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GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« on: September 30, 2006, 03:07:27 PM »
The GOP is looking more and more punchy as new details emerge.

I'm not a historian but I can't help believe that this GOP controlled government for the last few years has to be the most corrupt organization to ever take over a government.

And all you Bush/Iraq war/War of Terror supporters can only feel duped and used.  Here they have been using your morals (not ethics) as a guide to keep you in line.  They pass themselves off as "just like you" and they turn out to be liars, thieves and sexual deviants.  I feel sorry for you and hope you will hold them accountable.

Now, that we know that Hastert and Boehner have been covering for Foley, how can any  one of you not want to call for you representatives to support a total and complete ethics investigation into the whole situation?

Rove and his gang lied about their ties with Abramoff and you helped spread his bullshit.  Now the facts are tumbling out that they met repeatedly and he enjoyed gifts from Abramoff.

Rice has been implicated in the whole "terrorism was a Clinton thing" way of thinking during the runup to 9.11.  She brushed off a report that was a glaring warning.  They are either morons or complicit.

William Kristol got into it with Shepard on FOX when he said brazenly and aloud that the president should be sending in more troops (which is wrong) but the president can't "until after the elections in November".  Good lord, people.  These are the ones who run your party.

Most Corrupt.
Most Non ethical.
Most murderous.
Most greedy.
Most nefarious.

And you went along.


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2006, 05:09:32 PM »
From NY Times:

 'Representative Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader, called late Friday for an investigation into who knew of the messages, and when. After Republicans criticized her move on the floor, the House referred the request to the ethics committee.'

                         Republicans criticized her move on the floor???
Did Hastert know, and not say anything? Did Boehner?   Too worried about balance of power in the House to give a damn about the pages?

From CNN:

   ' Boehner blocked a vote on a resolution offered by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that asked the House Ethics Committee to begin a preliminary investigation into Foley’s conduct and the GOP leadership’s “response” to it.

    The California Democrat’s resolution would have called for an investigation of “when the Republican leadership was notified and what corrective action was taken.”

    Instead, Boehner made a motion that the Foley matter be sent to the House Ethics Committee, which passed 409-0.

    Pelosi said her resolution forced the GOP leadership to send the matter to the Ethics Committee for a bipartisan investigation.'

Pelosi's resolution here:
« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 05:11:52 PM by Lanya »
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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2006, 07:46:54 PM »
Hastert was  told months ago about all this, and still did nothing?
WASHINGTON - Rep. Thomas Reynolds (news, bio, voting record), head of the House Republican election effort, said he told Speaker
Dennis Hastert after learning a fellow GOP lawmaker sent inappropriate messages to a teenage boy.
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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2006, 08:33:19 PM »
Did the Democratic Party implode when simular facts were found out about Barney Frank or Bill Clinton ?

Oh well then why didn't it?


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 09:23:14 PM »
Perhaps someone can explain to me what law was broken.

Perhaps someone can also show me where Foley sent any other "inappropriate" emails after he was told not to communicate with former pages by Rep. Shimkus, who was in charge of the page program.


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2006, 01:31:29 AM »
Only you would split hairs like this.

Is that Koolaid grape or cherry?

Foley was engaging in cybersex with underage boys.  Are you really going to shrug your shoulders and say, "Hey, no harm done..."?


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2006, 01:32:34 AM »
Did the Democratic Party implode when simular facts were found out about Barney Frank or Bill Clinton ?

Ummmm, were Barney Frank or Bill Clinton involved with underage boys?

God damn, you people have lost your minds.


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Re: GOP Imploding As More...Seriously, IMPLOSION
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2006, 01:52:48 AM »
The GOP is like a brand of cereal that has been discovered to have been using old razor blades in their ingredients.  Sure, some day it could be re-furbed by the right NUTJOB but for now, no one will want to be known as a murderous, conspiring, cultish, bigoted pedophile.

I mean, look at todays Think Progress page.  Story after story of the lies, the coverups, the continual bullshit.

In a month, you guys are going to be saying that you were never a Bush-supporter and referring to yourselfs at "leaning Libertarian".


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2006, 02:02:07 AM »
Foley was engaging in cybersex with underage boys.  Are you really going to shrug your shoulders and say, "Hey, no harm done..."?

I saw the Im's . I saw inappropriate comments. I didn't see cyber-sex.

Perhaps you can post something to back up your latest claim.

On the other hand, perhaps Florida will pass a civil sexual deviants registry law so that folks like this are better known to the public. Apparently full court press reporting laden with political undertones like when CREW gets involved isn't sufficient.

Also can you explain why this is just coming out now when the offences took place a full year ago?


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2006, 02:21:30 AM »
And what is with this coverup nonsense.

 Looking at the timeline provided by thinkprogress,  as GOP leadership became knowledeable of the transgressions,  they handled it.


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2006, 02:01:50 PM »
And what is with this coverup nonsense.

 Looking at the timeline provided by thinkprogress,  as GOP leadership became knowledeable of the transgressions,  they handled it.
September 30, 2006
Hastert Knew While Foley Flew

Well, well, well. It appears the Republicans actually can make the Foley controversy worse. As if it wasn't bad enough that John Boehner knew about Foley's track record of sexual harassment of his underage pages, now it turns out that Speaker Denny Hastert lied about what he knew and when he knew it. Roll Call reports that Thomas Reynolds (R-NY), the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, told Hastert about Foley's predatory actions in late winter or early spring of this year:

    National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds (N.Y.) issued a statement Saturday in which he said that he had informed Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) of allegations of improper contacts between then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) and at least one former male page, contradicting earlier statements from Hastert.'

