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3DHS / Kneejerk reactions to Norway
« on: July 25, 2011, 11:26:15 AM »
Unfortunately at first some people thought Norway was attacked by Muslim radical terrorists and they were wrong.

Now the liberal press has branded the killer to be a Christian. They too are wrong.

There's a whole lot of knee-jerking going on around here!!

3DHS / Obama's party has another sexual perv like the Weiner
« on: July 24, 2011, 04:40:56 PM »
Rep. David Wu has been accused of an “unwanted sexual encounter” with the teenage daughter of a longtime friend, the latest scandal to engulf the troubled Oregon Democrat.

The Oregonian reported that the 56-year-old Wu “acknowledged a sexual encounter to his senior aides but insisted it was consensual,” according to sources aware of the incident.

The unidentified teenager and her family did not file any criminal complaint over the incident, which apparently took place sometime around last Thanksgiving.

Calling the episode “very serious,” Wu did not specifically address allegations that he made unwanted sexual advances toward the young woman who is the daughter of a donor.

“This is very serious, and I have absolutely no desire to bring unwanted publicity, attention or stress to a young woman and her family,” Wu said.

The Oregonian reported the person involved graduated from high school in 2010 but did not mention her age. She and her family declined to speak to the newspaper.

Wu, who is being treated for an unspecified mental health condition, is separated from his wife Michelle and the couple reportedly is seeking a divorce. They have two children.

Wu, who was born in Taiwan is the first Chinese-American elected to Congress and has served in the House since 1999.

This episode is the latest in a long list of troubling incidents for Wu, including a previous allegation of sexual assault lodged against him by a former girlfriend when they were both attending Stanford University in 1976. Wu was not charged with a crime, but he was made to see a counselor and was disciplined by the university.

This incident was reported by The Oregonian shortly before the 2004 elections. Wu admitted to “inexcusable behavior on my part” when confronted about the allegations.

“As a 21-year-old, I hurt someone I cared very much about. I take full responsibility for my actions and I am very sorry,” Wu said in a statement to The Oregonian. “This single event forever changed my life and the person that I have become.”

Shortly before the 2010 elections, Wu began behaving erratically, according to The Oregonian and other news outlets. Wu sent a bizarre picture of himself in a tiger costume to his staffers, and some of them urged him to seek psychiatric help. More than a half dozen staffers and campaign consultants quit as Wu bombarded them with troubling phone calls and emails.

“I freely admit that it was an intense campaign, and I was not always at my best with staff or constituents,” Wu said in a statement to Williamette Week, a Portland newspaper. “For all those moments, I wish I’d been better and I apologize.”

These latest allegations against Wu add to the growing list of sex scandals that have rocked Capitol Hill over the past two years.

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) recently resigned from Congress following a national firestorm over lewd photos he sent to women he met over the Internet.

Former Rep. Christopher Lee (R-N.Y.) was caught sending a topless online photo and also resigned. Former Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) had an affair with one of his campaign aides, who also happened to be the wife of his deputy chief of staff. Ensign stepped down from office on May 3.

And ex-Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) quickly departed Capitol Hill in March 2010 after POLITICO reported he was under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for allegations of sexual harassment of male staffers. The Ethics Committee recently announced that it will continue looking into whether any Democratic lawmakers or staffers knew about those allegations but failed to take action against Massa.

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3DHS / Birth Cert is a forgery
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:34:54 PM »
A close examination of the state registrar's stamp on the Obama birth certificate released by the White House indicates the document is forged, according to the preponderance of Adobe experts consulting with WND.

There are two different registrar stamps evident on the Obama birth certificate: The date stamp, indicating April 25, 2011, and the text and signature stamp containing registrar Dr. Alvin Onaka's signature.

Both registrar stamps appear to have been applied by a rubber stamp inked from a blotter.

Jerome Corsi's book,  "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore

The registrar stamps appear to be external objects that were imported into the document. The stamps were not impressions copied whole, the experts believe, but were created uniquely for the Obama document by a cut-and-paste process.

Read more: Experts: Registrar stamps confirm Obama forgery

3DHS / Obama is allowing the US to fry
« on: July 21, 2011, 06:14:09 PM »
This hot weather is killing America. Why is Obama allowing this heat wave to happen?

3DHS / For the Naive That Believe Obama Will Be Reelected in 2012
« on: July 21, 2011, 03:28:41 PM »

A Democratic polling firm said President Obama's already weak job-approval numbers are "worse than they appear" and he likely would lose the election if it were held today.

For the first time in a year, Mr. Obama does not lead former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in Public Policy Polling's monthly national poll on the 2012 presidential race. They are tied at 45 percent, and Mr. Obama is losing among independent voters by a margin of 49 percent to 44 percent.

