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Messages - Amianthus

Pages: 1 ... 501 502 [503] 504 505
3DHS / Re: War Crimes
« on: September 24, 2006, 04:49:59 PM »

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:46:00 PM »
Prioritizing is closer.  So is focusing.

Focusing to point of ignoring your surroundings is obsessive behaviour. And not normal.

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:39:25 PM »
Jesus.  My faith in the media is shaken to the roots.  The guy couldn't even quote straight from a tabloid headline??  Maybe that's not ALL he got wrong.  He could've fucked up on the picture too.  How do we know it was really a smoking hole in the ground?  What if it was a bombed-out building?  I think you should enter into a serious intellectual debate with him at once, which could be expanded as needed to include other tabloid headlines as well.  How else can the integrity of tabloid headlines be preserved?

If it's the tabloid headline I remember seeing, the smoke was rising from a factory's smokestacks (not a hole in the ground) and the headline was in the form of a question ("Has the Devil escaped from Hell?").

However, there are so many "Devil" tabloid headlines, it's entirely possible he saw a different one.

Of course, I don't take someone's factual errors and use that to make fun of them. If I did, I would be a liberal. And I'd be making fun of their dress and physical features as well.

And I don't want to get a lobotomy just to become liberal.

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:33:27 PM »
Must be nice to have so little on your mind.

Must be nice to easily forget things.

ADD or Alzheimers?

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:20:19 PM »
Let me know when you start quoting from them to buttress your arguments

I just did. The title from the cover. Equivalent to a headline from a tabloid. That makes me an expert, doesn't it? Or at least an aficionado?

Alternatively, perhaps I find more interesting things to glance at when standing in line at the supermarket.  But hey!  don't let me stop you from looking over whatever catches your fancy.  It's a free world.

Gum and candy wrappers? Sorry, I look around me and notice everything. So sorry that you're too slow to notice things immediately in front of you.

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:07:33 PM »
The guy was actually quoting what he read in supermarket tabs as part of his argument against Chavez.  I stand in line all the time at supermarkets (IF that's where he acquired his familiarity with the headline and picture, and we don't realy know that) and I tell ya, I can't think of one headline to quote.  Maybe a word or two at most.  "Brad" "Angelina."  But a photo?  With a whole headline?  This guy sounds like an aficionado to me.  Some writers choose to quote Socrates in their writings. Aeschylus.   Nietzsche. Winston Churchill.  Tom Clancy.  Seinfeld.  This guy chooses to quote from supermarket tabloids.  Hey, it's a free country.  Why should I deny him his right to quote freely from any source?

That one was so funny, it had me practically rolling in the aisle.

But then maybe it's not my reading skills that are better than yours. Maybe it's just my memory. I remember what I read and see.

And besides - he quoted it wrong anyway, so he must not be such an aficionado.

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 01:02:24 PM »
I would assume in the absence of evidence of alternative means of acquiring knowledge of tabloid headlines and photos that one acquires this knowledge in the simplest way possible, by reading the tabs, in line at the supermarket or staring at them on the washroom floor in a toilet stall or taking them home to read at bed-time, it does not matter.  I would venture that 99% of the people who claim to know about the contents of tabloid headlines acquired that knowledge by reading the headline on the tab.

I saw the cover of Canadian Federal and Provincial Case Law once.

Guess that means I read Canadian law books, huh?

I must be an expert on the subject?

Glancing at the cover of a tabloid and reading the headline above is not something that requires any concentration on my part - indeed it's pretty much automatic and I cannot even control it. Perhaps my reading skills are so much above yours - I didn't realize that it took so much concentration on your part to read.

Do you need to stop on the road to concentrate and read each road sign as well?

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:35:21 PM »
Actually, you all got a chance to witness a typically moronic piece by a "conservative" media whore taken apart line-by-line to expose its ludicrous essence and total divorce from reason and reality.

Actually, your piece was pretty much a strawman argument - insert into his words stuff he never said, then shoot down what you inserted.

Your claim that he reads supermarket tabloids was but an example of your attempts to sway arguments with propaganda.

And I'm confident there were some members of this group who were able to get it.

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:28:44 PM »
"Tab" is short for tabloid.  That's where he read the headline and saw the picture.

You know, unless you're totally oblivious to your surroundings, you notice the headlines and front page pictures while standing in line. Even I noticed that picture and headline, and you seem to think I'm pretty oblivious. You must be even more oblivious to your surroundings if you did not. Either that, or you think you're too good to stand in line at the grocery store?

Now, perhaps you'd like to demonstrate where he said he reads the tabloid, as you claim he did ("So we know the guy reads supermarket tabs.")

3DHS / Re: The Devil made him do it
« on: September 24, 2006, 11:02:59 AM »
OK.  So we know the guy reads supermarket tabs.  I guess in Bushworld, that qualifies him a a Jen You Wine innalekshual.

Care to point out where he said he read supermarket tabloids?

Or do you have reading comprehension problems?


I love how you can't even figure out how to quote properly.

This is a NIE produced by the same groups that estimated that Iraq had WMDs, right?

3DHS / Re: The Real Cartoon Diplomacy
« on: September 24, 2006, 02:48:05 AM »
I would respond with equal nastiness, but only you "patriots" are allowed to do that.

Care to explain what was nasty?


3DHS / Re: Proof Positive that Bush is now OFFICIALLY a KING
« on: September 22, 2006, 08:12:00 PM »
I see you've deleted your post.


3DHS / Re: Proof Positive that civility is not required
« on: September 22, 2006, 07:58:41 PM »
Nice.  Way to facilitate some of that civil dialog you kept claiming was so missing from me, in prior debates with you.

I assume you actually intended to reply to me.

Look at the thread title. Did you really intend to have a civil dialog? If so, why did you use the thread title that you used?

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