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Messages - Michael Tee

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3DHS / Re: Hypothetical Cain Conclusion
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:52:16 PM »
Cain has the resources to hire several polygraph operators and take the tests in private over and over again until he gets it right.  In fact, if he offered to take the polygraph test at all, it means (given that he's a lying pervert as amply illustrated by all the facts known to date) the only reason he'd make such an offer is that he's confident he could beat the test.

But here's a better idea - - why not trial by water, they throw Cain and his accusers into a pond in Massachusetts and whoever is not "rejected" by the water and sinks to the bottom is telling the truth?

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy cont
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:47:22 PM »
<<The USA is not perfect, if your standard is absolute perfection then I must admit to falling far short.>>

This is EXACTLY what I mean by your inability to face the issue squarely, your constant diversions.  WHEN was the the issue ever about "perfection?"  It's absurd to even suggest that my accusations against the USA were that it fell far short of perfection.

We are talking about the genocide of the Native Americans, the enslavement of the blacks, 100 years of segregation and lynch law, the overthrow of democratically elected governments, the support of Death Squads on Central America, the launching of wars of unprovoked aggression against Third World countries now to numerous to even count, the deaths of 2 million Vietnamese in a totally unjustifiable invasion, torture that goes unpunished . . .

Horrific abuses that you sweep away with snide comments like "nobody's perfect."  I suggest to you that very FEW countries have a record anywhere near as horrific.  Belgians over the span of your own history and despite what they did in the Congo, are SAINTS compared to Americans.

3DHS / Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:37:23 PM »
I am hoping for a more creative, not to say bizarre, answer from our friend.

3DHS / Re: Gloria Allred
« on: November 09, 2011, 11:11:58 AM »
I used to know a lot about the Scottsboro boys, having read a paperback autobiography of Samuel Leibowitz, the attorney retained by the CP, I believe for the re-trials ordered by the Supreme Court.  It was such a long time ago that I had to Google the Scottsboro Boys just to retrieve Leibowitz' name, which I had forgotten.  Google reminded me once again of the courage of Matt Wann, the local sheriff who had faced down a lynch mob , proving that there were, even then, some decent white Southerners (probably one in a hundred thousand but still . . .)

The thing that I never forgot from the book was Leibowitz' arrival in the small town where the retrial was going to be held, surrounded in his hotel by a mob bearing signs that said "Kill the Jew from New York" and the hospitality shown to him by the prosecutor and his wife in their own home, to the outrage of the townsfolk.  (OK, three in a hundred thousand)

Incidentally, from Googling for Leibowitz' name, I found there's a huge amount of information easily available about the case, which even has its own web-site.  From the Wikipedia article alone, I was able to find photos of many of the participants in the case, including the two girls Ruby and Victoria, who were not exactly hothouse flowers even as teenagers.  It was pretty hard to imagine either one of them exciting the baser passions in anyone except a sailor who'd been at sea for . . . oooops, sorry, plane!

3DHS / Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« on: November 09, 2011, 10:49:18 AM »
What exactly has this thread revealed to you and what is so "frightening" about it?

3DHS / Re: Gloria Allred
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:36:06 AM »
I think an attorney with experience in rape and sexual assault cases has a huge advantage over a guy like The Perv's lawyer because many times she will have had clients who DON'T have any recollection of all the facts that you required.  Many times she would have been faced with the same absurd demands for perfect recall of all the trivia of an event when all her client can recall are the salient facts - - how she came to be with the man, and what the man did to her.  And her track record seems to indicate that she knows how to surmount the attack, probably (and I'll just guess here at how she does it) by ridiculing demands for total recall that very few people are capable of providing and by throwing the demands for particulars back at the perp and his lawyer.

Anyway, Gloria's on her home turf now and The Perv's lawyer is not.  This'll be fun to watch.  My bet: that the old Hermster is going down.

3DHS / Re: Gloria Allred
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:23:58 AM »
I was impressed right away by Gloria's street smarts - - she wouldn't even enter the room till the guy from Howard Stern had been cleared out.  She took control of the message that was going to emanate from that room:  100% Allred, 0% Stern.

Something else that impressed me right away:  her line, "Mr. Cain had a stimulus package of his own."  That line's got legs!  Gonna be around for a long time.

Gloria's gonna rip Herm the Perv a new ass-hole.  Got a very good feeling about this woman.  Herm the Perv is a real creep because he was taking advantage of a woman after she'd already been fired, and was desperate to get her job back.  That is NOT a class act.  He's a piece of shit.

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy cont
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:36:49 PM »
<<America has been fighting the evil part of the world since day one.>>

Oh, rubbish.

<<Wasn't I making this clear?>>

What you were making clear was that you were prepared to focus on what YOU called the "evil" on the part of every nation on the face of the earth EXCEPT the U.S.A.

