Author Topic: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?  (Read 7222 times)

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Castro's President

Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Election 2008:

What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?

The latest anti-American icon to express eagerness for an Obama presidency is none other than Fidel Castro.

Presidential candidates usually collect the endorsements of governors, senators and aldermen. But Obama is
getting the backing of thug after thug on the international scene
. Castro became the latest when, in an article
in the Cuban government organ Granma, he gave the Democratic front-runner the closest thing to an endorsement
the communist despot has ever bestowed.

Castro called Obama, "this man who is doubtless, from the social and human points of view, the most progressive
candidate to the U.S. presidency." He also oddly conceded what the effect of his praise would be: "Were I to defend
him, I would do his adversaries an enormous favor."

This comes after Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega praised Obama and his political allies as "laying the foundations
for a revolutionary change" in America.

Then there's the seized laptop of Raul Reyes, warlord with Colombia's Marxist-Leninist FARC narcoterrorist group slain in
an army raid in March. It contained Reyes' cheery report of some "gringos" he met assuring him that Obama would be
the next president.

Which raises a question: When Obama promised, as he did in a recent speech on Latin American policy, that "we will
fully support Colombia's fight against the FARC," does that mean more military aid or just "social" aid?

Data on Reyes' computer also implicated Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as supporting FARC as it tries to
overthrow Colombia's government. Can we guess from all this who Chavez himself would like to see in power in Washington?

And let's not forget the chief political adviser to Hamas' Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh remarking, "We like
Mr. Obama, and we hope he will win the election."

By contrast, Obama rival John McCain was blasted by Castro earlier this year when the Arizona senator reiterated
claims made in his memoirs of Cuban Communists torturing U.S. POWs in Hanoi.

"Let me remind you, Mr. McCain," said Castro, "the commandments of the religion you practice prohibit lying."

The Castros and Chavezes and Mahmoud Ahmadinejads of today's dangerous world are masters of the lie.

That's why Sen. Obama's willingness to speak to all of them without precondition so thrills these enemies of freedom.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 03:51:58 AM »
He's not Bush?
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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 10:11:54 AM »

Though both Bush and Kerry denounced bin-Laden?s statement, right-wing pundits, bloggers and talk-show hosts portrayed it as an effort to hurt Bush and help Kerry ? which understandably prompted the exact opposite reaction among many Americans. [For instance, conservative blog site, Little Green Footballs, headlined its Oct. 31, 2004, commentary as ?Bin Laden Threatens U.S. States Not to Vote for Bush.?]

However, behind the walls of secrecy at Langley, Virginia, U.S. intelligence experts reviewed the evidence and concluded that bin-Laden had precisely the opposite intent. He was fully aware that his videotape would encourage the American people to do the opposite of what he recommended.

By demanding an American surrender, bin-Laden knew U.S. voters would instinctively want to fight. That way bin-Laden helped ensure that George W. Bush would stay in power, would continue his clumsy ?war on terror? ? and would drive thousands of new recruits into al-Qaeda?s welcoming arms.

Again, what possible harm could come from a US president talking with Raul Castro?
We know that 50 years of pretending that Castro does not exist has been utterly useless.
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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 10:47:46 AM »
asked & answered already
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2008, 11:43:45 AM »
He's not Bush?

Thank gods for small miracles.

Seriously, though.  If our "enemies" "like" Obama, I think that is a good thing.  For the last eight years, we've had a moron in the White House who is basically a frightened to the core bully.  Bush is the kind of guy who gets mad if someone thinks that he might be gay.  Bush is the kind of guy who picks a fight with his dad because he is so insecure he has no idea, no concept of communication or expression.  Bush is the kind of guy who thinks that if you talk to the guy who makes you mad that makes you a big pussy chicken.

Fighting takes no humanity.  Fighting takes no emotional input.  Bush, rather than sit down with someone he doesn't like and figure out how to keep people from getting killed and promote peace and harmony, would rather just go in and eradicate the "other" rather than try to understand it first.

