In five years we will have another election cycle and if BHO has been a desaster stock bought in his term will be bought at bargan rates and the election of a business freindly successor is likely, thenthe fifth year will be great.
If he is as lucky as Clinton was with the stock market you might have a good chance to harvest in his third year.
The thing is, that is not the way that the stock market works for most people.
When it goes up, people see that there is some other sector or stock or fund going up even faster: gold, biomedical, tech, so they buy that, because that is what the brokers who have to sell something to make a buck want to sell. They buy it, and the price collapses, and there is always another big seller.
When the market tanks, what do most people do? They invest their shrunken capital in bonds, most often. Stocks and funds gain get nearly all their gains in under 30 days in any given year. Where are the funds of the average guy? In bonds. Look! he missed out again!
Most people who invest in the market actually lose money, and that is why replacing their SS with stock market investments is a really bad idea, because the goal is for EVERYONE to have enough to retire on, or at least a minimum.
Of course, there is absolutely nothing preventing said average Joe from saving his money and investing whatever he wishes in the market. It's just that this is not something that is likely to actually fund all his retirement.