
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Christians4LessGvt on January 28, 2015, 05:45:30 PM

Title: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 28, 2015, 05:45:30 PM
Seattle to Fine Residents for Throwing Food in the Garbage

In an attempt to shame residents of their city, a new Seattle law will levy a fine on homes that do not properly sort food out of their garbage.

Emblazoned with a red citation tag, violators will start to be fined anywhere from $1-$50 in July. For now, Seattle residents will be publicly shamed by the "Scarlet Letter"-like tags.

"I'm sure neighbors are going to see these on their other neighbors' cans," says Rodney Watkins, a lead driver for Recology CleanScapes, a waste contractor for the city. He's on the front lines of enforcing these rules.

The tags are part of, what the city calls, a "public education campaign."

In an interview with NPR, Watkins details how he goes about enforcing the draconian statute:

"You can see all the oranges and coffee grounds," he says, raising one lid." All that makes great compost. You can put that in your compost bin and buy it back next year in a bag and put it in your garden."

The ultimate goal of the law is to boost composting while reducing greenhouse gasses:

Food waste is both an economic and environmental burden. Transporting the waste, especially for distances as far as Seattle does, is costly. So too is allowing it to sit out in the open, where it produces methane, one of the most harmful greenhouses gases, as it rots. The second largest component of landfills in the United States is organic waste, and landfills are the single largest source of methane gas.

The EPA has already begun a campaign to achieve laws similar to Seattle's.

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 28, 2015, 06:45:32 PM
SNL did a skit on this a while back.  Took this far fetched idea of garbage police, to its logical lunacy.  And now we're starting to see the lunacy actually being implimented      >:(
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 28, 2015, 06:51:46 PM
Sirs....i am telling you I agree with Michael Savage
Liberalism/Control-ism is a mental illness.
Control our garbage
Control our thermostats
Control the temp of hot water from our shower-heads
Control the size of our cars
Control our clothes washing machines
Control our light-bulbs
Control our healthcare
Control our food and our school lunches
Control control control control control

And most of the latest control freak forced mandates originate from so called "Global Warming"
So you see they use the fraud known as man-made global warming to further a "control agenda"
They are severely sick puppies...that need...that arrogance that they know better..and they want to control people
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 28, 2015, 07:22:00 PM
That last "Blizzard of the century", that was nothing more than the normal blizzard that the NE occasionally gets, was a demonstration of the emotional hysteria that the left tries to portray as global warming caused.  Let's ignore all the massive class 5 Hurricanes we were supposed to be getting, and not.  Lets ignore all the manipulated statistics that was discovered with the hacked e-mail accounts.  When there's an agenda to be pushed, the ends justify the means

While the left tries to paint "greed" as the end all be all to evil, the far more dangerous evil is power......specifically the power to control what other people do & how they're to live     >:(
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 28, 2015, 09:47:50 PM
Either the citizen sorts out the trash or the trash cannot be sorted. If the trash is not sorted properly, then recycling is impossible.  Seattle has a pretty sophisticated and functioning recycling program.  If you do not live there, you do not understand the culture, and really should not criticize.

Here in Miami Dade County, we have a regular pickup of yard waste and garbage, and a "recycle bin" which is mostly just a boondoggle, as it is a private company that  says it wants only paper, aluminum, glass and steel cans, and only some types of plastic. They say they cannot recycle the most common of all plastic, those bags. They want the bottles your cooking oil comes in, but not the caps, and they want beer cans but not tinfoil. Since the list of whet they want and do not want is extremely complicated, no one I know seems to sort it out they way they want, and I think that all of it just ends up in a landfill.

I save those plastic bags and take them to Publix Supermarkets, who claims they make park benches out of them. My Cuban girlfriend stuffed them into her luggage and sold them in Havana for a peso apiece, since in Cuba, everyone has to supply their own bag.

Global Climate Change DOES exist.  Places in Miami Beach that never used to flood do so every time the Moon causes a really high tide. My house it 12 ft above sea level and is built four feet above ground.

I changed all the lights in my home, and my electric bill went down. There is no difference in the amount of light, and I do not have to replace bulbs so often.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 28, 2015, 10:03:27 PM
Global Climate Change DOES exist.  Places in Miami Beach that never used to flood do so every time the Moon causes a really high tide. My house it 12 ft above sea level and is built four feet above ground.

There is no doubt weather changes have been happening for thousands of years
and will continue for thousands of years.

I changed all the lights in my home, and my electric bill went down.
There is no difference in the amount of light, and I do not have to replace bulbs so often.

So if that is all true....why not allow people to choose?
If the new light bulbs are so great...why force people to use them?
I have no problem with people that like mercury filled light bulbs
But if others don't like or want them...then leave us the hell alone!
and don't outlaw our light-bulbs!
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 28, 2015, 10:15:00 PM
You do not have to use mercury light bulbs. LEDS are even more efficient and last longer.  I imagine that you could probably afford to buy LEDs, they are not all that more expensive. That is what I am using.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Plane on January 28, 2015, 11:06:14 PM
  There is another thing that causes flooding .