    GOP sources said Reynolds told Hastert earlier in 2006, shortly after the February GOP leadership elections. Hastert's response to Reynolds' warning remains unclear.

    Hastert's staff insisted Friday night that he was not told of the Foley allegations and are scrambling to respond to Reynolds' statement.

I cannot tell CQ readers how disgusted I am with Speaker Hastert. Reynolds is no fringe nutcase; he's the man Hastert trusted to run the midterm re-elections of the Republican caucus. He has no reason to lie, but Hastert apparently did. This also calls into question Boehner's earlier reversal, when he denied saying that he informed Hastert after Hastert denied knowing of Foley's activities.

Hastert should have been a man from the beginning and admit that he knew about Foley. Now he has destroyed any credibility left in his Speakership, and he has only compounded the embarrassment for the GOP caucus. Foley's actions reflect on Foley alone, but thanks to Hastert and perhaps Boehner, the aftermath will reflect on all Republicans in the House.

Republicans have to act swiftly to remove the stench of Foleygate from the party. They need to demand the resignation of Hastert as Speaker, as well as Boehner as Majority Leader if he lied to protect Hastert. Allowing Foley off the hook was a mistake in judgment, but this is a betrayal of those who trusted Hastert to lead the House with dignity, honesty, and integrity.

Posted by Captain Ed at September 30, 2006 07:20 PM
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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2006, 02:14:53 PM »

' At the Justice Department, an official said that no investigation was under way but that the agency had “real interest” in examining the circumstances to see if any crimes were committed.

Several of Mr. Foley’s former colleagues demanded a criminal inquiry.

Representative Robert E. Cramer, an Alabama Democrat who was co-chairman with Mr. Foley of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, condemned Mr. Foley’s actions as “shocking and disturbing.”

“Anyone, including Foley, involved in this type of behavior should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Mr. Cramer said.'
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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2006, 02:22:55 PM »
Right.  "Hey, no kids got fucked. [That we know of, anyway.] What's the big deal?"  Great Republican values.   
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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2006, 03:08:46 PM »
Lanya speaks out: Right.  "Hey, no kids got fucked. [That we know of, anyway.] What's the big deal?"  Great Republican values

Speaking of Values.

When did CREW get a copy of the IM's and why did they hold onto them for so long without forwarding to the appropriate authorities?

We know CREW is the progressive counterpart to Judicial Watch.
We know they are funded by George Soros.
We know they are the ones suing Cheney et al on the behalf of Valerie Plame.

We don't know if they are the ones who gave the story a little push to the AP, but who would be surprised if they did.

We don't know if Hastert, Reynolds or Shimkus were aware of the IM's.
We don't know if the IM's have been authenticated. We do know the exchange was edited.

We do know that the dems are trying to portray this as a coverup.
And we do know that CREW, by some means unknown, had critical evidence that they are just now releasing.

So if there was a cover-up, would not CREW be responsible.

And  does that mean Democrat values are more about partisan bloodsport than protecting adolescents?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2006, 03:14:17 PM by BT »


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Re: GOP Imploding As More and More Details Emerge
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2006, 03:30:54 PM »
Right.  "Hey, no kids got fucked. [That we know of, anyway.] What's the big deal?"  Great Republican values.   

The empty pretense that Democrats are virtuous in any respect above Republicans convinces few.

As long as we have to use human beings as Congressmen we will find some number of them demonstrateing human failings.

Note that though neither party has a monoply on scandal the means of dealing withthe scandal is diffrent , Democrats that have sex with a Page tend to be re-elected , Republicans that talk dirty to a page tend to resign.

The House ethics committee on July 14, 1983, announced that Crane and Studds had sexual relationships with teenage congressional pages -- Crane with a 17-year-old female in 1980, Studds with a 17-year-old male in 1973. Both admitted the charges that same day, and Studds acknowledged he was gay. The committee voted to reprimand the two, but a back-bench Georgia Republican named Newt Gingrich argued that they should be expelled. The full House voted on July 20 instead to censure the two, the first time that ever happened for sexual misconduct. Crane, married and the father of six, was tearful in his apology to the House, while Studds refused to apologize. Crane's conservative district voted him out in 1984, while the voters in Studds's more liberal district were more forgiving. Studds won reelection in 1984 with 56 percent of the vote, and continued to win until he retired in 1996.

In August 1987, two former Konnyu aides complained to the San Jose Mercury News that the freshman Republican had sexually harassed them. GOP leaders were unhappy with Konnyu's temperament to begin with, so it took little effort to find candidates who would take him on in the primary. Stanford professor Tom Campbell ousted Konnyu the following June.

And replaceing the bad with worse
REP. JIM BATES (D-Calif.):
Roll Call quoted former Bates aides in October 1988 saying that the San Diego Democrat made sexual advances toward female staffers. Bates called it a GOP-inspired smear campaign, but also apologized for anything he did that might have seemed inappropriate. The story came too close to Election Day to damage Bates, who won easily. However, the following October the ethics committee sent Bates a "letter of reproval" directing him to make a formal apology to the women who filed the complaint. Although the district was not thought to be hospitable to the GOP, Randy "Duke" Cunningham, a former Navy pilot who was once shot down over North Vietnam, ousted Bates in 1990 by fewer than 2,000 votes.