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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #60 on: February 03, 2008, 03:40:58 PM »
But it must have occurred to you, there's a REASON those places are "sparsely populated?"

Sure, I said BILLIONS, didn't I? Allocate enough moolah and the rivers can flow again. desalination plants can be constructed, topsoil can be trucked in and so on.

Look, isn't this a better solution than having them at each other's throats?

Funding can come form a universal fund, funded by their "Muslim brothers" and those guys with the white hats, namely us.

The string if this is accomplished, however, is they can't contrinue their war against Isreal. After all, we are doing this to keep them apart and let the Palestinians build anew. If thye cannot accept this caveat, then too bad, the deal's off.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 03:43:05 PM by The_Professor »
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Michael Tee

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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #61 on: February 03, 2008, 05:25:37 PM »
<<Allocate enough moolah and the rivers can flow again. desalination plants can be constructed, topsoil can be trucked in and so on.

<<Look, isn't this a better solution than having them at each other's throats?>>

It's a nice thought.  To be honest, the reason it won't come off is because the "Arab brothers" aren't all that brotherly.  They won't contribute a cent because it will offend their manhood that the Jews took land from them by force and they couldn't get it back by force.  It would be an unmanly solution.  Their attitude's akin to the U.S. sentiment, "Millions for defence but not one cent for tribute."

But it's a good idea anyway.  I like it.  Maybe if there were new leadership in the Arab world.  A whole new generation.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 05:31:45 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2008, 06:26:48 PM »
After these purchases the land, the country, prospered. Then of course people a lot of people decided they wanted it back.

No, you have it all wrong again. After Israel took sovereignty of the land, then Jews all over the world were asked, begged, cajoled and wheedled to donate bazillions. One slogan was "a land without people for a people without a land", which was patently false. The Arabs who were run off, many by people with guns, never ceased to want their land back, with or without Jewish improvements.

About this time, a number of cures for epidemic and chronic diseases that had kept the population stable were introduced int the region, and the mortality rate in general and the infant mortality rate in particular plummeted among Palestinians, and now there are five or six times as many refugees as there were in 1947.

You fail to realize that the Palestinian attachment for this land is as great as the Jewish attachment for it. Certainly a lot more than the Boston Irish pining away for the Auld Sod of Erin or the Sioux pining away for the Black Hills.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 06:28:37 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2008, 06:56:01 PM »
MT, your anti-Israeli stance is mindboggling. You remind me of Chomsky. You both suffer the same thing: "All Israeli actions bad, no responsibility of Palestinians or other Arab countries allowed!" As I have stated and maintained from the get-go: ISRAEL IS NOT FAULTLESS. They have committed many inhumane acts in their fight for survival and safety, and those acts have not always been in the best interest of their own people. HOWEVER, to understand their behaviour one cannot analyse Israel alone; the neighbouring Arab states' behavior must be taken into consideration as well.

I am also keeping all points made as from the 1967 war & on, or this debate could get ugly.

Also, for the sake of clarification and so nothing further can be missappropriated: WHEN I AM DISCUSSING THE FUNDAMENTALIST ISLAMIC MINDSET, which *is* overwhlemingly most of the MidEast Arab's mindset, don't presume some superiority by talking about your not-fundamentalist, non-militant, reasonable palestinian neighbour in the west as if their open-minded, accepting perspective is exemplary of the mindset of the majority of MidEast Arabs.

So, play-by-play for the sake of ease:

<<I'm amazed that:
1. No one aside from Rich seems to be willing to confront the atrocities of the Arab world on their supposed Muslim "brothers" . . . >>
Well, the topic is the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.  The "atrocities" committed by Arabs "on their supposed Muslim brothers" is a red herring, because logically, what Arabs do to each other can't possibly justify anything the Jews do to the Arabs.  If I am fighting with my neighbour about ownership of a piece of land, I don't think any court in the world would want to hear how mean my neighbour is to members of his own family.  It would have absolutely no bearing on the dispute whatsoever.

However, if your point in introducing this element into the discussion is to prove that the Arabs are collectively a bunch of degenerate savages who don't even have the decency to respect the lives of their co-religionists, I would say, firstly shame on you for stooping to such a blatantly racist smear of an entire race and religion and secondly, when it comes to committing atrocities on one's co-religionists, the Europeans and the Americans take a back-seat to nobody, if you consider the carnage of the two world wars and the U.S. civil war alone.   Ms. Kettle, meet Mr. Pot.  People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

How are the actions of Arab nations a "red herring"? I will need more than your opinion that the "Jews were worse". The example you used after that is in keeping with Western thoughts and traditions and perspectives, which in no way relates plausibly to traditional Islamic perspectives.

