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Michael Tee

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The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« on: September 13, 2008, 10:26:03 PM »
The Timebomb Who Would be President
Those who know him well regard him as a deceitful, violent, unstable liar who collaborated with the enemy and then postured as a hero. Meet the Real John McCain in this special, subscriber-only issue of CounterPunch newsletter, reported by Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair and Douglas Valentine. Why did Cindy McCain become a drug addict who, Phoenix doctors claim, at least three times sought medical attention for injuries consonant with physical violence? Why did Ron and Nancy Reagan shun him and try to derail his political career? Under the terms of the 14th Amendment is McCain actually barred from ever sitting in the Oval Office? Find the answers in CounterPunch newsletter.


So how many more days is this stuff gonna stay bottled up in the Counterpunch newsletter?  How many hours left for John Insane before the shit hits the fan?


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 11:00:31 PM »
Looks like Counterpunch is launching a fundraiser.

Michael Tee

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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 11:19:23 PM »
Even so, looks like they've got the goods on your man.


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 11:38:58 PM »
you buy their pitch?

Reminds me of a sham-wow commercial.

Michael Tee

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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 07:32:21 AM »
Except I KNOW this guy's a piece a shit.  How he treats his wives is one small piece of the puzzle, collaboration with the enemy is another.  If his broadcasting had been from genuine ideological conviction, a genuine change of heart and repentance for his war crimes, it would have been OK, but he never changed his ideological conviction (as his jailer attests,) never repented his war crimes - - his broadcasts were purely for self-interest.  To secure the privileged treatment he actually received.

I have a feeling the wheels are going to fall off McCain's jalopy in the next week or so.  If they don't, I blame Obama and he'll deserve to lose this campaign because the Republicans always fight dirty (think "Obama Waffles") and he's gotta get down into the mud with those racist pigs or lose the fight.


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2008, 07:47:27 AM »
I have a feeling the wheels are going to fall off McCain's jalopy in the next week or so.

Here we have this dolt saying that "Change is Coming" like he was John the Baptist instead of John the nonattending Episcopalian, when most of what people want changed in the GOP and its warmongering, stubborn, corrupt, incompetent stupidity.

A guy who crows about family values who left poor crippled wifey #1 to marry the trophy millionheiress daughter of a convicted corrupt purveyor of booze.

What a jerk. Not as totally incompetent a jerk as Juniorbush, but still well within the boundaries of jerkdom.

Vote for an oilman and get $4.00 gasoline. Now we should vote for a military toad and what do we expect to get? Peace? 


But realistically,

How would Obama cause the wheels to fall off McCain's jalopy? I agree that McCain is a desperate little turd, but how does Obama do this?

Obama can't gain votes by being an "angry Black Man". White Americans do not like Angry Black Men.

This clown I know said that he thought that Obama was "uppity". How does anyone run for president by being servile, which is the opposite of uppity?

The only party that ever deserved to lose as big as the GOP in 2008 was the Falangista Party in Spain after Franco died and Juan Carlos had  guaranteed free elections in Spain.  People were predicting a slight loss. They got 11%, I think.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2008, 08:04:01 AM »
<<How would Obama cause the wheels to fall off McCain's jalopy? I agree that McCain is a desperate little turd, but how does Obama do this?>>

Look at the Counterpunch link I posted, their blurb for their newsletter.  Cindy McCain had three medical treatments for injuries consistent with the application of violent force.  How many times do you think she can realistically "trip on the basement stairs" or "walk into a door?"   Are all of their eight houses THAT poorly designed?  And McCain was never tortured - - that's total bullshit.  Why on earth would they torture the son of a serving admiral?  The Swedish newsreel shows him walking normally with a slight limp immediately upon his release, but when he got back to the States, every fucking newsreel shows him as the Hunchback of Notre fucking Dame.    It's hilarious.   He made broadcast tapes for the Vietnamese to secure special treatment for himself, including treatment in the best hospital they had - - there must be plenty of former POWS who hate his fucking guts, you just have to find some who'll talk about it.  And find the tapes of the broadcasts.  Somebody's got 'em.

Obama's got to take the gloves off, gather the material and crank out the attack ads or blogs to blast McCain on all these issues.  Through surrogates of course, but the fires have got to be started and stoked.  This shoulda bin attended to months ago. 


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2008, 10:44:00 AM »
>>Reminds me of a sham-wow commercial.<<

What amazes me is after all these years of, "Bush is Hitler," "Bush is a war criminal," Bush is a drunk," "Bush is a coke head," and now all these vile hateful attacks against Governor Palin, and now this (McCain is a wife-beater), some of these leftist cockroaches have the balls to claim democrats don't fight dirty.

Whatever the left gets they deserve it. Ten fold.


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2008, 11:09:21 AM »
Suppose he IS a wife-beater.

Shouldn't we know before the GOP foists another incompetent dolt on the country?

