
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: R.R. on November 08, 2007, 01:19:20 AM

Title: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: R.R. on November 08, 2007, 01:19:20 AM
Game over.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Religious Dick on November 08, 2007, 01:33:15 AM
No surprise there. These days, every time a Republican is forced to choose between supporting war-mongering and supporting anything else, war-mongering wins, hands down.

Guess the religious right and social conservatives have officially sold out now....
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on November 08, 2007, 08:04:57 AM
Guess the religious right and social conservatives have officially sold out now....

Past Robertson is just this old schmuck with a teevee show. He represents mostly himself.

The majority of the 'religious right' normally didn't vote. Given a choice between Giulani and Hillary, they will mostly return to their s=custom of not voting and waiting for Jesus, who, as we all know, is coming SOON.

Maybe next week. He'll clean everything up when he gets named King of the World.

(at least he is likely to do a better job than Leonardo de Caprio, who also proclaimed himself King of the World briefly.)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 09, 2007, 01:08:50 PM
Well, I am part of this voting block. I have voted in every Presidential election since I was eligible (1972). That being said, if it is Guiliani versus Hillary, I will sit it out, as I postulate many such evangelicals will. This will, of course, only help Hillary, but such is Life sometimes. I simply cannot sell out my values. Give me a socially conservative Democrat, though...(but then again, isn't that an endangered species these days?)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 09, 2007, 01:26:38 PM
Well, I am part of this voting block. I have voted in every Presidential election since I was eligible (1972). That being said, if it is Guiliani versus Hillary, I will sit it out, as I postulate many such evangelicals will. This will, of course, only help Hillary, but such is Life sometimes. I simply cannot sell out my values. Give me a socially conservative Democrat, though...(but then again, isn't that an endangered species these days?)

As another member of said voting block, given the choice between the 2, and acknowledging just how important it is in dealing with the current global conflicts, with Islamofascist terrorism right near the top, it's no problem for me to pull Rudy's lever.  I'm not expecting the coming of Reagain II, but I'm hell not going to sit out and allow Clinton II in.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Plane on November 09, 2007, 04:31:26 PM
I have never written in a canadate , I wonder if next year would be a good first time?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 09, 2007, 06:36:19 PM
I have never written in a canadate , I wonder if next year would be a good first time?

Ok, it is spelled S A M  N U N N   or   A R N O L D  S W A R T Z E N E G G E R.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Richpo64 on November 09, 2007, 07:14:34 PM
Is Sam Nunn still alive?

If he is, I'm sure the Democrats will disown him for his support for America.

As for me, I don't really have a favorite at this time. Rudy will be a disappointment to me if he's the nominee, but I'll vote for anybody who's opposing Mrs. Clinton.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Henny on November 09, 2007, 08:44:52 PM
As another member of said voting block, given the choice between the 2, and acknowledging just how important it is in dealing with the current global conflicts, with Islamofascist terrorism right near the top, it's no problem for me to pull Rudy's lever.  I'm not expecting the coming of Reagain II, but I'm hell not going to sit out and allow Clinton II in.

As much as I amaze even myself in saying this... I'd vote for Clinton II before I'd vote for Rudy.

Chances are I'll just vote 3rd party again, though.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 09, 2007, 11:23:24 PM

I'd vote for Clinton II before I'd vote for Rudy.

Don't vote for either one. Vote for Ron Paul.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 09, 2007, 11:28:52 PM

I'd vote for Clinton II before I'd vote for Rudy.

Don't vote for either one. Vote for Ron Paul.

To what end, UP?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 09, 2007, 11:36:01 PM
To what end, UP?

So you can sleep comfortably at night, knowing you cast your vote for the best candidate?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 10, 2007, 12:43:52 AM
I'd vote for Clinton II before I'd vote for Rudy.

Don't vote for either one. Vote for Ron Paul.

sorry Prince......his position on the threat (or more so, lack there of) of militant Islam to this country & a good chunk of the rest of the globe, has unfortunately axed him from my small pool of Presidential options
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 01:45:13 AM

Don't vote for either one. Vote for Ron Paul.

To what end, UP?

To what end? Actual efforts at protecting liberty, actual efforts to shrink government rather then two-face lip service to either one.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 01:46:01 AM

So you can sleep comfortably at night, knowing you cast your vote for the best candidate?

Indeed, that too.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 02:13:55 AM

sorry Prince......his position on the threat (or more so, lack there of) of militant Islam to this country & a good chunk of the rest of the globe, has unfortunately axed him from my small pool of Presidential options

You mean Ron Paul's position that bullying other people in other countries is bound to have negative consequences? Hm. Yes, I suppose I can see how that would eliminate him as a choice for many people. By all means, vote by your principles. Personally, I'd like to see a leader in the White House who understood basic notions like blowback, and that doing to other countries what we would never stand for another country doing to the U.S. just might have negative and unintended consequences.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 10, 2007, 02:29:56 AM
sorry Prince......his position on the threat (or more so, lack there of) of militant Islam to this country & a good chunk of the rest of the globe, has unfortunately axed him from my small pool of Presidential options

You mean Ron Paul's position that bullying other people in other countries is bound to have negative consequences?

Well, you & he are entiled to that flawed premice.  Wrong as it may be, but you both definately have a right to it.  No, I'm referring to Ron Paul's position that Militant Islam isn't any big deal, that terrorists killing in the name of Islam is nothing to get alarmed about, that Islamic terrorists and terrorist sponsoring nations possibly coming to a point of obtaining a nuke or 2 is nothing we really need to care about.  So, yea, that's a primary reason I've had to check him off as a possible Presidential Candidate, personally.

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Religious Dick on November 10, 2007, 02:44:18 AM
As another member of said voting block, given the choice between the 2, and acknowledging just how important it is in dealing with the current global conflicts, with Islamofascist terrorism right near the top, it's no problem for me to pull Rudy's lever.  I'm not expecting the coming of Reagain II, but I'm hell not going to sit out and allow Clinton II in.

You've got to be kidding! Show me a distinctive difference between any of Hillary Clinton's and Rudy Giuliani's positions on anything, besides the window dressing. Ideologically, you couldn't slip a razor blade between them. Sure, they package the product a little differently for their respective audiences, but in the blindfold taste test, I doubt you could tell them apart.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 02:56:10 AM

You mean Ron Paul's position that bullying other people in other countries is bound to have negative consequences?

Well, you & he are entiled to that flawed premice.

Are you suggesting there are not negative consequences?

No, I'm referring to Ron Paul's position that Militant Islam isn't any big deal, that terrorists killing in the name of Islam is nothing to get alarmed about, that Islamic terrorists and terrorist sponsoring nations possibly coming to a point of obtaining a nuke or 2 is nothing we really need to care about.

You got a quote for that?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 10, 2007, 03:40:29 AM
You mean Ron Paul's position that bullying other people in other countries is bound to have negative consequences?

Well, you & he are entiled to that flawed premice.

Are you suggesting there are not negative consequences?

Of course not.  A leader (or anyone for that matter) must weigh the pros and cons of any and every decision they make.  Are you suggesting that Militant Islam isn't a major global issue we need to deal with?  Is Bush being completely insincere, even fraudulant in indiicating why we have troops in Iraq?, in Afghanistan?

No, I'm referring to Ron Paul's position that Militant Islam isn't any big deal, that terrorists killing in the name of Islam is nothing to get alarmed about, that Islamic terrorists and terrorist sponsoring nations possibly coming to a point of obtaining a nuke or 2 is nothing we really need to care about.

You got a quote for that?