The Arabs do NOT respect the lives of their "co-religionists", as you call them, most certainly, and even moreso they have NO respect for the lives or outlooks of any other religion, race, etc. Palestinians have been forcibly maintained by their Arab brothers in an artifical refugee status, leading to legal apartheid in Lebanon and to an extent, Syria, via a U.N. rule that gives Palestinians permanent refugee status due to lack of a soveriegnty.

As for America and Europe: If you wish to discuss that, go right ahead and start a new thread for it. I'll be glad to discuss things like Germans being forced out of East Prussia, among others. Their conflicts are not what this thread is about.

2.  No one aside from Rich seems to be willing to confront . . . the fact that the Palestinians are not innocent and have brought much of this on themselves.>>

First of all, "innocence" and "guilt" are not FACTS, as you claim, but merely OPINIONS.  Hopefully, opinions based on facts.  Second, I think most sane and normal people, if they can agree on nothing else, would have to agree that "guilt" and "innocence" are, in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, purely relative terms. 

Since you don't bother to state what facts you base your opinion on, I will have to assume that it is suicide bombings which make the Palestinians "not innocent" and lead you to conclude that they "have brought "much of this" on themselves.

Your conclusions are, of course, patently absurd on their face.  First of all, the Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with the occupation by the Jews of the West Bank of Palestine.  They happened to be living (many of them after being expelled from their original homes in what is now Israel) on land caught between the armies of Israel and Jordan, occupied by Israel, and then in complete defiance of international law, settled by Israeli settlers, many of them arriving from Europe and America after the war.  So it is virtually impossible to see, in any reasonable view of the situation, how the Palestinians can be said to have "brought much of this" or indeed any of "this" on themselves. 

Possibly, however, you are referring to the suicide bombings.  Again, your argument would make sense only to one who is completely ignorant of the history of the situation.  Suicide bombings are a relatively recent response to the Occupation.  The Palestinians suffered a military occupation for about 20 years until the first intifada broke out, when crowds of child demonstrators, some as young as 10 or 11 years old, throwing pebbles at Israeli soldiers, were gunned down in the streets.  Yitzkhak Rabin gave the orders to his soldiers to "break the bones" of the demonstrators.  In response to the brutality of the Israeli forces and the murders of their children, some Palestinians, driven to desperation by the never-ending oppression of the Occupation, turned to the only weapons they had, their own bodies, to bring the struggle back to the enemy.  Suicide bombings are the only weapon of a people which lacks the weapons of war possessed in deadly abundance by their enemy.

You might want to at least glance at the actual facts, however, before coming to your conclusions of "guilt" or "innocence" - - for example, that since 2000, more than 4,500 Palestinians have been killed as opposed to only 1,100 Israelis.  It should be pretty clear from these numbers (a 4-to-one ratio) where most of the violence is coming from.  In 2007 alone, 373 Palestinians were killed by the Jews, as against only 13 Israelis, a ratio of almost 30-to-one.  It is absolutely ludicrous to claim that the Israelis are the "innocents" in this lop-sided carnage against a defenceless civilian population.  Further, <<[of] the Palestinians killed this year, 131 were not engaged in fighting at the time of their death, according to the report. That number includes bystanders, militants killed during arrest raids, Palestinians killed trying to infiltrate Israel from Gaza, and armed members of Palestinian security forces who were not actively involved in hostilities when they were killed.>>  And, finally, <<[of] the Israelis killed by Palestinians, seven were civilians and six were security personnel.>> for the above death-toll summary

*Sigh* I have stated several times that neither parties are innocent, and they both have their faults. When I can see an acceptance of this notion in your arguments, I'll respond further. As it stands, Palestinians are as much victims as Israelis are, as much perpetrators as Israelis are, and I see no acknowledgement of that simple notion in any of your arguments.

<<2. That after mentioning the Six Day War, you *still* view it as simply "Israel took it over". You condemned me for a sweeping broad summation of the conflict, yet: Pot, meet Kettle. Wikipedia can be your friend>>

So what details of the Six Day War do you think I left out that would have favoured the case of the Occupation against the Palestinians? see: Israel and Jordan specifically. "Israel took it over" is a very poor way of describing Israel capturing territories in an effort to safeguard themselves against the Arabs.

