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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:04:32 PM »
That was perhaps one of the most insincerest of "apologies" I have yet to witness....IMHO.  I doubt others will cross that line.....when the line of disrespecting the office of the President has already been extended to all manner of effigy burning, with this particular President.  It'll stop just before bloody heads, but continued attacks on the President's children, including Barron, will go unimpeded....and unapologized for.  This of course after the lectures we got about hands off Chelsea and the Obama sisters

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 08, 2017, 01:14:12 PM »
Largely because they were lacking in both frequency & abhorency , not to mention a prominent name, such as a celebrity

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:27:30 AM »
Nor will I, nor will a majority of America.  The issue though was your implication that some precident was the apparent "shrugging off" of similar instance by the GOP.  I simply find the inference lacking any such examples, both in their frequency & abhorency.  I'm sure if we tried really hard, we could find some examples.......but they'd be lacking in the "shrugging off" component, is my guess

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 07, 2017, 01:08:42 PM »
Naaa, I disagree again.  Any other head, she'd simply be criticized for poor taste in her humor.  She did this with the President's head.  That's sooooooo far across the line, that she deserves all the financial repercussions she gets....especially as she trys to play the victim card

But more to the point, you point to Griffen as an apparent GOP double standard, by their lack of outrage at ...... "just regular people"?.  IIRC, the GOP and especially conservatives, have been vehemently opposed and outraged at all manner of racist rhetoric.  But unless you can point a finger at someone specific, you're not going to get an equal level of outrage....because there's no specific target of that outrage.  So no, the right doesn't simply shrug this off.  Their condemnations are broad based because there are so few on the right that have adopted such reckless & abhorrent behavior, as personified by Griffen,

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 04, 2017, 02:09:07 PM »
I have to vehemently disagree with you on your initial premise, Kimba.  What celebrity has come out with vile racist &/or violent rhetoric aimed at Obama.  What person(s) have publically come out with "blatant racist remarls", that the GOP largely shrugged off?  What person has ever implied the death of Obama...even in a supposed "humerous" manner??

3DHS / Re: what is trump status to you?
« on: May 29, 2017, 12:41:20 PM »
Nor should you.  Whatever faults he may be demonstrating, he was, and still is, a superior option to that of the ridiculously currupt & incompotent Clinton

3DHS / Re: what is trump status to you?
« on: May 24, 2017, 03:57:07 PM »
I've heard a few, but I'm confident that the predominant majority of the left, would wish him to continue to use twitter, for precisely the reasons Bt has referenced

3DHS / Re: what is trump status to you?
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:31:30 AM »

3DHS / Re: "You're Fired"
« on: May 24, 2017, 10:30:27 AM »

3DHS / Re: what is trump status to you?
« on: May 18, 2017, 05:46:31 PM »
I'd love to talk to some of these people who think Hitler simply made some "bad choices"

3DHS / Re: Why is no one correcting the lies??
« on: May 14, 2017, 01:45:07 PM »
Who is communist? ? I just reread this thread and somehow jept missing something

The communists are those who support hard core socialist doctrine....that support the image of the hammer & sickle.  My point being how there's all this appropriate outrage at anything even remotely imaging fascism, such as the swastica, with the ongoing efforts at the left trying to paint anyone that disagrees with them as a card carrying nazi, , but nary a bleep of outrage aimed at a political philosphy just as, if not more evil, than fascism

3DHS / Re: "You're Fired"
« on: May 14, 2017, 01:22:34 PM »
He was investigating if trump actually has ties with Russia.  Which is strange he also the reason Hillary lost votes.  So he's not exactly biased in his investigation

I have to disagree, to this point, Kimba.....Comey was in charge of an agency that was investigating if Trump actually has ties with Russia.  The agency is still there....its not going away.  The investigation will continue, with or without Comey

Bottom line for me, based on everything I've read, and listened to, to this point.....Comey has impeccable levels of integrity, but thanks to Lynch, Clinton, & Co, got dragged into politicizing the one branch, that MUST stay apolitical.  Thanks to that infamous meet between the sitting AG, and the former President, not to mention, husband of the then current Presidential candidate, under FBI investigation, he was put between a rock and hard place.  His biggest error was applying parameters to Federal law, that were never there...that of intent.  Simply acknowledge that there was plenty there for an indictment of Mrs Clinton, and punt it to the Justice dept, and let them claim that no prosecuting attorney would think there wasn't a case to be won.  Alas, he chose to pull the FBI into the political arena, and set the ball in motion as to his eventual & appropriate termination

That said, Trump & co handled his firing extremely poorly.  Trump needs to grasp that he's President now, not CEO of the Country.  There's protocols in place, not to mention respectful means to terminate someone's position in Government.  Its as if Trump has no concept about optics or timing.  That doesn't mean he has to play the PC game, far from it.  He simply needs to think/consider actions, before demanding they be implemented immediately.  Be it EO's or any further firings.

I don't have a problem with Comey being fired.  I do have a problem with how it was done

3DHS / "You're Fired"
« on: May 09, 2017, 07:20:02 PM »
Apparently, FBI Director Comey has been provided walking papers.  I wonder on what grounds

3DHS / Re: Why is no one correcting the lies??
« on: May 09, 2017, 07:12:25 PM »
I agree.... I see them as 2 distinct groups....both evil however.  And yet, would we ever see an effort to normalize someone who supports naziism, to be considered for public office??  Yet, here in CA, as radical as the legislature has been enabled to be, we now have a bill to make it perfectly ok for individuals who are card carrying communists, legal to be elected or even appointed, to public office.

Now, let me make it clear, my issue here isn't that communists may be allowed to run the state of CA (the majority liberals in Sacramento, are practically that far left already).  My issue is WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE?  Would there not be outrage if some politician were trying to make it ok for anyone associated with the Nazi party to hold public office??  Being a member of a particular political party denotes a support of those very policies.  Has history been that vastly whitewashed??

3DHS / Re: The REAL story about Benghazi!
« on: May 09, 2017, 05:34:22 PM »
Interesting.  Any sourcing to this?  I had always assumed it was a CIA mess up, that needed to be covered up.  All the more logical to conclude a State Dept mess up, at the hands of Clinton heading it, that needed to be covered up

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