I have my opinion, same as yours regarding our simply wanting to bully people and other nations
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 10, 2007, 01:18:27 PM
I have my opinion, same as yours regarding our simply wanting to bully people and other nations

You don't have to assume anything, you can read about Ron Paul's view on terrorism: (
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: R.R. on November 10, 2007, 01:27:53 PM
"Show me a distinctive difference between any of Hillary Clinton's and Rudy Giuliani's positions on anything"

Hillary would appoint Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Rudy would appoint Scalia.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 02:01:00 PM

Are you suggesting that Militant Islam isn't a major global issue we need to deal with?

No, and neither is Ron Paul. The basic idea is to stop poking them with a stick. They are as angered by American troops and foreign policy butting into their business as we would be if, say, China started using Chinese troops to to enforce some sort of economic sanctions against the U.S. The more we attempt aggressive foreign policy measures the more likely folks like Usama Bin Laden will convince people to strike against us. No, this is not a "do nothing" policy. This is a "let's not contribute to the problem" policy.

Is Bush being completely insincere, even fraudulant in indiicating why we have troops in Iraq?, in Afghanistan?

No. He probably believes the reasons he gives. That does not mean he is correct.

No, I'm referring to Ron Paul's position that Militant Islam isn't any big deal, that terrorists killing in the name of Islam is nothing to get alarmed about, that Islamic terrorists and terrorist sponsoring nations possibly coming to a point of obtaining a nuke or 2 is nothing we really need to care about.

You got a quote for that?

I have my opinion, same as yours regarding our simply wanting to bully people and other nations

So... you don't have any evidence that such is Ron Paul's position, it's just your opinion that such is Ron Paul's position? Uh-huh.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 10, 2007, 02:22:27 PM
So... you don't have any evidence that such is Ron Paul's position, it's just your opinion that such is Ron Paul's position? Uh-huh.

Uh-huh, same as your opinion that we simply want to go bully people, like some mean kid on the block staking out his territory, and just making the neighbors mad at us
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Richpo64 on November 10, 2007, 02:24:20 PM
>>No. He probably believes the reasons he gives. <<

Why do you think Mr. Paul is so appealing to Nazis? I understand they contribute to his campain with their time and money. I also understand he hasn't done anything to stop it.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 10, 2007, 02:31:52 PM
I have my opinion, same as yours regarding our simply wanting to bully people and other nations

You don't have to assume anything, you can read about Ron Paul's view on terrorism: (

Thank you, Ami     8)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 11:47:16 PM

Why do you think Mr. Paul is so appealing to Nazis?

I am going to guess that you are referring to reports of white supremacist groups supporting Ron Paul. As I understand it, they find his stance against the IRS and expanding government to be appealing.

I understand they contribute to his campain with their time and money. I also understand he hasn't done anything to stop it.

White supremacists are not a part of Ron Paul's campaign. Yes, they have given money, and Paul has taken it. David Weigel, of Reason, spoke to folks who are a part of Ron Paul's campaign about the money.

      I asked Bydlak about attention the campaign is getting from creepy white supremacists, and whether if they discovered donations from specious people they'd give them back. "If people who hold views that the candidate doesn't agree with, and they give to us, that's their loss," he said. What if the campaign keeps getting scrutiny as its coffers grow? "The scrutiny is a perfect sign of how this campaign is growing."      

As I recall, Ronald Reagan was criticized for taking campaign contributions from homosexual groups. I cannot find a quote, but I believe Reagan's response to that criticism was that he'd accept money from just about anybody willing to support him whether or not they agreed with him. Seems like a good attitude, imo.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 10, 2007, 11:49:00 PM

Uh-huh, same as your opinion that we simply want to go bully people, like some mean kid on the block staking out his territory, and just making the neighbors mad at us

I don't recall having said that. Feel free to point it out.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 11, 2007, 12:33:55 AM
Uh-huh, same as your opinion that we simply want to go bully people, like some mean kid on the block staking out his territory, and just making the neighbors mad at us

I don't recall having said that. Feel free to point it out.

I'm not sure why the query is denounced, when one need only scroll to the top of this thread, to see where the point was initiated by yourself..."You mean Ron Paul's position that bullying other people in other countries is bound to have negative consequences?"

The point wasn't about whether there'd be consequences to our actions in the middle east.  The point was about the supposed act of bullying, as if THAT's all we're doing.  THAT's the opinion you seem to have of Paul's position, equal to the one I presented in rebuttal

Consider your point pointed out
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 11, 2007, 12:53:22 AM

The point wasn't about whether there'd be consequences to our actions in the middle east.

That may not have been your point, but it probably was mine.

The point was about the supposed act of bullying, as if THAT's all we're doing.

Again, I don't recall saying that.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 11, 2007, 01:17:03 AM

The point was about the supposed act of bullying, as if THAT's all we're doing.

Again, I don't recall saying that.

Despite my repeating it yet again in the prior response, you never apparently said it?      ::)    LOL.....ok Prince, whatever you say. 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 11, 2007, 06:33:05 AM

Despite my repeating it yet again in the prior response, you never apparently said it?

Yes, despite you repeating a meaning that I never expressed, yes, I never said it. I'm glad you find that amusing. The joke is on you.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 11, 2007, 02:46:03 PM
Actually the joke is in demonstrating precisely what you said you didn't say.

yuk yuk I guess is the appropriate response now      :-\
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 11, 2007, 04:45:03 PM

Actually the joke is in demonstrating precisely what you said you didn't say.

Then you told the joke poorly, because you haven't demonstrated that at all. Of course, you can't point to where I said what I didn't say, because I didn't say it. So again, the joke is on you.

yuk yuk I guess is the appropriate response now

At this point, I'm gonna have to go with a 'meh'.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 11, 2007, 04:47:58 PM
Actually the joke is in demonstrating precisely what you said you didn't say.

Then you told the joke poorly, because you haven't demonstrated that at all. Of course, you can't point to where I said what I didn't say, because I didn't say it. So again, the joke is on you.

Ummm, yea, that's it.  What's been typed really wasn't typed.  It's all just a figment of our imagination     ::)

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 11, 2007, 05:33:03 PM

Ummm, yea, that's it.  What's been typed really wasn't typed.  It's all just a figment of our imagination

Tell you what, Sirs, if you can find a quote where I actually said some version of "we simply want to go bully people, like some mean kid on the block staking out his territory, and just making the neighbors mad at us" rather than just a quote where I used the word "bully" then I will be perfectly happy to publicly admit it. I'm pretty sure, however, that I never said anything like that. So at this point, yeah, I have to go with it being a figment of your imagination.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Plane on November 11, 2007, 07:21:18 PM
I have my opinion, same as yours regarding our simply wanting to bully people and other nations

You don't have to assume anything, you can read about Ron Paul's view on terrorism: (

Thanks for the link.

Robert Pape, author of "Dying to Win," explains the strategic logic of suicide terrorism. Pape has collected a database of every suicide terrorist attack between 1980 and 2004, all 462 of them. His conclusions are enlightening and crucial to our understanding the true motivation behind the attacks against Western nations by Islamic terrorists. After his exhaustive study, Pape comes to some very important conclusions.

   I am surprised at the number of suicide bombings being so low I would have guessed above a thousand. 462 Kamikazes would have made just one WWII battle , perhaps they are not as motivated as they pretend.

   Suicide bombing was rare for the Japanese too until they started to run low on war resources , suicide as a war tactic is a sign of desperation more than a sign of dedication.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Henny on November 11, 2007, 07:31:08 PM

I'd vote for Clinton II before I'd vote for Rudy.

Don't vote for either one. Vote for Ron Paul.

I have to admit, I am intrigued by Paul.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 11, 2007, 08:33:47 PM

Ummm, yea, that's it.  What's been typed really wasn't typed.  It's all just a figment of our imagination

Tell you what, Sirs, if you can find a quote where I actually said some version of "we simply want to go bully people, like some mean kid on the block staking out his territory, and just making the neighbors mad at us" rather than just a quote where I used the word "bully" then I will be perfectly happy to publicly admit it.