<<That Israel is consistently claimed to be the bad guys despite their damndest efforts to reach agreements. To pull the quote out again: "The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity";>>

You know that is just total bullshit.  What "damndest efforts" have they actually made?  They stall for years "negotiating" agreements that it is obvious they never intend to keep (all the time pouring settlers as fast as they can into the land they are supposedly "negotiating" to give away) and then when the agreements are finally signed, they stall, delay and renege, using phony excuses ("the Arabs are 'inciting' violence") which were never even mentioned in the original "agreements."  No real Palestinian leader has any faith left in the Israelis' intentions.  Abbas, a corrupt puppet leader, is the only one who will even pretend that there is any point to negotiating with them.

You trotted out that old wisecrack about the Arabs never missing an opportunity, coined by a cynical and morally corrupted Israeli Foreign Minister as if it were proof of anything except his clever tongue.  Of course, the Israelis are adept at pouring out lies and bullshit, not enough to fool the Europeans but certainly more than adequate for the dumbass Amerikkkan public.

Haha! Whats the point of anything they(Israel only) have signed, when they consistently face attack and threats from neighbouring nations?! As Abbas points out in the first public statement(sofar as I know) that Palestine has to compromise: "We will be flexible," said Abbas. "But before 1947, we had 95% of Palestine. In 1937, the partition plan gave the Israelis only part of Palestine. And they were very happy at that time. [David] Ben-Gurion was very happy with it. It didn't work. After that [came] the 1947 partition plan - we rejected this, so we lost... Now, we accept [the pre-'67 borders]." Of course, this is pointless now. Hamas so thoroughly controls Gaza that there *is* no point in attempting resolution as there is no Palestine in Gaza. There is a significant break in PA ideas and perspectives and those of the militant Hamas. I was amazed to find out that the PA accuses Hamas of acting with Israel to wipe out Islamic Jihad!!! And you expect these people to make sense???

<<That NO ONE gives credibility to the fact that the poor refugee Palestinians could solve their own plight, and are in large part responsible for it, because heaven forbid their twisted-religious minds allow them to recognize Israel>>

More bullshit.  Where is the evidence of any Jewish commitment to end the occupation as soon as the Palestinians recognize Israel?  There is no such commitment.  All Israel has committed to is to negotiate more.   That's not good enough but it certainly gives the lie to your claim that a simple recognition of Israel would solve all their problems.  Nonsense.  Complete and utter nonsense.

It wouldn't happen as soon as Palestine recognized Israel; thats like requesting all U.S. troops in Iraq come home overnight. There would have to be continuing and hopefully U.N.-forced and backed withdrawal of Israel as Gaza's "support system" and institution of Arab controlled(with very very tight U.N. oversight) "support" in its place. There would have to be close monitoring for some decades by the U.N. and other "peacekeepers" so as to avoid Israel being attacked by anti-zionist nutcases. There are plenty of reasonable solutions, including the one I referenced addressed by Dubya, but none that are siple unfortunately, due to both the devestated state of Palestine and the security needs of Israel.

<<That comparisons of Palestinians who are not part of the Islamic Fundamentalist mindset are used to discredit the very real and very terrifying and extremely large faction of the MidEast, and Gaza, who *are* thinking in that regard.>>

The Palestinians can be of any "mindset" they choose and would still be entitled to have military occupation lifted off their backs.  Who in the hell are the Israelis to dictate to the Palestinians or to anyone else, "You can have the basic human rights provided by the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights," but first you must adopt a mindset that is acceptable to us?"  This is probably the most outrageous of all your statements in its arrogance and its (obviously unintended) glimpse of the "mindset" of Israel and its supporters.

Well, good. Lets pull all Israeli support of Gaza. Let's allow Israel to bomb 'em to smithereens when their Islamic Jihad lets-reintroduce-the-caliphate mindset rears its ugly head.

And the Israelis didn't buy much of that land, they took it in a war. Under the rules of the UN, they are obliged to return it.

If so, the U.N. would be forcing that issue. Just like they are allowinf the legal apartheid in Lebanon to go on and on. And the latter resolution is non-binding, at that!
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 07:17:31 PM by modestyblase »


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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #64 on: February 03, 2008, 07:03:54 PM »
For anyone who may care:

Michael Oren's Six Days of War gives a very well-rounded, multi-perspective view of the war. I've not read his other books, so if anyone else has your opinion is requsted and welcomed.