Worse for Mr. Obama, PPP said, the "vast majority" of undecideds disapprove of the president's performance. The survey of registered voters was conducted July 15-17.

"There's a very good chance Barack Obama would lose if he had to stand for re-election today," said Dean Debnam, president of PPP. "This is his worst poll standing in a long time, and he really needs the economy to start turning around."

In an interview this week with a Kansas City, Mo., TV station, Mr. Obama said the election will be more about his record than the platform of the eventual Republican nominee.

"Americans understand that we didn't get into this problem overnight," Mr. Obama told KMBC-TV, one of three interviews he gave to regional TV outlets at the White House on Wednesday. "If next November they feel like I've ... been working as hard as I can and have been getting some things done to move us in the right direction, then I'll win. If they don't, then I'll lose."

3DHS / Press Babe Gets Handed Her Ass
« on: July 20, 2011, 06:12:47 PM »
Today, Contessa "educated" a conservative Representative that without the bailout, the country would be in "a depression." Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said he disagreed which prompted the MSNBC host to ask him if he had a degree in economics.

"Yes ma'am, I do. Highest honors," Rep. Brooks responded.

According to his Congressional page: "Mo graduated from Duke University in three years with a double major in political science and economics, with highest honors in economics. In 1978, he graduated from the University of Alabama Law School."

3DHS / In 2012 Should Obama Try Out For Lettermans Job?
« on: July 18, 2011, 08:02:15 PM »
"Back in the 80's, Richard was also a five-time Jeopardy champion and a semi-finalist in the Tournament of Champions. Not too shabby," President Obama said as he announced the nomination of Richard Cordray to run the consumer bureau on Monday.

"That's why all his confirmation -- all the answers at his confirmation hearings will be in a form of a question," Obama said to silence.

"That's a joke," he reminded the audience.


3DHS / Taxpayers Screwed Again!
« on: July 18, 2011, 06:01:44 PM »
A Salinas car manufacturing company that was expected to build environmentally friendly electric cars and create new jobs folded before any cars could run off the assembly line.

The city of Salinas had invested more than half a million dollars in Green Vehicles, an electric car start-up company.

All of that money is now gone, according to Green Vehicles President and Co-Founder Mike Ryan.

The start-up company set up shop in Salinas in the summer of 2009 after the city gave Ryan a $300,000 community development grant.

When the company still ran into financial trouble last year, the city of Salinas handed to Ryan an additional $240,000 in investment money.

Salinas Mayor Dennis Donohue said he was "surprised and disappointed" by the news. City officials were equally irked that Ryan notified them through an email that his company had crashed and burned.

Salinas Redevelopment Director Jeff Weir said Green Vehicles folded because of a "lack of investors," and a $2.7 million grant from California Energy Commission that never materialized.

Donohue said he will work with the state to try to get at least $240,000 back from the now-defunct company.

Last year, Salinas city officials said they were excited about Green Vehicles moving from San Jose to Salinas because they wanted to turn Salinas into a hub for alternative energy production.

City leaders wooed Green Vehicles to jump-start the sputtering local company and turn Salinas into an "electric valley." Donohue and Weir both voiced their high hopes for Green Vehicles.

The start-up company promised city leaders that it would create 70 new jobs and pay $700,000 in taxes a year to Salinas.

Green Vehicles was supposed to be up and running by March 2010 inside their 80,000 square-foot space at Firestone Business Park off of Abbot Street.

Ryan had lofty goals, listing his company's mission as: "To make the best clean commuter vehicles in the world; To manufacture with a radical sense of responsibility; To engage in deep transparency as an inspiration for new ways of doing business."

Green Vehicles designed two vehicles, the TRIAC 2.0 and the MOOSE, which it planned to manufacture.

On July 12, Ryan wrote a blog post announcing that his company was closing.

"The truth is that not realizing the vision for this company is a huge disappointment," Ryan wrote.

Ryan outlined three mistakes he made while steering his company into a brick wall. All three reasons boiled down failing to generate enough capital.

Click the video below to watch Ryan being interviewed last year.

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3DHS / Embrace Life
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:24:17 PM »

3DHS / Going forward America sees through Obama
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:15:10 PM »
I think this debt ceiling fiasco has shown America the true Obama, and of course, he doesn't look too good. Going forward I see him (his poll numbers) declining at a faster rate than they are already. It likely will get so bad that it will be abundantly evident, to his party, that he can't possibly win in 2012.

I wonder what they will do when that reality finally sets in...???...???

3DHS / When will Conservatives say enough is enough?
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:43:39 PM »
Jerry Brown signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation requiring public schools to include the contributions of gay and lesbian people in their curriculum, making California the first state to adopt such a requirement.

The legislation, authored by Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, was approved in the Legislature along party lines, with Democrats in favor and Republicans opposed. The governor's office announced this morning that Brown had signed the bill.