So bully doesn't mean bully in your dictionary.  Ooookaaaay      ::)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 11, 2007, 11:41:29 PM

So bully doesn't mean bully in your dictionary.  Ooookaaaay

Hm. I did not say that either. I'm sensing a pattern here. But I don't feel like another round of this game, so let's just drop it.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 11, 2007, 11:52:44 PM

I have to admit, I am intrigued by Paul.

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 12, 2007, 02:28:00 AM
So bully doesn't mean bully in your dictionary.  Ooookaaaay

Hm. I did not say that either. I'm sensing a pattern here. But I don't feel like another round of this game, so let's just drop it.

At this point Prince, this "who's on 1st" bit has grown exceedingly tiresome as well.  The pattern is pretty transparent, you didn't say what said, but didn't say, what's on 2nd, and the bully is on 3rd.  Whatever      ::)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: R.R. on November 12, 2007, 06:11:10 PM
Bill would bar licensing undocumented workers
By Martin C. Evans
Article Launched: 11/08/2007 01:32:23 AM PST

WASHINGTON - Tossing a hot potato to the Democrats at the urging of presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, U.S. Rep. Peter King said he would introduce legislation that would bar New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer from offering drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants.

"What Eliot Spitzer is doing in New York highlights to me how dangerous this is and why we have to stop it," said King, R-N.Y.

King's gambit could be a boost for Giuliani, who Wednesday urged King and Texas Republican Rep. Pete Sessions to introduce the legislation.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 12, 2007, 07:49:22 PM
Should undocumented immigrants get driver's licenses? If they don't, then they will jsut drive anyway to get to work and then look at the mess.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 12, 2007, 10:43:36 PM
Should undocumented immigrants get driver's licenses?  

No.  You don't REWARD unlawful activity

If they don't, then they will jsut drive anyway to get to work and then look at the mess.

If they break the law, they're to reap the repercussions
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 03:13:50 AM
Should undocumented immigrants get driver's licenses?  

No.  You don't REWARD unlawful activity

If they don't, then they will jsut drive anyway to get to work and then look at the mess.

If they break the law, they're to reap the repercussions

100%.  I believe U.S. drivers licenses are for U.S. citizens to license them to operate heavy machinery on the US roads.  It is also used as a legally accepted form of ID.  It is also useful if you want to sneak a peak at someone's real birthday.

Why would an UNDOCUMENTED (aka illegal) immigrant be allowed these rights?

I love immigrants.  We ARE an awesome melting pot here.  But there are right ways of doing things, and wrong ways.  And we can't be patting people on the head that break the rules and say "aaaw, it's okay..  here, have a licence..."
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 13, 2007, 04:16:47 AM
I believe U.S. drivers licenses are for U.S. citizens to license them to operate heavy machinery on the US roads.  It is also used as a legally accepted form of ID.  It is also useful if you want to sneak a peak at someone's real birthday.  Why would an UNDOCUMENTED (aka illegal) immigrant be allowed these rights?

Outstanding question.  The most pervasive response is something along the lines of another question......"What are you going to do, deport everyone?  They're already here".  As if the fact that they have broken our immigration laws is apparently irrelevent

I love immigrants.  We ARE an awesome melting pot here.  But there are right ways of doing things, and wrong ways.  And we can't be patting people on the head that break the rules and say "aaaw, it's okay..  here, have a licence..."

Absolutely on the mark Seamus.  YET, such sentiment gets us folks labled racist, bigot, uncaring, uncompassionate, anti-immigrant, etc.  Apparently becasue we don't want to allow mass crossing at will, we apparently don't want any.  Go figure    :-\     Immigration IS what has made this country great, that and its founding documents, the Constitution & Declaration of Independence.  Some how though, frequently the open border contingent fails to recognize that we recognize that. 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 04:42:22 AM
I believe U.S. drivers licenses are for U.S. citizens to license them to operate heavy machinery on the US roads.  It is also used as a legally accepted form of ID.  It is also useful if you want to sneak a peak at someone's real birthday.  Why would an UNDOCUMENTED (aka illegal) immigrant be allowed these rights?

Outstanding question.  The most pervasive response is something along the lines of another question......"What are you going to do, deport everyone?  They're already here".  As if the fact that they have broken our immigration laws is apparently irrelevent

What would be the most fiscally responsible response to a person illegally coming into our country, and what is the most responsible?  And (hopefully) are they the same?

I refer to the exorbitant cost of incarceration if we throw them in jail, but if we just send them home, they'll just return the same way they got here before.  I know when I was younger, I was punished for doing wrong, and I learned not to do wrong.  I think the death penalty might be extreme, obviously, but how can we show people that "NO, you may NOT come here illegally and if you do you do you will be punished!"

And as far as deporting them all back, WTH not?  They're both CRIMINALS and Non-Citizens!  I can tell you how excited *I* am about having a person who is not an American but who IS a criminal living next to me.

I love immigrants.  We ARE an awesome melting pot here.  But there are right ways of doing things, and wrong ways.  And we can't be patting people on the head that break the rules and say "aaaw, it's okay..  here, have a licence..."

Absolutely on the mark Seamus.  YET, such sentiment gets us folks labled racist, bigot, uncaring, uncompassionate, anti-immigrant, etc.  Apparently becasue we don't want to allow mass crossing at will, we apparently don't want any.  Go figure    :-\     Immigration IS what has made this country great, that and its founding documents, the Constitution & Declaration of Independence.  Some how though, frequently the open border contingent fails to recognize that we recognize that. 

That's just silly...  I'm not any of those things.  But honestly, while I am struggling to put myself in a box and identify myself, I rarely care what other people label me as.

I believe in Amnesty!  If you CAN reach our shores, and ask for amnesty due to persecution, I think we should offer then sanctuary!  But if they are not in immediate danger then there is no reason they can't follow our procedures!

I mean, WHY do people want to come here??  Because we're a great nation!  So, IF we're a great nation, why do they want to come here without following our rules??  It makes NO sense!
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 13, 2007, 07:01:17 AM

What would be the most fiscally responsible response to a person illegally coming into our country, and what is the most responsible?  And (hopefully) are they the same?

That depends on why they entered illegally. Assuming all cases are the same is a short-sighted approach.

I refer to the exorbitant cost of incarceration if we throw them in jail, but if we just send them home, they'll just return the same way they got here before.  I know when I was younger, I was punished for doing wrong, and I learned not to do wrong.  I think the death penalty might be extreme, obviously, but how can we show people that "NO, you may NOT come here illegally and if you do you do you will be punished!"

When I was younger and punished for doing something wrong, I sometimes ended up asking why what I had done was wrong, because the reasons were not always obvious. And I'm still asking why it's wrong for people to come here without the bureaucratic nightmare that we currently have in place. I've seen all the arguments for it. Too many people, criminals, ruining the culture, et cetera, and they simply do not stand up to any sort of rational examination, imo. People traveling here and making private agreements to work or buy things does not harm anyone, infringes on no one's rights. So why should we make legally coming here so difficult that some folks think risking death to get here and imprisonment once they get here is preferable?

And as far as deporting them all back, WTH not?  They're both CRIMINALS and Non-Citizens!  I can tell you how excited *I* am about having a person who is not an American but who IS a criminal living next to me.

Criminals? And why? Because they broke a law to come here for the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families? Are they bad people because of that? I think they are not.

But if they are not in immediate danger then there is no reason they can't follow our procedures!