And Juniorbush IS a war criminal, along with Cheney and Rumsfeld.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2008, 11:17:12 AM »
<<"Bush is Hitler," >>
never said it

<<"Bush is a war criminal,">>
true in spades

<< Bush is a drunk,">>
never said it

<< "Bush is a coke head,">>
never said it, was probably true at one time, I personally have nothing against coke and would never diss anyone for using it in moderation, there were plenty of better drugs available for less money

<< and now all these vile hateful attacks against Governor Palin,>>
true that she's a liar and is not The Great Earmarks Fighter she claims to be, true that she billed the state $17K accommodation allowance for nights spent in her own home, true that she promoted the Bridge till adverse national publicity exposed it, true Alaska got more earmarks per capita than any other state, true she hired a PR guy to get Wasilla more earmarks, true she's a lousy mother who doesn't give a shit about her own family; but I admit, she still looks pretty good.

<< and now this (McCain is a wife-beater)>>
all Cindy's gotta do is release her medical records with her explanation of how she got those injuries in the first place - - maybe she really did walk into a door and fall down the basement stairs and get hit by a popping champagne cork.  Such things can happen.


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2008, 02:48:23 PM »
Except I KNOW this guy's a piece a shit.  How he treats his wives is one small piece of the puzzle, collaboration with the enemy is another.  If his broadcasting had been from genuine ideological conviction, a genuine change of heart and repentance for his war crimes, it would have been OK, but he never changed his ideological conviction (as his jailer attests,) never repented his war crimes - - his broadcasts were purely for self-interest.  To secure the privileged treatment he actually received.

I have a feeling the wheels are going to fall off McCain's jalopy in the next week or so.  If they don't, I blame Obama and he'll deserve to lose this campaign because the Republicans always fight dirty (think "Obama Waffles") and he's gotta get down into the mud with those racist pigs or lose the fight.

In his book "Faith of my Fathers " McCain tells of his breaking , I think it still bothers him , but guys that did not break were sometimes beaten untill dead , I think that I myself would break somewhere before death , but I don't really know , I have never been beaten hourly for weeks.


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2008, 04:44:23 PM »
all Cindy's gotta do is release her medical records with her explanation of how she got those injuries in the first place - - maybe she really did walk into a door and fall down the basement stairs and get hit by a popping champagne cork.  Such things can happen.
I think any of these could have happened to someone.

But all three seems a bit against the odds.

She must be a terrible klutz, or McCain is a wife-beater.

I don't think McCain WEARS wife-beater A-shirts. I think he's a t-shirt man.
Navy will do that to a person, I guess.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2008, 04:52:13 PM »
Or perhaps the allegations aren't true.

Mikey seems to think that anytime he or his ilk launch a slur, if the McCains don't respond like some Pavlovian dog then the charges are true. That's a no win game.

And he accuses others of living in bizzaro-land.

Michael Tee

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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2008, 05:26:14 PM »
<<In his book "Faith of my Fathers " McCain tells of his breaking , I think it still bothers him , but guys that did not break were sometimes beaten untill dead , I think that I myself would break somewhere before death , but I don't really know , I have never been beaten hourly for weeks.>>

That's OK, neither was McCain. 

Funny that these guys who were "sometimes beaten until dead" have no names, no witnesses, no war crimes prosecutions launched for them - - this is just more of McCain's lies and bullshit.  There is no known case of any such thing happening.

Fact is, he cooperated for special treatment and did pretty well there.  They gave him the best hospital care available, which is pretty magnanimous considering he's a fucking war criminal.

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Re: The Timebomb Who Would Be President
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2008, 05:36:13 PM »
<<Or perhaps the allegations aren't true.>.

No, and Schecter's allegations aren't true either.  There's a vast left-wing conspiracy against the poor guy.

<<Mikey seems to think that anytime he or his ilk launch a slur, if the McCains don't respond like some Pavlovian dog then the charges are true. That's a no win game.>>

I knew you'd have to invent some bullshit reason for the McCains not to have responded, but that one was particularly lame.  This "slur" referred specifically to Cindy seeking medical treatment on three separate occasions, which would obviously have left a paper trail.  If they regard a little wife-beating as a trivial accusation, then no, why bother to respond.  Most people take this stuff rather more seriously.  McCain, always nattering on about "Duty, Honour, Country" being the most important things in his life, is a little casual about the smear on his precious war-criminal's "honour" when he lets the smear stand uncontradicted, especially when a simple production of medical records would set the whole matter at rest.

I don't know any Pavlovian dogs who can order up their own medical records and produce them to the press, so it's kind of misleading to describe such a simple, normal and reasonable reaction to the "slur" as being that of a "Pavlovian dog," but I guess in the Bizzarro World that Republican crypto-fascists inhabit, Pavolvian dogs must be their lingo for "rational response."

<<And he accuses others of living in bizzaro-land. >>

Yeah, if the shoe fits . . . >>