Senate Bill 48 requires public instruction in social sciences to include the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, as well as people with disabilities and members of other cultural groups.

It would prohibit teaching from textbooks or other instructional materials that reflect adversely on people because of their sexual orientation.

"History should be honest," the Democratic governor said in a written statement. "This bill revises existing laws that prohibit discrimination in education and ensures that the important contributions of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life are included in our history books. It represents an important step forward for our state, and I thank Senator Leno for his hard work on this historic legislation."

Leno's Senate Bill 48 is similar to a proposal that was approved by the Legislature in 2006 but vetoed by then Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"Today we are making history in California by ensuring that our textbooks and instructional materials no longer exclude the contributions of LGBT Americans," Leno said in a written statement.

"Denying LGBT people their rightful place in history gives our young people an inaccurate and incomplete view of the world around them," Leno added. "I am pleased Governor Brown signed the FAIR Education Act and I thank him for recognizing that the LGBT community, its accomplishments and its ongoing efforts for first-class citizenship are important components of California's history."

Categories: Bills (2011-2012 session) , Gov. Jerry Brown

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3DHS / The day after we go broke Obama plans big birthday bash
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:18:33 PM »

GOP Debt Ceiling Ace in the Hole: Obama’s Birthday Bash

by Keith Koffler on July 14, 2011, 12:09 pm

Oh boy, this is going to look bad.

The Republicans may not realize it, but they have an extra point of leverage in the debt ceiling talks: Barack Obama’s birthday.

It’s on Aug. 4. The president is turning 50. He’s decided to have a quiet celebration with family and a few close friends.


Instead, the president is planning an extravagant fundraising bash Aug. 3 at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago, including a birthday concert teeming with celebrities and – for couples contributing $35,800 – a private dinner with the president. All this just one day after the government is scheduled to run out of cash!

Undoubtably, the sight of so much money getting thrown around and dissolute stars crooning to Obama will make a stirring contrast with a federal government bankruptcy featuring unpaid government workers, seniors and soldiers wondering how they’ll afford the groceries, shuttered national parks, and angry investors trying to cash out their Treasury Bills.

If the government defaults, you can be sure the birthday bacchanal will do much more to harm Obama’s reelection prospects than help them. Maybe House GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who has been refusing to back down while needling Obama to the extent that the president stomped out of a White House meeting yesterday, already knows this.

The excitement kicks off at 4 pm with a concert that may feature singer Jennifer Hudson and other A-List stars, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

To show that hope and change is for everyone, a pauper section will be included for those contributing a measly $50. But the general admission ticket is $200, and the more you give, the more you get.

For $1,000, you can sit in the rich people’s area with easy access to alcohol. And for $10,000 you not only get a great seat, but a photo with The Birthday Boy.

Perhaps Timothy Geithner will be doing stand up comedy at a smaller room elsewhere in Chicago the same night, with all proceeds going to fund the federal government.

3DHS / The deelection of Obama
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:15:54 PM »

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans' satisfaction with the way things are going in the country fell to 16% in July, the lowest in more than two years. Satisfaction approached this level in December 2010, when it descended to 17%, but it has not registered as low as 16% since February 2009 -- President Barack Obama's first full month in office -- when it was 15%.

The new poll was conducted July 7-10 as Congress and Obama were engaged in heated negotiations over a bill to raise the nation's debt ceiling.

Satisfaction fell four percentage points just in the last month, from 20% in June. Among party groups, Democrats' satisfaction has dropped the most, from 35% to 25%. Independents' satisfaction in June and July was fairly steady at 17% and 14%, respectively, and Republicans' was unchanged at 9%.

Additionally, whites' satisfaction fell more sharply over the past month -- to 12% in July from 17% in June -- than nonwhites', to 26% from 29%.

Reason for Reduced Satisfaction Unclear

The recent slide in approval could partly signal a return to more "normal" levels of satisfaction after the surge in May following the killing of Osama bin Laden. However, rather than reverting to April's 22% level, satisfaction has descended even further.

Americans' economic confidence is unchanged thus far in July compared with June; therefore, the economy does not appear to be the reason for Americans' lower satisfaction with the country's direction.

Public approval of President Obama and Congress has also been fairly steady in June and July, albeit at relatively low levels for each.

Bottom Line

Fewer Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the country today than were satisfied in June or in any month since February 2009. The recent month-to-month decline is seen particularly among Democrats, but is also evident among whites, broadly.

Americans' approval of Obama and of Congress, along with their economic confidence ratings, are all similar to where they stood in June, as well as prior to the bin Laden-related rally in April. Whether the dampened satisfaction this month is a temporary finding or the precursor for a possible decline in Gallup's political and economic indicators remains to be seen.

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