Indeed. And so they wait. And wait. And wait. Meanwhile, their family starves. Or meanwhile one gets in and the rest are left behind, and they wait. And I don't mean a few hours. Or a few days. Or a few months. Years. Sometimes a decade or more. And you wonder why some people don't want to follow the procedure?

I mean, WHY do people want to come here??  Because we're a great nation!  So, IF we're a great nation, why do they want to come here without following our rules??  It makes NO sense!

Actually, it makes a great deal of sense. They want to come here without following the rules because they don't have time to wait while their families need food and shelter and clothing. Because risking death to get here is preferable to living in a one room shack made of scrap materials and wondering when the next meal will come. Risking imprisonment is, apparently, preferable to paying the fees and navigating the bureaucracy that stand in the way.

The question is not why don't people want to follow the rules. The question is why do our rules have to be so burdensome that people think risking death to get here is a preferable option. And the answer is that our rules do not need to be so burdensome. While Sirs likes to talk about how he supports immigration, and I see you claim to also support it, the fact of the matter is that both of you are also supporting regulations that have the direct effect of keeping people out of the country and creating a black market for labor that entices many people to try being here illegally.

(And Sirs will jump in soon and, I'm sure, explain that he doesn't want to keep anyone out of the country, he just wants them to come here legally. This, of course, does not change the fact that he argues in support of regulations that do in fact keep people from being able to enter. He'll probably say that is wrong also, but he and I have already had that conversation, and I don't intend to suffer through it again.)

Illegal immigration is not like stealing or murder. Immigration itself infringes on no one's rights. Theft and murder would be theft and murder even without laws. Illegal immigration only exists because there are laws restricting severely what should otherwise, imo, be ordinary behavior.

You say, "IF we're a great nation, why do they want to come here without following our rules?" I say, if the U.S. is a great nation, and is so in part because of immigration that was much more open in the past, then it doesn't to be oppressive in its immigration laws today. I say, if people by the millions find risking death and imprisonment to be here preferable to legal immigration, then there is clearly something wrong with our laws. Sometimes the law is wrong, and the solution to that problem is never going to be finding more ways to punish people for disobeying the law that is wrong.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 02:25:40 PM

What would be the most fiscally responsible response to a person illegally coming into our country, and what is the most responsible?  And (hopefully) are they the same?

That depends on why they entered illegally. Assuming all cases are the same is a short-sighted approach.

First and foremost, thank you for discussing this in a rational and...  non-heated way. :)  I agree with you that not all cases are the same. 


I refer to the exorbitant cost of incarceration if we throw them in jail, but if we just send them home, they'll just return the same way they got here before.  I know when I was younger, I was punished for doing wrong, and I learned not to do wrong.  I think the death penalty might be extreme, obviously, but how can we show people that "NO, you may NOT come here illegally and if you do you do you will be punished!"

When I was younger and punished for doing something wrong, I sometimes ended up asking why what I had done was wrong, because the reasons were not always obvious. And I'm still asking why it's wrong for people to come here without the bureaucratic nightmare that we currently have in place. I've seen all the arguments for it. Too many people, criminals, ruining the culture, et cetera, and they simply do not stand up to any sort of rational examination, imo. People traveling here and making private agreements to work or buy things does not harm anyone, infringes on no one's rights. So why should we make legally coming here so difficult that some folks think risking death to get here and imprisonment once they get here is preferable?

See, here is what my issue is, and what I hear from a number of people on different subjects.  It's not WHY it's illegal.  It's THAT it is illegal.  I agree that if the red-tape is choking people and keeping people who need to get here out, then it should be changed.  (I know VERY little about immigration law.)  But the fact of the matter is that it IS illegal.  Thy ARE criminals.  Personally, I think marijuana should be legal.  I have never done it and have no desire to.  But the fact that the government spends so much on protecting us from this PLANT...  seems crazy to me.  However, until the law changes, I will report the pot growers down the street.  It's ILLEGAL right now.

On a side note, when you were punished for something you didn't see obvious, and asked about it afterwards, did you still learn not to do it?  Just my curiosity.


And as far as deporting them all back, WTH not?  They're both CRIMINALS and Non-Citizens!  I can tell you how excited *I* am about having a person who is not an American but who IS a criminal living next to me.

Criminals? And why? Because they broke a law to come here for the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families? Are they bad people because of that? I think they are not.

Yes.  Yes, because they broke the law.  I want them to have the opportunities.  They are not "bad" for desiring it, certainly.  But it is U.S. Law that you do X, Y,(and possibly A,E,D,F,T,W,H,Y,U,L AND P) in order for you to get here.  So, when there is a tedious list of things to do, I find it is good to start at the beginning.  But I don't think it's right that they try and CUT in LINE.


But if they are not in immediate danger then there is no reason they can't follow our procedures!

Indeed. And so they wait. And wait. And wait. Meanwhile, their family starves. Or meanwhile one gets in and the rest are left behind, and they wait. And I don't mean a few hours. Or a few days. Or a few months. Years. Sometimes a decade or more. And you wonder why some people don't want to follow the procedure?

Then we NEED to change the procedure.  I agree with you that if a family is starving, they should be able to ask for assistance from us.  I don't know what the proper response would be, but we would be morally required to do SOMETHING.  However to say it's okay to come over and you can ignore the laws would be wrong.  Yes, we need to correct this on our end.  But STILL, until then, please don't break our rules!  It makes me, personally, want to say "No, I'm not going to help you, because you can't seem to follow our rules.".  I'll grant you that if immigration is THAT difficult, we Americans need to look at those laws.  But there are a LOT of laws we need to be looking at.  Gays in the miltary, legalization of marijuana, immigration laws AND border protection laws.  Gun laws, seatbelt laws, helmet laws, non-smoking laws...  It doesn't mean that people can ignore them however.

As always, these are my opinions, and if I've said anything personally offensive, please let me know.


I mean, WHY do people want to come here??  Because we're a great nation!  So, IF we're a great nation, why do they want to come here without following our rules??  It makes NO sense!

Actually, it makes a great deal of sense. They want to come here without following the rules because they don't have time to wait while their families need food and shelter and clothing. Because risking death to get here is preferable to living in a one room shack made of scrap materials and wondering when the next meal will come. Risking imprisonment is, apparently, preferable to paying the fees and navigating the bureaucracy that stand in the way.

The question is not why don't people want to follow the rules. The question is why do our rules have to be so burdensome that people think risking death to get here is a preferable option. And the answer is that our rules do not need to be so burdensome. While Sirs likes to talk about how he supports immigration, and I see you claim to also support it, the fact of the matter is that both of you are also supporting regulations that have the direct effect of keeping people out of the country and creating a black market for labor that entices many people to try being here illegally.

(And Sirs will jump in soon and, I'm sure, explain that he doesn't want to keep anyone out of the country, he just wants them to come here legally. This, of course, does not change the fact that he argues in support of regulations that do in fact keep people from being able to enter. He'll probably say that is wrong also, but he and I have already had that conversation, and I don't intend to suffer through it again.)

Illegal immigration is not like stealing or murder. Immigration itself infringes on no one's rights. Theft and murder would be theft and murder even without laws. Illegal immigration only exists because there are laws restricting severely what should otherwise, imo, be ordinary behavior.

You say, "IF we're a great nation, why do they want to come here without following our rules?" I say, if the U.S. is a great nation, and is so in part because of immigration that was much more open in the past, then it doesn't to be oppressive in its immigration laws today. I say, if people by the millions find risking death and imprisonment to be here preferable to legal immigration, then there is clearly something wrong with our laws. Sometimes the law is wrong, and the solution to that problem is never going to be finding more ways to punish people for disobeying the law that is wrong.

I missed this entire section in my reply.  I'm glad I "preview"ed it.