It's a classic insecure bully situation who is so afraid of being laughed at or seen as "less than".  The only way he can be seen as "bigger" is by hitting the "other" and knocking it on its ass then kick dust in its face.  Not surprisingly, he is the Ultimate Expression of right-wing ideology.  Don't think, just hit.  And if you're forced to think, think of a better way to hit.  Keep all your fears and doubts and "concerns" to yourself, pansy.  Get up, put up your dukes and take this fucker out before someone takes your marbles.

Conversely, Obama is the ultimate expression of the left-wing ideology.  Measure twice, cut once.  Figure out a solution that doesn't require hundreds of people getting killed or dying.  Ego is bullshit but don't be somebody else's doormat.  In all things, Balance.  It's not necessary to win at any cost.  Sometimes honor is more important than winning.  The rules are the rules even if it means you lose.

You know.  He believes in all the things that the Right says they believe and that everyone should believe in.  The difference is those of us on the left don't just chuck it all out the window if it means that we might lose.  We believe that laws and principles are to be followed even if it means that we aren't on top of the dogpile.  Rightwingers (at least those elected to office) will throw it all out the window if it means they might not get another term, might not win their ideological argument, might not be the big dog, or might not get to do whatever the hell they wanna do.

They believe in the "idea" of whatever their point is but when push comes to shove, that's all idealistic bullshit.

Case in point is the right's cry of Support The Troops!?  But look how hard they fight to do all of the following:

1)  Keep the troops in harm's way for no reason other than to protect oil revenues for the oil companies
2)  Ignore the troops' families losing their houses
3)  Ignore the VA hospitals
4)  Fight to keep from paying for the troops' health care
5)  Fight to keep from giving the troops a fucking raise
6)  Drag their feet on getting the troops the proper equipment (it is unconscionable how families had to raise money to get their sons and daughters armor!)
7)  Hire mercenary firms who hold guns on our troops (and then refuse to FIRE those mercenary firms, in fact, RE-UP their contracts!)
8)  RE-HIRE KBR who served the troops filthy water then suggested that the troops only drink bottled water!

The right in elected office is full of shit and you guys put them there.  Well, now the chickens are coming home to roost on your doorsteps.


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2008, 11:45:54 AM »
He's not Bush?

Thank gods for small miracles.  Seriously, though.  If our "enemies" "like" Obama, I think that is a good thing. need to add anything to that.  Thanks for the honesty, Brass.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2008, 12:07:04 PM »
He's not Bush?

Thank gods for small miracles.  Seriously, though.  If our "enemies" "like" Obama, I think that is a good thing. need to add anything to that.  Thanks for the honesty, Brass.

You're more than welcome.

If your enemies like you, then they are more inclined to follow your lead or heed your warnings or listen to your advice or best of all, not attack you.  I think that is something you guys have never learned.  You're still trapped in that cartoon/cowboy serials mentality of the '50's.  The good guy is the good guy with the white hat and his only raison d'etre is to kill the bad guy in the black hat (who we saw tying the beautiful girl to the tracks in episode 4).

And you're more than willing to ignore any evidence that is detrimental to that image of good vs evil.

Fidel Castro and Cuba are no threat to us whatsoever and we could actually benefit ourselves and the people of Cuba by talking to the Castros and ending the embargo but noooooooooo that might mean someone might find out that Cubans are pretty happy.  You could even infect the people of Cuba with capitalism.  Let some of them get to own houses of their own and see how fast they throw the Castros out but noooooooooo then it wouldn't be seen as a "win" for America.

It's just macho bullshit and it's old news/antiquated/so last century.


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2008, 12:25:02 PM »
He's not Bush?

Thank gods for small miracles.  Seriously, though.  If our "enemies" "like" Obama, I think that is a good thing. need to add anything to that.  Thanks for the honesty, Brass.

