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Michael Tee

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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2008, 09:49:04 PM »
BT, the link is pointless.  It shows a postage-stamp photo of a 3-storey house beside some vacant land, the line between the two being almost totally obscured by a "start video" button with an arrow which does nothing but enlarge the picture somewhat but any "forward" or "Start video" buttons if pushed just reduce the picture frame back down to its original size.  Nothing will start the video.

Be that as it may, there is nothing to show the size of the back yard.  If the house has a decent back yard, there is no need at all for a side yard, which is what the vacant lot beside the house would be.

<<1) As you can clearly see from the overhead photos in the video, this was clearly NOT an "adjacent" piece of property. This was quite obviously the yard for the Obama house. >>

That is ridiculous.  If Obama's mansion had a back yard, it would not need the side yard at all.

<<The only access to the Rezko property is from Obama's parcel. >>

I can't toggle back and forth to your photo once I start to compose this message, but IIRC, BOTH parcels front on the same street.  It is absurd to claim that the only access to the Rezko property is from Obama's parcel, unless the Rezco parcel can't be accessed from the street directly in front of it.

<<The intent here was clearly for Rezko to purchase the land and continue making it available for the exclusive use of the Obama family. A $925,000 favor to a sitting US Senator.>>

Could also be an intent to have Rezco build a smaller place beside Obama for himself or a family member.  Or just hold the vacant land as an investment.

<<2) Why did Obama buy a strip of "Rezko" land and build a fence? Simple. Obama knew that eventually somebody would photograph the property and the sham nature of the arrangement would be instantly obvious.>>

More likely he just wanted a wider side yard and once he got it, he fenced it in.  Most people fence their side yards.  Other possibilities are the doctor had muncipal permission to sever the land into two parcels as shown but Obama wanted the house with a wider side yard - - if both Rezco and Obama saw the entire property in various possible configurations as a valuable investment and the doc was anxious to sell without delay, they could have agreed with each other - - You (Tony) take the vacant lot and I (Obama) will take the house on the understanding that later, when there's more time available, Tony will sell Obama the strip at a predetermined rate so that Obama can have the side yard without which he wouldn't have wanted the house.

<<Obviously, the Rezko property was never intended to be a separate piece of land and a fence on the original lot line would have been absurd.>>

That's far from obvious.  On the contrary, the fact that title was allowed to be severed prior to the purchase by Obama and Rezco indicates that whatever municipal authority authorized the severance obviously considered the vacant land to be sufficient for the erection of a fully-detached single-family residence or other structure compatible with neighbourhood zoning by-laws.

<<Pause the video and note the SUV parked on Obama's driveway immediate to the right of the fence (the new lot line). This indicates that, initially, Obama's driveway was actually sited on "Rezko's" piece of the property...a strong indication that Rezko intended the use of the land as a gift to Obama.>>

Or the drive could have been a mutual drive with each side having an easement over half the drive, or there could have been laneway-accessed parking behind the house.  Or, less likely, the Obama side could have had a driveway easement over the Rezco side.  Besides, if both parties had planned the investment but Obama wanted more side yard, they could have just agreed to do the deal as I suggested before, using the existing severance permissions and agreeing to make a further application to sever an "Obama side yard" after the purchase closed.

<<3) Rezko has since transfered title to his land to his attorney. Is this one of the land transactions that landed Rezko in jail yesterday?>>

Maybe it would be if it's a crime to transfer property to your attorney.  Is it?  And how could Obama have stopped this horrendous crime?  How is any of it Obama's fault, what Rezco does with his property?  Besides, I thought the parcel belonged to Rita Rezco, Tony's wife.

This whole thing is bullshit.  I don't even see any appraisals suggesting that somehow Obama got the property below fair market value.  Getting the property below asking price?  It's asinine to even mention it.  Only a schmuck buys property at asking price.  It's always negotiated down, often by substantial amounts.  Nobody even knows how long the doc had the property on the market, whether it was bought subject to liens or work orders . . .   

This is the shoddiest case anyone could imagine.  It's bulllshit.  A crude smear by lying bastards hoping against hope to perpetuate a criminal Republican administration for four more years of lies, war and torture, illegal detentions and outsourced torture and murder, continuing corporate rip-offs of the citizens and further exorbitant "bail-outs" or as they are now designated by the fraudsters in charge of the U.S. government, "rescue plans."    The desperation of the criminally insane.  And it won't help one bit.  Because no sane American voter would give a shit about any of this crap.  They've had it with the lies and the bullshit and they want to see some new faces. 
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 09:53:21 PM by Michael Tee »

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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2008, 10:00:47 PM »
October 16, 2008

Gallup Daily: Obama 49%, McCain 43%
Obama maintains lead, but falls under 50%
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Michael Tee

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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2008, 10:22:58 PM »
October 16, 2008

Gallup Daily: Obama 49%, McCain 43%
Obama maintains lead, but falls under 50%


That can't be good.  I hope people here understand that if Obama loses the election, it's NBD for him; he'll go back to being a law professor and probably have a lot more time for Michelle and their two lovely daughters.