Honestly, you bring up some great information.  So, hear me out a second.  I believe that we should protect our borders and be careful of who comes in.  We DO have people trying to come after us.  We're at war.  I believe in walls and military and guards and checkpoints and documentation. 

With that being said, I agree that if there are people who need food, shelter, clothing, etc, and our rules are too burdensome, then those need to change as well.  I think that America IS the land of the brave, and within our borders, you SHOULD be free to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We need to change our rules.

Can anyone tell me, if an family wants to become Americans, what is the current method?  Do they pay fees?  Do they have to seek a lawyer?  Do they have to have sex with the mayor? (joke, hopefully!)  Do they have to go to an American embassy?  Why is it so hard for people to come here legally?

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Richpo64 on November 13, 2007, 04:02:59 PM
>>Why would an UNDOCUMENTED (aka illegal) immigrant be allowed these rights?<<

Here's the reason liberals like the idea: The Motor Voter Act.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 04:45:34 PM
>>Why would an UNDOCUMENTED (aka illegal) immigrant be allowed these rights?<<

Here's the reason liberals like the idea: The Motor Voter Act.

Why I agree it's probably crossed some peoples minds, you can't say it's the reason liberals (all) like it.  I personally am FOR the Motor Votor Act so that it's easier for more AMERICANS to vote.  I don't WANT illegal people voting in our elections!  (btw, I consider myself a liberal.)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Richpo64 on November 13, 2007, 05:00:35 PM
>>Why I agree it's probably crossed some peoples minds, you can't say it's the reason liberals (all) like it.<<

I'm sure it's crossed A LOT of liberals minds. As for all liberals, I don't think all liberals are smart enough to see it for what it is. Others will simply deny it.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 05:07:04 PM
>>Why I agree it's probably crossed some peoples minds, you can't say it's the reason liberals (all) like it.<<

I'm sure it's crossed A LOT of liberals minds. As for all liberals, I don't think all liberals are smart enough to see it for what it is. Others will simply deny it.

Let me understand what you're saying.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.
As for all liberals, I don't think all liberals are smart enough to see it for what it is.
Now, are you saying that no liberal is smart enough to understand the "Motor Voter Law"?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Richpo64 on November 13, 2007, 05:17:54 PM
I suppose I should retract that. I should have said that most liberals don't understand that there even IS a motor voter law. Those who do are likely to deny it's true intent.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 05:27:39 PM
I suppose I should retract that. I should have said that most liberals don't understand that there even IS a motor voter law. Those who do are likely to deny it's true intent.

Well...  hmm...   I guess what I'm going to read into what you are saying is that "Those who do are likely to deny what I believe is to be it's true intent." as I believe you are implying the only reason the motor voter law is so that illegals can vote.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 13, 2007, 06:00:07 PM
I suppose I should retract that. I should have said that most liberals don't understand that there even IS a motor voter law. Those who do are likely to deny it's true intent.

Well...  hmm...   I guess what I'm going to read into what you are saying is that "Those who do are likely to deny what I believe is to be it's true intent." as I believe you are implying the only reason the motor voter law is so that illegals can vote.

As far right as Rich can get, I tend to have to lean a little in his direction, on this point, Seamus.  No one is advocating that legal Americans should not be allowed to vote.  In fact, it's an obligation in my book. 

That said, it's also just as important to make said elections as fraudless as possible.  ACTUAL picture ID is a good thing, and SHOULD be required.  This is in no means some backhanded racist thought, because it supposedly is disenfranchising a certain population because they lack the where with all in obtaining a picture ID.  It simply helps to reinforce that the actual person pulling the lever is the SAME person that's a legal American.  Motor voter is a perfect vehicle (pun intended) to facilitate voter fraud, since it's done with little, if any, background check or validation of if that person is not only the person voting but if they're even legal to vote. (and we won't even go into the garbage of supposed mass voter disenfranchisement in Florida & Ohio, given report after report after report of it NOT being the case, and not 1 legal court case arguing that it did)

Point being, who pushed "motor voter"?  Which party?  Who's opposing the idea of photo ID to vote?  Which party?  One then needs to deduce why, and the "why's" here aren't that hard to theorize 
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 13, 2007, 07:18:53 PM
I suppose I should retract that. I should have said that most liberals don't understand that there even IS a motor voter law. Those who do are likely to deny it's true intent.

Well...  hmm...   I guess what I'm going to read into what you are saying is that "Those who do are likely to deny what I believe is to be it's true intent." as I believe you are implying the only reason the motor voter law is so that illegals can vote.

As far right as Rich can get, I tend to have to lean a little in his direction, on this point, Seamus.  No one is advocating that legal Americans should not be allowed to vote.  In fact, it's an obligation in my book. 


That said, it's also just as important to make said elections as fraudless as possible.  ACTUAL picture ID is a good thing, and SHOULD be required.  This is in no means some backhanded racist thought, because it supposedly is disenfranchising a certain population because they lack the where with all in obtaining a picture ID.  It simply helps to reinforce that the actual person pulling the lever is the SAME person that's a legal American.  Motor voter is a perfect vehicle (pun intended) to facilitate voter fraud, since it's done with little, if any, background check or validation of if that person is not only the person voting but if they're even legal to vote. (and we won't even go into the garbage of supposed mass voter disenfranchisement in Florida & Ohio, given report after report after report of it NOT being the case, and not 1 legal court case arguing that it did)

Point being, who pushed "motor voter"?  Which party?  Who's opposing the idea of photo ID to vote?  Which party?  One then needs to deduce why, and the "why's" here aren't that hard to theorize 

See, you are saying party, while I don't THINK party had been brought up.  I was discussing as my opinion as a liberal.  I rarely follow the general flow of the Democrat party.  But I am am member, because we really only HAVE two parties.

 Who pushes motor voter? Democrats I would imagine.  Who's opposing the photo ID requirement? I haven't heard much about it, honestly.  Is it the Democrats?  In my opinion, there could be little greater thing that some security to our voting!  I have often wondered, ever since I COULD vote, how come you didn't have to show ID.  It just seemed insane to me.

Basically, I have not thought about how easy you make it sound for people to get a drivers licenses.  I believe that as hard as we want to make it for people to get fraudulent drivers licenses, we should make it just as hard to register to vote.  And visa versa.  Does that make sense?

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 13, 2007, 07:46:13 PM
See, you are saying party, while I don't THINK party had been brought up.  I was discussing as my opinion as a liberal.  I rarely follow the general flow of the Democrat party.  But I am am member, because we really only HAVE two parties.

The only reason I bring in party, is that the Legislation is composed of primarily 2 parties, and it is those legislators who facilitate said laws.  Pesonally, I'm a conservative, and not connected to any party either,

Who pushes motor voter? Democrats I would imagine.  Who's opposing the photo ID requirement? I haven't heard much about it, honestly.  Is it the Democrats?  In my opinion, there could be little greater thing that some security to our voting!  I have often wondered, ever since I COULD vote, how come you didn't have to show ID.  It just seemed insane to me.

It IS insane

Basically, I have not thought about how easy you make it sound for people to get a drivers licenses.  I believe that as hard as we want to make it for people to get fraudulent drivers licenses, we should make it just as hard to register to vote.  And visa versa.  Does that make sense?

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Richpo64 on November 13, 2007, 08:42:36 PM
>>As far right as Rich can get ... <<

I'm anti-death penalty. How far right is that? Now-a-days I guess defending your country makes you way out in right field.


Yes Seamus, that's what I'm saying. I'm saying the left uses the motor voter law to register people who are not eligible to vote, legal or illegal.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Universe Prince on November 14, 2007, 12:07:55 AM

See, here is what my issue is, and what I hear from a number of people on different subjects.  It's not WHY it's illegal.  It's THAT it is illegal.

