General Category > 3DHS

"I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"

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Can't be too poor, if it worked in CA

not completely but enough for me to rarely say anything very nice. the food and water is great here for now

.... for now.  With the imminent increase in gas taxes and car fees, watch still more of the middle class move out, to be replaced by poor illegal immigrants who can't afford it, and will have to be subsidized by.....yep, that same shrinking middle class....which will necessitate still higher taxes to compensate

Not sure thier all that poor since the whole point of illegals coming here is to get work. True some do get assistance but their status by nature makes them take the minimum not the maximum. In fact any illegal who takes those benefits so blantantly is likely not illegal but a ametican born id thief.

Again, I have to respectfully disagree (and here I thought H proclaimed we were some all hemogenous group think....go figure)....but to the point, ANY illegal immigrant here is taking a job away from an American who does have a valid ID. 

ANY illegal immigrant here using a fake SS# that supposedly is paying taxes, STOLE that ID from someone else. 

And the amount of illegal immigrants in this country, especially here in CA, is why those that use and abuse their #'s, are able to keep wages substantially low, which pushes the false narrative that they do the jobs Americans wouldn't do

Illegal immigrants predominantly come here with next to nothing, but with the notion that America will "take care of them".  They just need to (illegally) get their foot in the door.  And the greater the #'s, the more need for Government services..... A liberal democrat's dream.  They're already pushing for no bail for those arrested, already pushing tax payer provided healthcare, now formulating the notion that anyone born should be registered to vote, regardless of their parents' status.  And you can bet that in the very near future, CA politicians will start pushing that illegal immigrants simply be allowed to vote for "limited issues"


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