposedly this rational genius back in the Olebush days, but since he had his heart attack, I don't think anyone can make a case for him behaving rationally. I'd say that one reason might well be that his many medications have caused him to adpopt a split personality: something like a hermit crab (always scurrying to his undisclosed locations) and a wolverine (attacking people and countries irrationally).

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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2008, 11:39:18 AM »
You have enough of a hard time controlling yourself Xo.  So, you planning on presetning this laundry list of medications McCain (& Cheney) are taking?  Or is this just another one of your "obvious" proclaimations?
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2008, 11:46:14 AM »
I have already presented the theory. I don't think it is necessary to prove that drugs can cause people to act in strange ways, and I fail to see what any list would have to do with laundry.

It does not have to be proven that the person who controls what McCain takes as medication has the potential to control McCain.

Believe it or don't.

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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2008, 11:49:12 AM »
I have already presented the theory. I don't think it is necessary to prove that drugs can cause people to act in strange ways, and I fail to see what any list would have to do with laundry.

And again, with the false premise.  No one is claiming that a laundry list of drugs can't cause people to "act in stragne ways".  Your proclaimation was that McCain (& and apparently Cheney) are taking gobs of drugs.  So, what is this laundry list??  What is your source??  Who's controlling McCain's meds??

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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2008, 12:10:24 PM »
You appear to have an obsession with laundry.

Should you read what I have written c a r e f u l l y, you will see that this is speculation. Cheney is pretty obviously in some sort of altered state. It should be obvious to you and any sane person that his medications, and medications that even he may not be aware that he is taking, are not public knowledge.

It is the nature of trickery and manipulation that the tricksters and manipulators do not reveal themselves.

You may believe this or not. Suit yourself. If you make a laundry list, remember to consider the specifications for desired amounts of starch, although I still am unaware why drugs would be on a "laundry list".

"Three men's white shirts, extra starch", would be a proper element of a laundry list.

"500 mg. Oxy-Contin, three times daily" might appear on a list of prescription drugs.
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2008, 01:18:37 PM »
You appear to have an obsession with laundry.

And now we move from false premise to deflection.

Should you read what I have written carefully, you will see that this is speculation.

At least Xo has conceded that his proclaimation was mere speculation.  That'd be a theme consistent with the vast majority of his "obvious" claims.  Please get back to us, when you're ready to back up your latest "obviously" meritless accusations

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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2008, 02:25:53 PM »
It is  not mere speculation, it is reasonable speculation.

And what is it with you and laundry? Did someone stuff you in the Maytag and turn on the spin cycle in your infancy?

The latter was "mere speculation".

And I shall get back to you whenever I please. It's not up to you.
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2008, 03:22:02 PM »
It is  not mere speculation, it is reasonable speculation.

That McCain (& Cheney) are not functioning coherently, due to being overmedicated is completely unreasonable, and more importantly, unfounded........unless of course you're willing to put some facts to your mere unreasonable speculation.  Again, the issue is NOT that it's possible for folks to be overmedicated and have side effects of not functioning properly.  The issue is your direct inferrence that messers McCain & Cheney are somehow over medicated, creating what YOU SPECULATE as not acting rationally or properly

And what is it with you and laundry? Did someone stuff you in the Maytag and turn on the spin cycle in your infancy?

Still with the deflection I see.  So who's hung up with laundry now??   :D

And I shall get back to you whenever I please.

Yea, you're right.  Credibility is so overrated, when making asanine accusations.  Simply spewing them should be sufficient
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Re: Seriously, How Can You Guys Continue To Ignore the McCain/Palin BLATANT LIES?
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2008, 04:53:27 PM »
Note that I can spell tough words like "asinine", so even those who disagree with me can learn something useful.

You still have not explained your obsession with laundry.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."