On the contrary, I think the why is extremely important. Personally, if I don't believe the law is just, I feel a greater obligation to oppose the law than to see that those who break the law are punished.

On a side note, when you were punished for something you didn't see obvious, and asked about it afterwards, did you still learn not to do it?  Just my curiosity.

That depended a great deal on the reason I was given and how much I agreed with it.

Criminals? And why? Because they broke a law to come here for the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families? Are they bad people because of that? I think they are not.

Yes.  Yes, because they broke the law.  I want them to have the opportunities.  They are not "bad" for desiring it, certainly.  But it is U.S. Law that you do X, Y,(and possibly A,E,D,F,T,W,H,Y,U,L AND P) in order for you to get here.  So, when there is a tedious list of things to do, I find it is good to start at the beginning.  But I don't think it's right that they try and CUT in LINE.

I certainly see your point (though I disagree), but I'm still left questioning why we have a line in the first place.

I agree with you that if a family is starving, they should be able to ask for assistance from us.  I don't know what the proper response would be, but we would be morally required to do SOMETHING.

I don't believe we should have assistance programs, well, at least not run by the government. I think we mostly need to get out of the way of people who come here to make a living. In my opinion, that is our moral obligation.

However to say it's okay to come over and you can ignore the laws would be wrong.

Indeed. I'm not arguing they should allowed to ignore the law. I'm arguing that the law should be changed.

As always, these are my opinions, and if I've said anything personally offensive, please let me know.

You're doing fine. This is a good discussion. And I cannot see anything you said that might have been personally offensive.

I believe that we should protect our borders and be careful of who comes in.  We DO have people trying to come after us.  We're at war.  I believe in walls and military and guards and checkpoints and documentation.

On the border, I do not agree. I'm not opposed to checking identification of people who immigrate to the U.S., but we don't need walls and guards or a strictly controlled national border any more than we do for our state borders, by which I mean, not at all.

Can anyone tell me, if an family wants to become Americans, what is the current method?  Do they pay fees?  Do they have to seek a lawyer?  Do they have to have sex with the mayor? (joke, hopefully!)  Do they have to go to an American embassy?  Why is it so hard for people to come here legally?

The immigration process, and there are actually several, can be rather complicated and expensive. I recommend checking out as the site does a nice of job of explaining the immigration procedures in relatively easy to understand language, which is to say, without most of the legalese that fill some other immigration sites.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Plane on November 14, 2007, 12:14:26 AM
Rain on voteing day is known as "Rebulican Weather" because Republicans are known to come out to vote in adverse conditions more than Democrats.

Democrats like motor voter laws and hate ID requirements because they want it to be as easy as possible to vote , reason being that people who are casual about voteing tend to vote Democrat even a very slight burden or minor inconvienience costs Democrats votes.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Plane on November 14, 2007, 12:25:26 AM
George Bush had a plan for reforming immagration to make it more orderly and easyer for the leagal immagrant.
While at the same time makeing it harder for the illeagal immagrant , smuggler , criminal and terrorist to cross the border.

This plan has been shredded and forgotten ,  It had elements in it that were attacked from each side .

This is the disadvantage of being a moderate and eager to crompromise , President Bush has no zelots in his corner , because he is in the middle, he isn't in a corner.

Our present policys if they could be properly enforced would ruin our economy ,  but with he half hearted enforcement it gets it is causeing hudreds to die of thirst or down on the way here and many thousands to work beneith the threat of discovery and accept less wage than their work is worth.

We really ought to change , but in what direction?

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: sirs on November 14, 2007, 01:34:33 AM
>>As far right as Rich can get ... <<

I'm anti-death penalty. How far right is that? Now-a-days I guess defending your country makes you way out in right field.

No, hyperbolic claims of "all liberals are x", calling all of the Muslim religion the enemy, and if one doesn't denounce either as such in the most heated and aggressive manner as possible makes you "way out in right field"

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 14, 2007, 03:24:44 AM
George Bush had a plan for reforming immagration to make it more orderly and easyer for the leagal immagrant.
While at the same time makeing it harder for the illeagal immagrant , smuggler , criminal and terrorist to cross the border.

This plan has been shredded and forgotten ,  It had elements in it that were attacked from each side .

This is the disadvantage of being a moderate and eager to crompromise , President Bush has no zelots in his corner , because he is in the middle, he isn't in a corner.

Our present policys if they could be properly enforced would ruin our economy ,  but with he half hearted enforcement it gets it is causeing hudreds to die of thirst or down on the way here and many thousands to work beneith the threat of discovery and accept less wage than their work is worth.

We really ought to change , but in what direction?

I'd love to hear more about former immigration plan.  As far as what direction should we change, I believe we need to err on the side of caution, myself.   I think that we need to let in those people who need in, but not until a thorough check on them somehow.  We need to protect ourselves. 

That is really unfortunate that the plan you mentioned got shredded...  Was it riders or what that killed it?   It sounds like exactly what we need.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Plane on November 14, 2007, 06:24:11 AM
George Bush had a plan for reforming immigration to make it more orderly and essayer for the leagal immigrant.
While at the same time making it harder for the illegal immigrant , smuggler , criminal and terrorist to cross the border.

This plan has been shredded and forgotten ,  It had elements in it that were attacked from each side .

This is the disadvantage of being a moderate and eager to compromise , President Bush has no zealots in his corner , because he is in the middle, he isn't in a corner.

Our present policies if they could be properly enforced would ruin our economy ,  but with he half hearted enforcement it gets it is causing hundreds to die of thirst or down on the way here and many thousands to work beneath the threat of discovery and accept less wage than their work is worth.

We really ought to change , but in what direction?

I'd love to hear more about former immigration plan.  As far as what direction should we change, I believe we need to err on the side of caution, myself.   I think that we need to let in those people who need in, but not until a thorough check on them somehow.  We need to protect ourselves. 

That is really unfortunate that the plan you mentioned got shredded...  Was it riders or what that killed it?  It sounds like exactly what we need.

These articles are about the 2005  Bush proposal for Immigration reform.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: R.R. on November 14, 2007, 11:41:02 AM
Giuliani Whips Clinton Among Independents

Political Wire got an advance look at a new Cook Political Report/RT Strategies poll.

The striking finding is that Giuliani leads Clinton among independent voters, 48% to 37%. This statistic feeds the "electability" factor raised by John Edwards in the Democratic primary race.

First Read notes how crucial the independent vote is for Democrats. "In 2004, per the exit polls, John Kerry -- who lost the presidential election -- won the independent vote by just one point (49%-48%). But when they took control of Congress last year, Democrats won the indie vote by 18 points, 57%-39%."
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 14, 2007, 01:40:36 PM
I believe U.S. drivers licenses are for U.S. citizens to license them to operate heavy machinery on the US roads.  It is also used as a legally accepted form of ID.  It is also useful if you want to sneak a peak at someone's real birthday.

You think that resident aliens and even aliens here on extended vacation shouldn't be allowed to drive?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 14, 2007, 02:25:40 PM
I believe U.S. drivers licenses are for U.S. citizens to license them to operate heavy machinery on the US roads.  It is also used as a legally accepted form of ID.  It is also useful if you want to sneak a peak at someone's real birthday.

You think that resident aliens and even aliens here on extended vacation shouldn't be allowed to drive?

Honestly, I've never thought about it.  I've never personally known someone who was a citizen of another country that was here legally. Not even on vacation.  It hadn't crossed my mind.   Hmmm..  No, I can't say I want them to be dis-allowed to drive.  While I'd be a little scared of people who drive on the left side of the road trying to navigate our freeways, I think we're talking about people that have been here a little longer than that.

