but Kramer let me add....
I think Hillary would be a
VERY FORMIDABLE 2012 candidate for several reasons.
normally the party in power can't sell "change" when they are running in elections
but the Democrats could do this if Hillary ran....
Hillary has kept her distance from Obama
Obama/Hillary is very unlike Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Ect....
In the public's eyes Hillary is not that closely linked with Obama.
Hillary would not be seen as an "incumbent".
Hillary now has foreign policy experience...so that would be a plus
Hillary's name recognition is a no-brainer.
Hillary is a savy campaigner....has all the contacts...all the money.
Hillary could campaign in the Fall and say "how would you like to go back
to the days of the Clinton Economy when we had a surplus?
If the Democrats forsee Obama as losing in 2012, then they could
plug Hillary in there and better free themselves from the Obama
baggage....Hillary could be sold as a "moderate" compared to Obama.
I would bet Hillary could give any Republican I see out there
right now a real run for their money in 2012.