No, it can't. Not in accordance with international law, says Kevin Jon Heller, a senior lecturer in law at the Melbourne Law School of the University of Melbourne (Australia.) kind of legalistic debate is obviously going to get mired in a "he-sez-she-sez" kind of deadlock, inevitable when both sides lawyer up and start slinging obscure Conventions, Treaties and rulings around the room.
To cut through the bullshit, let's say that I could find a law making it perfectly legal to take some kind of action that would cause enormous amounts of human suffering to innocent children (and many, if not most, of Gaza's inhabitants are, in fact, children) and I then proceeded to take that action, using my legal privileges to their fullest extent.
Suppose then that some humanitarians attempt to relieve the human suffering that I am (legally) inflicting on the millions, by bringing food, medical supplies and building materials previously blockaded directly to the starving people and I respond by killing a dozen of the humanitarian aid workers and seizing their ships. Naturally, I call them "terrorists." Naturally, I complain that their real intentions had nothing to do with the relief of suffering, but were nothing less than the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state. Naturally, I find lawyers (anyone got John Yoo's phone no. handy?) who will write legal opinions completely exonerating anything and everything that I have ever done, and condemning as criminal and illegal everything that the victims of the blockade and those who would help them have ever done..
At the end of the day, the children and families of Gaza are still deprived of food, soap, building materials to rebuild their bombed-out homes, medicine, medical equipment, etc., the people who tried to relieve the siege have been murdered by their attackers, and the killers are screaming about how they have been "victimized" by the women and children of Gaza and those who tried to relieve their plight. Surreal? Bizarre?
All the legal opinions in the world are just words on paper. They don't mean shit when all they refer to are "rights" and "obligations" and human suffering is never factored in. Each side will pervert the meaning of the words as its interests demand, and in the end, the only "rights" that mean fuck-all are those that can be enforced or supported at the end of a loaded gun. Right now the Jews are clearly on top. If and when the tide turns, and what has to happen will happen, I only hope I don't hear any screaming from their side as to how "unfair!" and "unlawful!" it all is. Because they set the standard for "unfair!" and "unlawful!"