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Guest 07:17:21 PM Viewing the board Sports.
Guest 07:17:21 PM Viewing the board Chicken Soup.
Guest 07:17:05 PM Viewing the topic O-bomb-A Iran.
Guest 07:17:04 PM Viewing the topic trivia.
Guest 07:16:30 PM Viewing the topic Wow (Part the Second).
Guest 07:16:22 PM Viewing the board 3DHS.
Guest 07:15:14 PM Viewing the board Culture Vultures.
Guest 07:14:59 PM Viewing Kramer's profile.
Guest 07:14:57 PM Viewing the topic Perfect Haiku.
Guest 07:14:49 PM Viewing the memberlist.
Guest 07:14:45 PM Viewing the memberlist.
Guest 07:14:44 PM Viewing sirs's profile.
Guest 07:14:42 PM Viewing the topic "manufacture of consent." .
Guest 07:14:39 PM Viewing the memberlist.
Guest 07:14:39 PM Viewing the topic Cain passes lie detector test.
Guest 07:14:39 PM Viewing MissusDe's profile.
Guest 07:14:38 PM Viewing Religious Dick's profile.
Guest 07:14:37 PM Viewing Xavier_Onassis's profile.
Guest 07:14:36 PM Viewing Plane's profile.
Guest 07:14:35 PM Viewing the topic No wonder the Democratic Party & The Media are so scared of this guy!.
Guest 07:14:31 PM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 07:14:29 PM Viewing Xavier_Onassis's profile.
Guest 07:14:28 PM Unknown Action
Guest 07:14:28 PM Viewing the topic Israel launches aerial assaults on Gaza.
Guest 07:14:27 PM Viewing Xavier_Onassis's profile.
Guest 07:14:25 PM Viewing Lanya's profile.
Guest 07:14:23 PM Viewing the memberlist.
Guest 07:14:22 PM Viewing the topic Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?.
Guest 07:14:18 PM Viewing the board 3DHS.
Guest 07:14:16 PM Viewing Lanya's profile.