Okay, we have different classes of licenses that show you are licensed to drive a car, a motorcycle, a bus, etc.  Why not a "V" class for visitors.  It's not legal to vote, but they can drive a car.  I see it looking significantly different so that it's easily identified.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on November 14, 2007, 02:46:58 PM
Here is the deal. They are here to work. Public transportation sucks, so they need a car to get to work on time and keep the job.

If they have a license, they can drive legally and buy insurance. If they do not have a license, they will drive illegally and NOT have insurance. If they have an accident, they will run away, leaving you to pay for the damage, leaving your bloody body in the street.

If that is okay with you, then deprive them of licenses to make your bloody point. But promise to send me a check when some illegal Juan or Henri hits me or my car and runs off.

I for one, am all for the state issuing licenses, because I have to drive here in Miami, where maybe 15% of the population is illegally here.

Bush's immigration plan was more manageable than the mess we have now. The laws we have have not been enforced and won't ever be enforced.
It is not, nor will it ever be possible to arrest and deport 12,000,000 illegal aliens. So we need something more workable.

The rich depend on illegals to do shitty jobs, as in copnstruction, for low wages. Republicans need cheap labor.
The legal immigrants sympathize with the illegal immigrants. Democrats feel that illegals will become legal and will vote Democratic.

Both parties have or think they have) an interest in preserving the status quo, but the status quo has horrible consequences and is not sustainable.

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 14, 2007, 02:49:49 PM
I've never personally known someone who was a citizen of another country that was here legally. Not even on vacation.

Where the hell do you live?

Personally, I'm dual-national, but my parents and my sister are Austrian citizens. They've been living in the US for over 45 years, paying taxes, paying Social Security, etc. I know a large number of green card holders, personally.

Here's is what their resident alien cards look like:

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 14, 2007, 03:08:18 PM
I've never personally known someone who was a citizen of another country that was here legally. Not even on vacation.

Where the hell do you live?
  So Cal

Personally, I'm dual-national, but my parents and my sister are Austrian citizens. They've been living in the US for over 45 years, paying taxes, paying Social Security, etc. I know a large number of green card holders, personally.

Cool... How come if they've been here for 45 years they haven't wanted to become citizens?  (Just curious.  It's not my business, really!)

Here's is what their resident alien cards look like:


Thank you!  I've never seen one before...  What if we have some kind of addendum on the resident alien card that allows them to drive?  They can take the tests and get a happy face on their card or something that says "Licensed to drive in XX"
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 14, 2007, 03:37:26 PM
Thank you!  I've never seen one before...  What if we have some kind of addendum on the resident alien card that allows them to drive?  They can take the tests and get a happy face on their card or something that says "Licensed to drive in XX"

How's about we just leave the system that works alone? If they are a permanent resident, they currently have all the rights and duties of citizens, with the exception of voting. Sounds like it works fine to me. They vote in Austrian elections. I can vote in either, but have voted in the US until now.

Cool... How come if they've been here for 45 years they haven't wanted to become citizens?  (Just curious.  It's not my business, really!)

Because they've seen what has happened to others that have become naturalized US citizens. Austria can never revoke their citizenship (it can only be given up voluntarily as part of the naturalization process to become a US citizen); the US can, and has, revoked the citizenship of naturalized citizens - leaving them effectively the citizens of no where.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 14, 2007, 03:42:33 PM
Here is the deal. They are here to work. Public transportation sucks, so they need a car to get to work on time and keep the job.

K.  I can see this.  But you fail to mention that they are here illegally to work


If they have a license, they can drive legally and buy insurance. If they do not have a license, they will drive illegally and NOT have insurance. If they have an accident, they will run away, leaving you to pay for the damage, leaving your bloody body in the street.

So, an ILLEGALLY here person has ILLEGALLY driven without a licence and has been in a HIT AND RUN...   I say KEEP the HELL out of my country, you law breaking bleep-a-bleep.


If that is okay with you, then deprive them of licenses to make your bloody point. But promise to send me a check when some illegal Juan or Henri hits me or my car and runs off.

Why should I send you a dollar when you seem to think it's okay for them to be here in the first place.  And why do you think that if your "illegal Juan or Henri" are here illegally and are already breaking our laws, they're going to spend their money on INSURANCE?  Because it's the LAW?

I for one, am all for the state issuing licenses, because I have to drive here in Miami, where maybe 15% of the population is illegally here.

Bush's immigration plan was more manageable than the mess we have now. The laws we have have not been enforced and won't ever be enforced.
It is not, nor will it ever be possible to arrest and deport 12,000,000 illegal aliens. So we need something more workable.

So your response is to give them licenses?  Tell me again how this fixes anything? They're breaking the law!  Taking away one of the laws they're breaking (by giving them licenses) doesn't mean they are going to get insurance!  It doesn't mean they're going to pay the tags on their vehicles.  It doesn't mean they're going to pay taxes, and it SURELY doesn't mean they're going to stop and say "oops, my bad" when they hit you and leave your bloody body on the street.


The rich depend on illegals to do shitty jobs, as in copnstruction, for low wages. Republicans need cheap labor.
The legal immigrants sympathize with the illegal immigrants. Democrats feel that illegals will become legal and will vote Democratic.

Both parties have or think they have) an interest in preserving the status quo, but the status quo has horrible consequences and is not sustainable.

Well, I have differing view about anyone "needing" them, but I don't see how condoning their actions helps anything.

Lemme ask..  Tho, it might not be a decent comparison. (I'm a little frustrated..) Okay, I'm in a hurry and feel that I don't need to stop for stop signs or red lights.  I don't get caught and I get to where I'm going on time.  Is what I did wrong?
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Seamus on November 14, 2007, 03:52:22 PM
Thank you!  I've never seen one before...  What if we have some kind of addendum on the resident alien card that allows them to drive?  They can take the tests and get a happy face on their card or something that says "Licensed to drive in XX"

How's about we just leave the system that works alone? If they are a permanent resident, they currently have all the rights and duties of citizens, with the exception of voting. Sounds like it works fine to me. They vote in Austrian elections. I can vote in either, but have voted in the US until now.

Okay...  Sounds good, mostly.  I think...  What about... uug.  I need to think about this. 

See, I see your point, certainly.  They should be able to drive if they are here legally and have passed our driving tests.  I think what I'm driving at (no pun intended!!) is that I want our citizens to have a convenient, yet secure, way of showing that they are actually CITIZENS.  Then this card or whatever could be used for voting purposes.  I was thinking about our drivers licenses being that document.  But as you say, non-voters can still drive. 

Cool... How come if they've been here for 45 years they haven't wanted to become citizens?  (Just curious.  It's not my business, really!)

Because they've seen what has happened to others that have become naturalized US citizens. Austria can never revoke their citizenship (it can only be given up voluntarily as part of the naturalization process to become a US citizen); the US can, and has, revoked the citizenship of naturalized citizens - leaving them effectively the citizens of no where.

Ouch!  Not good...  Thanks for letting me pry into your life. :)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on November 14, 2007, 03:52:59 PM
I don't think it is okay for anyone to be here illegally. But if they are sharing the highways with me, I would prefer that they be insured.

Kindly consider that I did not invite anyone to come here illegally,and I cannot prevent them from coming. I am not the Migra. I do not condone them being here, but I do recognize that they are here.

The state law says that they must be insured, but they cannot get insurance without a license.

Either send them all home or issue them a license. that simple.

Juniorbush's plan seemed like an improvement. I would have been happy had it passed.

First, they need to stop people from entering the country illegally.Then they need to send them back when they are stopped for not having a license/insurance or whatever. They don't do this now, by the way.

Then they need to make it easier for the people with skills we need to get in and to keep out all those we don't need.