As mentioned previously, Christian Science Monitor and Foreign Affairs are *excellent* sources for not only the mideast issues, but all issues, without the typical taint of U.S. media, gov't., state dept., or oil company propagandizing  ;)


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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #65 on: February 03, 2008, 10:09:33 PM »
And the Israelis didn't buy much of that land, they took it in a war. Under the rules of the UN, they are obliged to return it.

If so, the U.N. would be forcing that issue. Just like they are allowing the legal apartheid in Lebanon to go on and on. And the latter resolution is non-binding, at that!
All UN resolutions are non-binding until all the permanent members of the Security Council, which includes the US, votes to send troops to enforce the resolution.

What 'legal apartheid' in Lebanon are you referring to, anyway? Lebanon is not holding any one else's land.

The best example of apartheid these days is the West Bank: special roads for Jews, no checkpoints for Jews.

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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2008, 10:20:31 PM »
First of all, MB, I am very flattered to be compared to Chomsky.  I don't deserve it in the least, because he has a much greater grasp of the facts than I will ever have, but even to be mentioned in the same breath as he is a real shot in the arm. 

You seem like an intelligent person but you seem also to have some huge inability to grasp the basic facts in issue here.  This is not some kind of moral beauty contest, where the country with the least blemishes wins the prize.  Practically speaking, neither one of these two parties comes to the table with clean hands.    You need to grasp that the fundamental issue here is the OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL of land.  The Israelis aren't coming to the table to avenge their dead and neither are the Palestinians.  The dead are dead, whether they were killed by suicide bombers or F-16 bombers.  The CAUSE of this problem is the unlawful occupation by military force of 3,000,000 Arabs to protect the rapidly expanding settlement of 270,000 recently-arrived Jews among them.

Yet rather than discuss the fundamental injustice at the heart of the problem, the source of all the killing on both sides, you preoccupy yourself with correcting MY "mistaken" impression that the Jews are the bad guys and trying to show, not that the Israelis are the good guys - - for that would obviously be impossible - - but that although they're not perfect, the Arabs aren't any better morally.

Honestly, MB, you might as well save your efforts to convince me that you are aware of all the bad things that the Israelis have done, because for the sake of this argument, it wouldn't matter if they were morally unblemished white knights in shining armour and the Palestinians were a bunch of low-life snakes in the grass.  The fact would remain, the Israelis have no right at all to maintain a military occupation of the West Bank and the Palestinians, snakes though they might be, would still have the right to live free lives unoppressed by Israeli military occupation.  This is not just my view, it is the view in international law and has been expressed in numerous UN resolutions


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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #67 on: February 03, 2008, 10:26:49 PM »
XO(this is scattered as I am running out the door)-
Lebanon's discrimination against Palestinians is based on the lack of a Palestinian state. It is a "legal apartheid"-if they had citizenship of any sort, the U.N. could intervene and get Palestinians out of the armed camps in N Lebanon, etc.
Briefly, Lebanon has many laws which restrict Palestinian access to jobs, which bar them from owning property, etc. These are justified because the Palestinians have no state and thus are not due the rights accorded under Lebanese law to people from another country(per the U.N.). No other Arab nation is willing to grant them citizenship so they remain in "refugee" status.

Get upset all you want about the checkpoints and other oppressions of occupation on Palestinians in the West Bank but Lebanon and Syria impose worse conditions.

MT-I'm running out the door and will be busy w. business and travel the next efw days, but will read & address your comments when I get back.


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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #68 on: February 03, 2008, 11:15:33 PM »
Get upset all you want about the checkpoints and other oppressions of occupation on Palestinians in the West Bank but Lebanon and Syria impose worse conditions.

My taxes support Israel, not Syria and not Lebanon.

Refugees are not granted the rights of citizens accordng to the UN Charter, but those dispossessed of their land are guaranteed a right to return to it after hostilities cease. Even if every Palestinian were recognize Israel and even to to French-kiss the ass of every Israeli, Israel will still not allow the Palestinians to return.

Nor will Israel ever declare that anyone who claims to be a Jew does not have a right to instant Israeli citizenship. If I were a Palestinian, I would convert to Judaism.

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Re: Give Gaza to Egypt
« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2008, 11:18:42 PM »
......... guaranteed a right to return to it after hostilities cease.
When is that going to happen?

 Nor will Israel ever declare that anyone who claims to be a Jew does not have a right to instant Israeli citizenship. If I were a Palestinian, I would convert to Judaism.

That sounds as if it might work , if only the Palestinians would not rather die.