    IN many parts of coastal Florida, Texas and Louisiana, the land is subsiding.

    There are lots of reasons, but the number one reason is pumping freshwater out of the watertable and pumping oil out of deep strata.
    The pumped water or oil is not replaced with vacuum , the missing mass is replaced with collapse.

     This combines with oceans that are swelling as they warm, and fill with melting icecaps to flood coastal areas .

     On the bright side , blue states and citys that are bastions of urbanity and liberalism are highly concentrated onto the coastal areas. The first and main loss will be in the communitys that can be easily spared.

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 29, 2015, 10:57:01 AM
You do not have to use mercury light bulbs. LEDS are even more efficient and last longer. 
I imagine that you could probably afford to buy LEDs, they are not all that more expensive. That is what I am using.

The point isn't the pros/cons of types of light bulbs, the point is
the gvt should not be forcing people to buy the lightbulb they think is best.
Free citizens should be able to make those choices without gvt nanny-ism.
Where does it F-ing stop?
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 29, 2015, 12:12:37 PM
You do not have to use mercury light bulbs. LEDS are even more efficient and last longer. 
I imagine that you could probably afford to buy LEDs, they are not all that more expensive. That is what I am using.

The point isn't the pros/cons of types of light bulbs, the point is
the gvt should not be forcing people to buy the lightbulb they think is best.

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 29, 2015, 01:21:06 PM

Why can't XO choose what kind of light bulb he wants to purchase?
and then why can't I choose the kind of light bulb I want to purchase?
But side wants to ram their choice down my throat.
Same thing with clothes washing machines, shower heads,
starting to want to control what we eat
How we pack our trash...
blah blah blah
where does it F-ing STOP?
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 29, 2015, 01:47:10 PM
You were not prevented from buying old fashioned inferior incandescent bulbs for several years. You could have bought thousands of them, just like all those whiskerandos that filled their garages, basements and attics with Old Coke when new Coke came out.

Complaining about your inability to prepare for an incandescent-less future is exactly like poor people complaining about how they have nothing to live on but Social Security, except that you had enough money to stock up.

But, of course, you are not bitching about your inability to buy your ostensibly favorite lightbulbs. It is just about your desire to bitch about Democrats acting logically.

You could have stocked up on Zima, Schlitz beer, Pontiacs and Plymouths as well.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 29, 2015, 02:36:25 PM
You could have stocked up on Zima, Schlitz beer, Pontiacs and Plymouths as well.

Your analogy does not work.
Those beverages were not outlawed by control freaks.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 30, 2015, 09:44:29 AM
THat is just stupid.

They were still deprived.  People who loved their horses were forced to buy cars or take the trolleys when livery stables burned down or converted to something else.
Everyone who got their jollies from incandescent bulbs could have stocked up on them, they were not deprived.
And all those people who preferred Freon-12 for $1.00 a can were deprived as well. Now you can get fined for selling Freon 12.

This is a total no issue, only morons think that there is any reason whatever to complain about their "right" to buy old style light bulbs.

You change the bulb and it makes no difference whatever.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 30, 2015, 10:39:37 AM
THat is just stupid.

They were still deprived. 

By the market place & simple progress....NOT by arbitrary Government dictate.  The analogy is spot on

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 30, 2015, 11:25:19 AM
How is the market more fair than the government?

That makes no sense at all.

And lightbulbs are not a serious issue to anyone but ultra rightwing dolts.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 30, 2015, 12:07:32 PM
Because the market deals with supply and demand.  Government makes its decisions arbitrarily, based on folks who think they simply know better.  That's why the former is far more fair, and why the analogy is spot on

And lightbulbs aren't the issue, Dr Deflection.  Just yet another example of an over-zealous, control-hungry, ever-expanding Government, dictating what you can and can't have, do or can't do, is
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 30, 2015, 02:43:14 PM
This issue IS about light bulbs.

Choice of light bulbs is insignificant, and if the ratbag rightwingers had some more important issue,they would not be constantly blathering about how the government is destroying their existence by forcing then to buy antique technology lightbulbs and cruelly forced to separate their coffee grounds from their beer cans.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 30, 2015, 02:53:41 PM
This issue IS about light bulbs.

Try again....C made it crystal clear that is about the Government pushing its hyper nanny state level of control.  In this case, referencing their latest effort regarding lightbulbs, and iterally pushing for Garbage Police.  So, no lightbulbs is not the issue, just a convenient deflection, to argue a point not being made

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 30, 2015, 03:54:28 PM
Choice of light bulbs is insignificant

Exactly my why is the Gvt F-ing around with "insignificat" issues?
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Plane on January 30, 2015, 07:36:16 PM
How is the market more fair than the government?

   In the same way that a flip of the coin for a choice is more fair than arm wrestling for the choice , ........with Hulk Hogan.

