Author Topic: Putin accuses US of provoking conflict in Georgia, possibly for the election  (Read 14004 times)

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<<When did NATO bcome anti Russian?>>

The whole reason for it was to protect Europe against Soviet "expansionism."

<<This is a club that includes most of Rusias tradeing partners , its biggest lenders and customers.>>

so?  that does not guarantee their friendliness.  Tony Soprano might be your biggest lender and your biggest customer, but that doesn't mean he'll never hit you.

<<NATO has never invaded Russia ...>>

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you are hilarious, plane.

For your information, the following is a partial list of NATO member countries which have invaded Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution:  Great Britain, France, Canada, the U.S.A., Poland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia.

<< . . . nor prepared to.>>

No?  so all those SAC bombers were just conducting meteorological studies?

  The Soviet union could not have been invaded with the Forces NATO ever had.

When the Soviet union fell apart they would have been vunerable to such a thing , if ther were ever any such intent in NATO , but that was always a myth , the resistance of expantion was the goal and it was the whole goal.

Michael Tee

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<<The Soviet union could not have been invaded with the Forces NATO ever had.>>

Of course not, because Stalin kept their guard up and maintained a credible deterrent.

<<When the Soviet union fell apart they would have been vunerable to such a thing , if ther were ever any such intent in NATO , but that was always a myth  . . . >>

Nonsense - - what would be the point of invading something that was self-destructing before their very eyes?

<<the resistance of expantion was the goal and it was the whole goal.>>

Not exactly.  They weren't resisting ANY expansion, just expansion towards the NATO members' home turf, particularly Western Europe.  Which raises the question, if that were REALLY the goal, why is there still a NATO?


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<<The Soviet union could not have been invaded with the Forces NATO ever had.>>

Of course not, because Stalin kept their guard up and maintained a credible deterrent.

<<When the Soviet union fell apart they would have been vunerable to such a thing , if ther were ever any such intent in NATO , but that was always a myth  . . . >>

Nonsense - - what would be the point of invading something that was self-destructing before their very eyes?

<<the resistance of expantion was the goal and it was the whole goal.>>

Not exactly.  They weren't resisting ANY expansion, just expansion towards the NATO members' home turf, particularly Western Europe.  Which raises the question, if that were REALLY the goal, why is there still a NATO?

I think NATO is changeing , I can't predict it.

Spain and Belgum don't feel the threat anymore , NATO isn't about trade the European Union serves Western Europe better especially as they diverge from American leadership.

Eastern Europe does feel the threat , the threat was what NATO was always about , never about invadeing Russia as the Soviet union fruitlessly prepared for for half a century. Now the Eatern Europeans want to avoid invasion by banding together , so why not let them? Why not help them ?

Why not allow Spain , Holland and any other one that would like to leave go? and replace them one for one with nations more in need.

The EU has done nothing for defending itself , if Russia decides to follow this example NATO will have no threat to build itself on and all of the prospective members will stop clammoring to enter and all of the old members will retire honorably .

Have you never wondered why Canada never lobbied the WArsaw Pact for admission?


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<<The Soviet union could not have been invaded with the Forces NATO ever had.>>

Of course not, because Stalin kept their guard up and maintained a credible deterrent.

Shure he did .

That is why the West never invaded Russia.
There was another reason too of course , the WEst didn't want Russia.

Napolion and Hitler might have wanted Russia but with the passing of Hitler there was very little of that sentament left.
Stalin whipped up fear for reason of power maintenience.

And when that deterrent was shown to be hollow by Mattias Rust the emporors clothes became transparent.

I give Mattias Rust a lot of credit .

The People of Russia realised that they were killing themselves for an illusion of safety against aninvasion no one was prepareing , when the Soviet Union dissolved hundreds of ships were retired , Subs and missles , Americans were invited to help secure excess enriched Uranium. All over the place formerly secret locations were visited .

The guard was down , and just as Stalin predicted.... well no , just as in reality the USA never wanted to conquer Russia , we just didn't want to give up our freedom for the "benefits " of Communism. When they quit pushing on the wall the wall failed to fall on them , it just fell into the hanmds of souviner collectors.