Who it will be a tragedy for is the country, and by extension, the world.  Putting this confused, stupid  and angry man into office will result in the greatest single fucking-over this country has ever received, unless he dies in office, letting in Palin, who will be even worse - - the victim of every slick-talking con man, Zionist agent, mid-East con artist and European trickster that can gain access, personally or through their American agents and reps.  Simple words of advice - - don't do it guys.  I can't believe you don't know in your hearts that what I just wrote here is true.


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2008, 10:35:55 PM »

That can't be good.  I hope people here understand that if Obama loses the election, it's NBD for him; he'll go back to being a law professor and probably have a lot more time for Michelle and their two lovely daughters.

Why would he quit the senate?


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2008, 10:40:21 PM »
Ayers with influence in the White House
is scary as hell to most Americans!

No, it isn't.

Hell is many times scarier.
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Michael Tee

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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2008, 10:55:25 PM »
<<Why would he quit the senate?>>

It never occurred to me.  I guess he just, in my mind, I see him more as a law professor than as a Senator.  I wasn't really thinking.  Senator isn't a permanent job, really.  But if that's his last job, you're right, that's probably what he'd go back to, at least till his term is served out.


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2008, 10:58:22 PM »


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2008, 11:31:04 PM »

Some college professors have some nice houses as well:’s-skaneateles-home-earns-new-york’s-first-leed-h-gold-rating/

Not everyone is into greed all the time like you Repubes.

Michael Tee

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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2008, 12:21:54 AM »
The Rezco parcel seems to be a corner lot, therefore accessed from two streets, so it's doubly absurd to claim it can only be accessed from the Obama property.  Can't really tell if there's a laneway behind the lot and the house, but it does not look like there is.  No indication of the original property line, although I assume it's parallel to the fence but closer to the house.  Be interesting to know what the original side yard clearance was, also if there was a prior fence.  Hard to tell if the Rezco lot, or what's left of it now, is buildable, but I would assume it is, otherwise the city would never have permitted the slicing off of more side yard for Obama.

I don't see any evidence of anything suspicious here, but I guess if Obama purchased at substantially under fair market value at the time, that would raise a few red flags, especially if Rezco simultaneously overpaid.


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2008, 01:44:11 AM »
Both lots were for sale by the owner. The only way he would subdivide is if both purchases closed on the same day.

The Rezko's by buying the adjoining lot helped Obama close the deal on his house because he couldn't qualify for both.

My guess is Obama needed the additional land so that his house qualified with zonng setbacks. And the Rezko's were happy to help by selling the potion at below market value.

Meanwhile Obama had directed millions to Rezko's Section 8 housing investments.

Quid pro quo.

And unethical as hell.


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2008, 03:17:48 AM »
<<Why would he quit the senate?>>

It never occurred to me.&nbsp; I guess he just, in my mind, I see him more as a law professor than as a Senator.&nbsp; I wasn't really thinking.&nbsp; Senator isn't a permanent job, really.&nbsp; But if that's his last job, you're right, that's probably what he'd go back to, at least till his term is served out.

Could you think of him as a "senior lecturer"? Not quite a Professor but almost?

I don't think he was seriously makeing that his carreer , every job he has ever held has been a stepping stone to a better one.


Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?
When I was in law school, I addressed all of my course instructors as "professors," regardless of their rank or formal position in the school academic hierarchy (tenured professor, assistant professor, adjunct professor, lecturer, etc.). Was Obama exaggerating or factually wrong in referring to himself as a "constitutional law professor" at the University of Chicago Law School even though his official title was lecturer?
A: His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he "served as a professor" and was "regarded as" a professor.
Sen. Obama, who has taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago, has regularly referred to himself as "a constitutional law professor," most famously at a March 30, 2007, fundraiser when he said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution." A spokesman for the Republican National Committee immediately took exception to Obama’s remarks, pointing out that Obama’s title at the University of Chicago was "senior lecturer" and not "professor."

Recently, Hillary Clinton's campaign has picked up on this charge. In a March 27 conference call with reporters, Clinton spokesman Phil Singer claimed:

Singer (March 27): Sen. Obama has often referred to himself as “a constitutional law professor” out on the campaign trail. He never held any such title. And I think anyone, if you ask anyone in academia the distinction between a professor who has tenure and an instructor that does not, you’ll find that there is … you’ll get quite an emotional response.