You're more than welcome.  If your enemies like you, then they are more inclined to follow your lead or heed your warnings or listen to your advice or best of all, not attack you.


I think that is something you guys have never learned. 

Yea, tell that to Chamberlain, Great Britian, and all of Europe in the late 30's.  If only we were nicer to Hitler.  If only we had made him our trusted friend.  Beyond hysterical.  Talk about not learning

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2008, 12:26:11 PM »

Mainly I am impressed by the imaginitiveness .


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2008, 01:39:16 PM »
Yea, tell that to Chamberlain, Great Britian, and all of Europe in the late 30's.  If only we were nicer to Hitler.  If only we had made him our trusted friend.  Beyond hysterical.  Talk about not learning

Nobody is saying hand anyone the keys to gates and saying, "come on in and kill us."  You guys are forgetting the successes of diplomacy.  Or would you like to do away with diplomacy altogether and just let nuclear bombs do our talking forever?

And you guys love to throw around Chamberlain.  Could you, without google or wikipedia, tell us exactly what it was that Chamberlain did to earn the title of Appeaser Extraordinaire?


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2008, 01:44:48 PM »
And "you guys" are forgetting that diplomacy is ALWAYS advocated and supported, by those who also support war as a last resort. 

However when dealing with one's ENEMIES, there is no appeasing, there is no placating, there is no playing nice-nice, and expect them to be nice in return.  There is no sitting down and expecting everyone to fully abide by some signiture on a piece of paper.  HISTORY has demonstrated how that process simply enables & emboldens one's enemies to do more with greater tragic effects
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2008, 02:05:19 PM »
And "you guys" are forgetting that diplomacy is ALWAYS advocated and supported, by those who also support war as a last resort. 

However when dealing with one's ENEMIES, there is no appeasing, there is no placating, there is no playing nice-nice, and expect them to be nice in return.  There is no sitting down and expecting everyone to fully abide by some signiture on a piece of paper.  HISTORY has demonstrated how that process simply enables & emboldens one's enemies to do more with greater tragic effects

No, we're not forgetting it.  I remember full well when I read that Bush wanted to attack Iraq BEFORE he was "elected" and that all his lies and plans (confirmed now by Scott McClellan after literally a who's who of others) were all leading to an attack on Iraq no matter what his "diplomacy" led to.

Saying you're pursuing diplomatic ends while amassing ships in the gulf is not diplomacy, it's spin.


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2008, 02:17:13 PM »
And "you guys" are forgetting that diplomacy is ALWAYS advocated and supported, by those who also support war as a last resort. 

However when dealing with one's ENEMIES, there is no appeasing, there is no placating, there is no playing nice-nice, and expect them to be nice in return.  There is no sitting down and expecting everyone to fully abide by some signiture on a piece of paper.  HISTORY has demonstrated how that process simply enables & emboldens one's enemies to do more with greater tragic effects

No, we're not forgetting it. 

Yes, apparently you are.  especially when you gleefully cheer the idea that its good that our enemies like Obama.  Quite the opposite of "not forgetting".  You could even say willfully ignoring

I remember full well when I read that Bush wanted to attack Iraq BEFORE he was "elected" and that all his lies and plans (confirmed now by Scott McClellan after literally a who's who of others) were all leading to an attack on Iraq no matter what his "diplomacy" led to.

Minus all your invalid, unsubstantiated, consistently refuted claims of lying us into war, DIPLOMACY was used.....12+years in fact.  And we got largely squat compliance to UN resolutions.  And following the events of 911, there was a required clock that had to be set, in order for both the credibility of the International Community & the U.S. to actually mean something again, and to facilitate compliance.  War was the last resort, and SADDAM apparently thought it was simply more uncredible rhetoric.  He thought wrong
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: What is it about Barack Obama that makes our enemies like him?
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2008, 02:38:45 PM »
I so utterly reject your assertions here that I won't even bother responding to them.

you're living in a world of lies.