But the reality is that they cannot and will not send 12,000,000 people back to Mexico, Haiti, Cuba or wherever.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 14, 2007, 03:56:02 PM
I want our citizens to have a convenient, yet secure, way of showing that they are actually CITIZENS.

That document already exists; it's called a "passport." Only US citizens can get a US passport.1

1 Actually, dual-nationals like me can get passports for each of our countries, but we are a small segment of the immigrant population.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 15, 2007, 12:57:40 PM
I've never personally known someone who was a citizen of another country that was here legally. Not even on vacation.

Where the hell do you live?

Personally, I'm dual-national, but my parents and my sister are Austrian citizens. They've been living in the US for over 45 years, paying taxes, paying Social Security, etc. I know a large number of green card holders, personally.

Here's is what their resident alien cards look like:

I could be worng, but from a US perspective, you are NOT a dual citizen. Many other nations view it differently, but...
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 15, 2007, 01:21:49 PM
I could be worng, but from a US perspective, you are NOT a dual citizen. Many other nations view it differently, but...

You are correct. I am dual-national because the US claims me as a citizen (I was born in the US) and Austria claims me as a citizen (I am the child of Austrian citizens).  I never renounced either citizenship, so I can claim either as the situation warrants. I can travel to Cuba on an Austrian passport, for example.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 15, 2007, 02:22:00 PM
This sounds cool. You can have your cake and eat it too!  ;)
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Amianthus on November 15, 2007, 02:28:49 PM
This sounds cool. Yo can have your cake and eat it too!  ;)

Plays havoc with security clearances, though.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: R.R. on November 16, 2007, 07:59:02 PM
Now CNN Caught Planting Question for Hillary

During last night's Democratic presidential candidates debate, UNLV student Maria Luisa asked the final question of the evening. Luisa laughingly asked Clinton: "Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?" Marc Ambinder reports that Luisa actually wanted to ask a substantive question about the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository, but CNN urged her to go with "diamonds or pearls" instead. Luisa writes on her MySpace page:

CNN ran out of time and used me to "close" the debate with the pearls/diamonds question. Seconds later this girl comes up to me and says, "you gave our school a bad reputation." Well, I had to explain to her that every question from the audience was pre-planned and censored. That's what the media does. See, the media chose what they wanted, not what the people or audience really wanted. That's politics; that's reality. So, if you want to read about real issues important to America and the whole world, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Economist or the New York Times or some other independent source. If you want me to explain to you how the media works, I am more than happy to do so. But do not judge me or my integrity based on that question.

Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: hnumpah on November 17, 2007, 12:56:58 PM
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: R.R. on November 17, 2007, 02:04:40 PM
Post-Debate Questions    [Bill Bennett]

Why is everyone saying Hillary Clinton's performance was so boffo and her answer on licenses to illegals - "No" - was so cool when it directly contradicted her answer earlier this month? This is what Kerry did - in favor before he was opposed - that we flogged him for for the duration of the campaign.

Why isn't this an anchor?

And why right now aren't Republican candidates shouting about immigration from the rooftops and putting Dems in a box?

11/17 11:56 AM
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: yellow_crane on November 17, 2007, 08:42:28 PM
Post-Debate Questions    [Bill Bennett]

Why is everyone saying Hillary Clinton's performance was so boffo and her answer on licenses to illegals - "No" - was so cool when it directly contradicted her answer earlier this month? This is what Kerry did - in favor before he was opposed - that we flogged him for for the duration of the campaign.

Why isn't this an anchor?

And why right now aren't Republican candidates shouting about immigration from the rooftops and putting Dems in a box?

11/17 11:56 AM

The fact that the media is sorting out the place cards and stacking the deck in terms of questions is clear, or should be, to any one who watched this last Dem debate.

The audience was loaded, as well, by Hillary supporters.  When she made a point, they cheered; when others made a point, especially when they acted totally appropriately to the game at hand, and criticized her, they booed and hissed, almost to the point of interruption.  At one point, Obama became flummoxed by the catcalls from Hillary's supporters, and one could see Hillary gloating over it.  The fact that they had canned questions is not surprising, given the entrenched bias.

Edwards took some risks by implying that the whole of Washington is corrupt, and that measures that fail to address this, are doomed to failure.  Natually, Hillary took it personally.  She should.   She is too corrupt not to.  Her most recent behind the scenes cabals are with Rupert Murdock and others who were formerly a part of what she coined as the "right wing conspiracy."

Edwards made the best points, as objective political assesments are made, but the world watching also knows that Americans react to political debates with the same narcississtic tickling that their advertising and white house press releases have taught them to.   The "Ugly American" has been replaced by the "Gullible American" when it comes to describing your average 'consumer,' who used to be your average 'citizen.'

IMHO, the only outcome I am looking for in this election stack up is to determine if any chance, any objective opportunity will given to those who refer to the K Street, politician connection.

The rest is bullshit.

The same game with new players is still the same game, and the same problem.

Unbridled corruption.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: The_Professor on November 17, 2007, 08:56:23 PM
Post-Debate Questions    [Bill Bennett]

Why is everyone saying Hillary Clinton's performance was so boffo and her answer on licenses to illegals - "No" - was so cool when it directly contradicted her answer earlier this month? This is what Kerry did - in favor before he was opposed - that we flogged him for for the duration of the campaign.

Why isn't this an anchor?

And why right now aren't Republican candidates shouting about immigration from the rooftops and putting Dems in a box?

11/17 11:56 AM

The fact that the media is sorting out the place cards and stacking the deck in terms of questions is clear, or should be, to any one who watched this last Dem debate.

The audience was loaded, as well, by Hillary supporters.  When she made a point, they cheered; when others made a point, especially when they acted totally appropriately to the game at hand, and criticized her, they booed and hissed, almost to the point of interruption.  At one point, Obama became flummoxed by the catcalls from Hillary's supporters, and one could see Hillary gloating over it.  The fact that they had canned questions is not surprising, given the entrenched bias.

Edwards took some risks by implying that the whole of Washington is corrupt, and that measures that fail to address this, are doomed to failure.  Natually, Hillary took it personally.  She should.   She is too corrupt not to.  Her most recent behind the scenes cabals are with Rupert Murdock and others who were formerly a part of what she coined as the "right wing conspiracy."

Edwards made the best points, as objective political assesments are made, but the world watching also knows that Americans react to political debates with the same narcississtic tickling that their advertising and white house press releases have taught them to.   The "Ugly American" has been replaced by the "Gullible American" when it comes to describing your average 'consumer,' who used to be your average 'citizen.'

IMHO, the only outcome I am looking for in this election stack up is to determine if any chance, any objective opportunity will given to those who refer to the K Street, politician connection.

The rest is bullshit.

The same game with new players is still the same game, and the same problem.

Unbridled corruption.

And yet study after study shows that people generally say Washington is currupted, BUT of course their local rep is REALLY GOOD...sigh. So, guess what? Nothing changes...
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on November 18, 2007, 03:58:38 AM
I doubt that Hillary is anywhere near as corrupt as Juniorbush/Cheney.
Pork barrel politics, ie spending excessive amounts of money in one's district is not per se corrupt, as selling one's vote to individuals as DeLay was doing. The 'Bridge to Nowhere' would have made life more convenient to the people in the area, and building it would have provided a lot of jobs. If Congressmen were more concerned with efficient government, bills like that bridge would never pass.
Title: Re: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy
Post by: BT on November 18, 2007, 12:14:24 PM
Robertsons endorsement of Rudy means as much as UP'S endorsement of Paul.

In the end the only endorsement that matters is your own. Decide which candidate most closely matches your ideals then vote for them.

The rest of the endorsements much like NASCAR stickers are just efforts to herd the sheeple.