The campaign also sent out an e-mail quoting an Aug. 8, 2004, column in the Chicago Sun-Times that criticized Obama for calling himself a professor when, in fact, the University of Chicago faculty page listed him as “a senior lecturer (now on leave)." The Sun-Times said, "In academia, there is a vast difference between the two titles. Details matter." The Clinton campaign added that the difference between senior lecturers and professors is that "professors have tenure while lecturers do not."

We agree that details matter, and also that the formal title of "professor" is not lightly given by academic institutions. However, on this matter the University of Chicago Law School itself is not standing on formality, and is siding with Obama.

Due to numerous press inquiries on the matter, the school released a carefully worded statement saying that for his 12 years there he was considered to be "a professor."

UC Law School statement: The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as "Senior Lecturer." From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School's Senior Lecturers have high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.

Contrary to what the Clinton campaign claimed, not all professors have tenure. For instance, academics with the title of "assistant professor" typically work for between five and seven years before being reviewed for tenure.

Furthermore, Obama was not merely an "instructor" as Phil Singer stated. As a "senior lecturer," Obama was in good company: The six other faculty members with the title include the associate dean of the law school and Judge Richard Posner, who is widely considered to be one of the nation's top legal theorists.

-Joe Miller

Update March 28: As originally written this item stated flatly that the law school "confirms that Obama was a professor."  We have rewritten the item in parts to more accurately reflect the nuance in the law school's news release.


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2008, 09:32:50 AM »
Obama has a J.D. degree, which means he is qualified to teach any postgraduate courses tat the department wants him to in his field. Lecturer is not a permanent title. It means that the individual does not have tenure, or is teaching in a position that is a "non-tenure track". Universities often pay lecturers by the course. Other ranks, such as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor, are paid by contract, usually to teach somewhere beteen two and five courses per term, and to do a certain amount of research and to publish the results.

Everyone who teaches in a university is called "professor" out of courtesy, just as dentists and podiatrists and chiropractors are called "doctor". Obama could also be addressed as 'doctor' because he has a JD degree.

In any university, this academic rank stuff is considered 'quibbling', unless it involves asking for a raise.
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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2008, 05:04:48 PM »
Obama has a J.D. degree, which means he is qualified to teach any postgraduate courses tat the department wants him to in his field. Lecturer is not a permanent title. It means that the individual does not have tenure, or is teaching in a position that is a "non-tenure track". Universities often pay lecturers by the course. Other ranks, such as assistant professor, associate professor and full professor, are paid by contract, usually to teach somewhere beteen two and five courses per term, and to do a certain amount of research and to publish the results.

Everyone who teaches in a university is called "professor" out of courtesy, just as dentists and podiatrists and chiropractors are called "doctor". Obama could also be addressed as 'doctor' because he has a JD degree.

In any university, this academic rank stuff is considered 'quibbling', unless it involves asking for a raise.

You would certainly know better than I , University life is not my baliwick.

So we can call him Dr.?


That might be worse than "Hussein":>


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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2008, 06:33:18 PM »
If Obama were teaching in any university, he would be called "Dr Obama" by the students and his colleagues. The title Dr outranks the title 'professor', since any member of the faculty is addressed as "Professor" plus his/her surname. Those that have an earned doctorate are addressed as Dr., plus the surname.

Being as the US is an anti-intellectual country, it is probably true that "Dr Obama" would not get so many votes as 'Senator Obama". George McGovern had a Ph.D. in history. Woodrow Wilson also had a PhD, as do Colin Powell and Condi Rice.

On the other hand, Barry Goldwater was never addressed as "General Goldwater", and I think McCain is a Colonel, but again, neither military nor academic titles are used in politics, because the average congressman and senator normally has nothing beyond a BA or BS degree.

I notice that medical doctors, such as Howard Dean and Ron Paul are more often addressed as "Dr." than people with doctorates in non-medical fields.

And oh, yes, it would be "Dr. Bill Ayers".

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Re: WOW, McCain Campaign Going Heavy
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2008, 08:01:22 PM »
If Obama were teaching in any university, he would be called "Dr Obama" by the students and his colleagues. The title Dr outranks the title 'professor', since any member of the faculty is addressed as "Professor" plus his/her surname. Those that have an earned doctorate are addressed as Dr., plus the surname.

Being as the US is an anti-intellectual country, it is probably true that "Dr Obama" would not get so many votes as 'Senator Obama". George McGovern had a Ph.D. in history. Woodrow Wilson also had a PhD, as do Colin Powell and Condi Rice.

On the other hand, Barry Goldwater was never addressed as "General Goldwater", and I think McCain is a Colonel, but again, neither military nor academic titles are used in politics, because the average congressman and senator normally has nothing beyond a BA or BS degree.

I notice that medical doctors, such as Howard Dean and Ron Paul are more often addressed as "Dr." than people with doctorates in non-medical fields.

And oh, yes, it would be "Dr. Bill Ayers".

McCain was a member of the Navy, you might be the first to ever call him "Colonel".