   Also in the way that an auction is a better way to find fair price , than allowing an expert to fix prices.

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 30, 2015, 08:16:02 PM
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 30, 2015, 09:02:14 PM
First, the trash ordinances are local issues.  Recycling trash benefits everyone. The alternative would be to raise taxes to pay people to sort through the garbage and separate stuff. 

If you do not wish to do this, then you are free to live in the 96% of the country where it is not required. That, too is the market at work.

It is a minor inconvenience to separate the garbage from the rest of the trash. I have a compost bin. It cost me $99 on woot and works just fine. And I do not have to buy potting soil.

Since none of us live in Seattle, this is an entirely moot issue.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 30, 2015, 10:10:36 PM
....the trash ordinances are local issues.  Recycling trash benefits everyone. The alternative would be to raise taxes to pay people to sort through the garbage and separate stuff.

Again, completely missing the point, and defending what is the point....Government agencies, dictating what and how you are to function.  Trash is trash, there is no damn need to sort thru your garbage, outside of a small minority of think-they-know-better, proclaim how "beneficial it would be to everyone".  This isn't some home owners association....this is the Government, be it federal or local.  It's no business of the Government to mandate people go thru their fricken trash, regardless of your rationalizations of inconvenience

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 31, 2015, 10:06:17 AM
Recycling means turning garbage into useful products, fuel for energy and topsoil rather than more Mount Trashmores.

Either the people join the community and assist in this endeavor, or continue to live in a totally unsustainable society. 

It is like the national debt. only worse, since money is essentially an intangible creation, while refuse is real.

Sooner or later. people will be forced to recycle. That is indisputable, as many resources simply are used up forever, and we cannot maintain our civilization without resources. Sooner is better than later.

We are not lone wolves. We live in communities, preferably in a harmonious way.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 31, 2015, 10:39:17 AM
Again, rationalizations for defending the Government controlling people's lives aside, the point is the control that Government is striving to apply to people's lives     ::)
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 31, 2015, 01:43:03 PM
It's very clear the market gives people more choices, more freedom.
Lowe's would still offer BOTH kinds of light bulbs if control freaks
with mental illness had not forced Lowe's to stop selling BOTH
kinds of light bulbs.
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 31, 2015, 05:58:05 PM
So what? Who fucking cares about light bulbs?   It is like complaining about the lack or white, beige or puce M&Ms.

The government does not ask people to separate their trash in order to subjugate them: the purpose is to improve the quality of life for everyone now and in the future.

The government will not allow you to own a wolf, or even to own a dog-wolf hybrid.  I hardly think that this is a bad thing, considering it could lead to some people's pets eating other people's children.  You are BANNED from having a pet hyena. But this is not because the government wants to dominate you.

When I was a kid, one of my duties was to take out the trash and burn it. We had a 55 gallon barrel in the backyard, like everyone else, and once a week, I would take the trash out and burn it. It was most fun after dark, as the sparks would flare way up in the air.  But now no one gets to burn his trash. 
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 31, 2015, 06:05:49 PM
So what? Who fucking cares about light bulbs? 


We realize the effort to argue a point no one is making, but gravy, its sure gets old

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on January 31, 2015, 06:09:44 PM
So what? Who fucking cares about light bulbs? why doesn't the fucking govt keep their nose out of light-bulb design if nobody cares?

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Plane on January 31, 2015, 07:26:20 PM
    Sorting recyclables is a good idea.

     Mandating everything is a bad idea.

       Can the government encourage recycling without bothering people?

                   If the government were charging a differential for unsorted vs sorted trash , the fee could hire a sorting team for the unsorted, but the people that took the time would not need to pay the higher fee. 
Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: sirs on January 31, 2015, 07:46:13 PM
    Sorting recyclables is a good idea.

     Mandating everything is a bad idea.

BINGO!  The point the professor keeps avoiding is that no is claiming we shouldn't recyle, shouldn't take a little extra effort in being stewards towards recycling efforts.  That indeed, its a good thing to do.  Just not at the threat of Government intervention, if you fail to do so

Title: Re: The trash nanny is on the way!
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 31, 2015, 10:53:00 PM
If one person, just one person, throws his food garbage in with the recyclable bottles, cans and paper, that sort of makes the entire contents of the truck too contaminated to do actual recycling. Grease and rotting food can gum up everything, making sorting the paper, the cans and the bottles very difficult if not impossible, to recycle.

Leaving red tags as a reminder that a particular citizen is failing to recycle properly is hardly jack-booted thuggery.

There has to be some incentive to get everyone to recycle properly, or it simply will not work. I

So what can the municipality do besides  admonish or fine those who refuse to comply?

Suppose I like to park my car in TWO spaces. Is it thuggery if the metermaid gives me a ticket?

What if I find it easier to park on the wrong side of the street when there is snow, making it impossible for the snowplow to do a proper job?

What if I enjoy celebrating birthdays, Christmas and New Years by firing my pistol into the air, using live ammo?  I hear lots of muy neighbors doing this.