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Messages - kimba1

Pages: 1 ... 526 527 [528] 529 530 ... 535
3DHS / Re: how are they better than us??
« on: October 24, 2006, 07:57:04 PM »
oh she got fired at my job
she started all these projects and nothing got done.
in fact I was doing her job more than her.
didn`t really bother me much
she actually made me look good with her slouching all the time
but I did learn something about french culture thats cool
they can take as much as they can give.
I never had to hold back around her
nothing fazes her

3DHS / Re: how are they better than us??
« on: October 24, 2006, 07:45:34 PM »
She tend to be annoyed about the people here more than talk about how great france is.
I tend to think it`s a refusal tp understand how things run here.
ex. she tends to give very general instruction and expects people to know exactly what she wants.
americans don`t do things that way.
we tend to be very specific to cut down on misunderstandings.
she complains we are way too polite.
ex. she doesn`t understand why we don`t laugh at fat people.
and it`s true ,if we see someone get stuck in a car due to weigh we do look away.

3DHS / Re: how are they better than us??
« on: October 24, 2006, 07:35:05 PM »
I can learn to understand french but never speak it
those sluring sound are beyond my power
same goes the other direction most people I know cant pronounce ngoi
it`s a purely asian sound and people can`t help make have a l sound to it.

3DHS / how are they better than us??
« on: October 24, 2006, 05:49:09 PM »

a friend of mine who is nigerian and a attorney from london
could only get bar tending jobs in paris
she spend 5 years there
she bitch moan about america
despite that she can get fairly decent pay here and owns for the moment 3 homes here in the U.S.
why do people love france soo much
I know at least 5 ex americans who now live in france.
is it really paradise there??

3DHS / Re: You can't go , because you owe.
« on: October 20, 2006, 09:11:42 PM »
30% of 50k is15k

a car loan would easily make one qualify

3DHS / Re: too bad nobody will do anything
« on: October 20, 2006, 02:09:22 PM »
that does make sense
the greater in debt ones get`s the more vulnerable one gets.
if i were to have a $53,876.98 debt and somebody flash a mess of bills
it very very unlikely temptation will not be there to do things his way

3DHS / too bad nobody will do anything
« on: October 20, 2006, 01:44:35 PM »

with the democratic tag on it, it`ll just be chaulked to over reaction
also nobody cares when somebody else runs up their credit.

3DHS / Re: Cell Phone
« on: October 19, 2006, 09:39:48 PM »
I don`t understand is how on earth do classrooms allow student to use their cells???
am I missing something here??
I understand parents needing tobe in contact with their kids.
but discretion should obviously be applied.

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 19, 2006, 02:42:59 PM »
I`m guilty of that.
covet is a desire not a action.
so it really shouldn`t be a problem til it`s made an action.
I covet all over the place and i still don`t see a problem
i covet at least a dozen times a day.
I covet soo much It really is impossible to list
it`s just a matter of degree
I`m not gonna or want to do anything about who I covet.
maybe it`s because they`re so many i can`t do anything
that could be the answer covet soo many I won`t obsess over one.
moderation is the key to
I just covet right now.

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 19, 2006, 01:45:06 PM »
Marriage is a sacrament Lanya and should not be entered into in this case (in my opinion). Being socially acceptable or feeling that one has a social duty is not enough to make a marriage.

but social duty is the very foundation of marraige.

it`s a good bet very few people have not heard the phrase your not getting any younger.

very little requirement with emotional connection.
 the common thing I hear from engaged women is he wants kids.
not once I hear he`s very nice or anything really positive about the guy

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 19, 2006, 01:32:55 PM »
(Reminds self to tear up those credit card offers real good...)

Actually a very good idea for everybody.
it real dangerous for anyone to just toss those in the trash
I shred mine and dispose them in two seperate bins.
if they can recover them from that then they earned it.
but it`s areal good gamble it`s not gonna happen.

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 18, 2006, 08:32:05 PM »
you need a gun for banks

how about id theft
you`ll be label scum of the earth though.

it`s fairly un complicated for the person who knows how.

it`s the banks fault for mailing all those credit card checks to people with very little security involved.

I totally detest the act,but it`s the only crime I can think up for now.

those check are worth $1,500.00 to $5,000.00 i think?

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 18, 2006, 07:51:14 PM »
not sure that`s alot of money though
the haul would be large,but I doubt it would be in the millions
how much can a guy steal in a bank?

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 18, 2006, 07:02:23 PM »
I think kristen kreuk is the present day phoebe
she`s cute
my nephew has a crush on her

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:01:38 PM »
I like phoebe cates and mimi rogers
does that make me bi???

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