<<Next time you don't want a list, don't include a list in your question.>>

plane, the "list" was my mistake.  After complaining about your inability to deal squarely with the many crimes against humanity committed by the U.S.A., I then very stupidly in response to your claim that the US in the beginning was a better country than most or many, asked you WHICH countries you thought the US was better than in the beginning, and asked you specifically about countries which I KNEW were better than the USA in the beginning.  Which only gave you further opportunity to take up the challenge and create further diversions of the discussion away from all of the many crimes and atrocities of the US.  My mistake.

<<Lets just narrow it a bit .>>

Let's just forget that I ever asked such a stupid fucking question and get back to my complaint that rather than focus on ANYTHING that the US did to inflict death, pain and heartbreak on its long-suffering fellow inhabitants of the world, you seem to prefer focusing instead on the wrongs and crimes of every other fucking country on this planet.  WHY, when the question of US criminal conduct comes up, do you always divert the subject to a different issue, namely the crimes of every nation EXCEPT the USA?

3DHS / Re: Resolved: Herman Cain should withdraw from the primaries
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:13:02 PM »
Broaddrick's accusation took 20 years to surface and was contradicted by her own sworn affidavit.  Taking all the circumstances into consideration, her claim was unbelievable.  She had no explanation for waiting 20 years to come forward.

Bialek has a very credible explanation for not wanting to come forward at the time.  Also a good explanation for why she is coming forward now - - she is outraged by The Perv's trashing of the three complainants, whom she knows from her own experience must be telling the truth.

Your reasoning, like most conservative reasoning, was flawed.  While I pointed to length of silence, it was not the ONLY factor.  It would actually be absurd to evaluate all claims on the basis of a single factor, such as length of silence.  But then you conservatives are certainly no strangers to absurdity.  Every new argument you try to spin out of this seems increasingly more bizarre and foolish than the one before it.

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy cont
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:04:55 PM »
<<You doubt that Belgum . . .

<< . . . [American] independance form England . . .

<<France has been pretty good . . .

<< . . . Unkle Ho thought  . . .evil  . . . >>

Really I don't know how to continue this discussion, plane.  I'm talking to you, but you are not talking to me.  Are you even aware that I have been complaining for several posts now of your reflex attempts to sidetrack and divert this discussion from any sensible consideration of what it is that America has been doing in the world during our respective lifetimes?

3DHS / Re: Resolved: Herman Cain should withdraw from the primaries
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:54:40 PM »
<< . . . for acts far worse.>>

Oh, really?  ALL of Clinton's escapades were consensual with the possible exception of the following:

- Paula Jones (settled without an admission of liability)

- Kathleen Willey (unbelievable - - she wrote about a dozen letters to Clinton AFTER the alleged assault, and placed about an equal number of phone calls to him AFTER the alleged assault.)  The letters were all friendly and seemed to indicate an interest in continuing the relationship.  The accusation wasn't made until about four years ex post facto.

Juanita Broaddrick   Really bizarre and unbelievable - - long-delayed charges, an affidavit denying any improprieties. followed by a repudiation of the affidavit but no new affidavit was ever sworn nor was the original affidavit ever corrected or repudiated by her under oath.

As far as I know, all other dalliances of Clinton were cases of consensual sex between adults.

3DHS / Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:38:12 PM »
Thank you.  Hopefully we can all benefit from the exercise of more civility.

3DHS / Re: Cain on Foreign Policy cont
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:32:58 PM »
plane, I'm not going to refute your last post point by point because it would just be going over points that have been made many times before, chiefly related to your absurd reliance on Cold War propaganda which is both outlandish and ridiculous.  Or in your view, the Gospel truth.  At this point it doesn't matter because I can see quite clearly that neither one of us will ever convince the other.

However, once again, I read your post as a blatant and shameless attempt to avoid any and all responsibility for your own actions (or more accurately, for your country's actions) by pointing fingers in every direction but your own.  Which is totally pathetic and self-deceiving. 

The Belgians, the British, the French, Evil Uncle Ho, Kenya, India on and on forever in a senseless multi-pointed distraction from the only country that you have any responsibility for and whose conduct you could influence even as a tiny part of a practically voiceless citizenry.  I can't get over how your wiggle reflex keeps you forever spinning out of any genuine attempt to deal with (other than by whitewashing and minimizing) the gigantic scale of America's crimes and atrocities.

3DHS / Re: Kramer has been suspended for a week
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:19:28 PM »
Uh, that wasn't XO's post you were responding to, sirs, it was mine.

Michael Tee

3DHS / Re: Resolved: Herman Cain should withdraw from the primaries
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:16:37 PM »
<<You can almost see the foam coming out of their mouths. >>


What I can really almost see are the little hamsters running in circles inside sirs' brain in a closed loop with only two signposts:  Clinton-->Foam-->Clinton-->Foam-->Clinton-->Foam

DON'T LOOK over there at Sharon Bialek and Gloria Allred, look over here:  Clinton-->Foam-->Clinton-->Foam . . .

Good luck widdat, sirs.

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