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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: April 05, 2017, 07:55:36 PM »
I don't....if we were to allow the free market dictate wages vs driving them down with illegal immigrant abuse

3DHS / Re: I use ivanka as my standard are person is full of bs
« on: April 05, 2017, 06:20:46 PM »
If you don't want to take the question seriously, just say so.   sheeeesh ::)

3DHS / Re: Thanks Obama!
« on: April 05, 2017, 05:29:41 PM »
Here in CA, they pushed solar power big time.  Much of it leased, but my wife and I were able to purchase ours, so we're not boholden to any company.  But now the reporting is coming out that Californians are producing all this excess solar energy.... that can't be in wasted.  What the frell?

And this NEW round of tax increases that Governor moonbeam wants us to support to pay for road repair, that we already payed taxes for precisely that, but gets diverted to... paying former DC AG's to come hlep defend criminal illegal immigrants from getting deported, includes new fees in electric cars, because "they use the road as well"

Pretty mind-boggling just how far off the deep end this state has reached

3DHS / Re: I use ivanka as my standard are person is full of bs
« on: April 05, 2017, 05:24:56 PM » what specifically?

3DHS / Re: The Gorsuch Conundrum
« on: April 05, 2017, 02:04:40 PM »
Not and still be a card carrying DC Democrat politician.

Which is fine......let the Dems screw themselves once again, so we can seat a Trey Gowdy or Ted Cruz, without any of this fuss, when either Breyer and/or Ginsburg have to retire due to health issues

3DHS / Re: Thanks Obama!
« on: April 05, 2017, 02:01:04 PM »
But....but....its "clean" energy

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: April 05, 2017, 01:54:17 PM »
Again, I have to respectfully disagree (and here I thought H proclaimed we were some all hemogenous group think....go figure)....but to the point, ANY illegal immigrant here is taking a job away from an American who does have a valid ID. 

ANY illegal immigrant here using a fake SS# that supposedly is paying taxes, STOLE that ID from someone else. 

And the amount of illegal immigrants in this country, especially here in CA, is why those that use and abuse their #'s, are able to keep wages substantially low, which pushes the false narrative that they do the jobs Americans wouldn't do

Illegal immigrants predominantly come here with next to nothing, but with the notion that America will "take care of them".  They just need to (illegally) get their foot in the door.  And the greater the #'s, the more need for Government services..... A liberal democrat's dream.  They're already pushing for no bail for those arrested, already pushing tax payer provided healthcare, now formulating the notion that anyone born should be registered to vote, regardless of their parents' status.  And you can bet that in the very near future, CA politicians will start pushing that illegal immigrants simply be allowed to vote for "limited issues"

3DHS / The Gorsuch Conundrum
« on: April 03, 2017, 04:13:57 PM »
I'm no fan of Senator McConnell, but he did lay it out pretty clearly.....Gorsuch will be confirmed to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court, later this week.  Merely that the Democrats get to chose how that happens

Which begs the question, why would the Democrats waste so much political capital & energy on hopelessly trying to block someone who previsouly had unanimous approval for his current circuit court Judgeship, by a similar Senate??  That's actually easy.....the hardcore left lacks rational thought.  The consitueucy to so many of these DC democrats are hardcore leftists, who hate Trump so much, that all manner of rational thought has been extinguished.  That overt level of ingornace is what keeps so many Democrats in power, but to hold that power, they must feed that in point as we cue the Gorsuch confirmation hearing:

- His ideology does appear to be conservative by the nature of his comments, but more so his rulings, in which he's replacing a stauch conservative on the Supreme Court.  That's fair in and of itself.  But that requires rational thought to grasp

- The GOP invoked none other than the Democrat's own "Biden rule", (one that incidentally had no basis of support to begin with, but they were in the Majority, and they inoked it,) in which during a Presidential election season, that the senate does not have to bring to vote any Judicial nominee.  So the Dems should be themselves, for such a ridiculous rule to begin with.  So the GOP rolled the dice, and it came up Trump-eyes.....Trump gets to name the nominee, period.  But once again, that is to be ignored in favor of the irrational

- it was the Democrats who actually changed the rules to allow all manner of Presidential appointments to pass with a simple majority, including all Judges up to SCOTUS level.  They can rationalize why they did it all they want, but it was the left that went into unprecedented mode for getting nominees passed, while they were in the majority.  But history was never properly embraced by the irrational

- and lastly, the idea that Gorsuch is somehow beholden to corporations at the expense of "the little guy".  Here is the BIGGEST example of how each party sees the Judicial system.  Historically, the Judicial branch is ONLY supposed to rule on existing law.....laws passed by the Legislative branch, and signed into law by the Executive branch.  It's not the role of a Judge to consider if its a good law or a bad law.  Justice is supposed to be blind, and with all the derrogatory statements aimed at Gorsuch about not ruling for "the little guy", not once was it ever referenced that Gorsuch didn't rule in favor of existing law.  His record has apparently been impeccable in ruling in favor of the law, and it doesn't matter who that favored, be it corporations or "the little guy".  Gorsuch went into detail with Feinstein, during is confirmation questioning, providing example after example after example, where the law favored "the little guy" in which he ruled for.  But with the left, that's how they see the Judiciacy....not as an arbitor of the law, but as some social justice warrior.... social justice as defined by liberal ideology of course, and the law be damned

THAT's the ignrance leftist politicians thrive on.  That's how they can get away with smearing Justice Gorsuch, with the notion he "doesn't care about the little guy"


3DHS / Re: It's ILLEGAL immigration!!!
« on: April 02, 2017, 03:09:33 PM »
Apparently not in CA

Isn't there a large not-quite finished housing development on the south end of the Big Island?

3DHS / Re: It's ILLEGAL immigration!!!
« on: April 01, 2017, 06:50:38 PM »
Lemme add to the level of leftist ridiculousness now

- Ceasar Chavez birthday was being celebrated by the United Farm Workers association, and with that celebration, made it a point to present a position denoucing the Trump administration's efforts to deport criminal illegal immigrants, in which Chavez himself, when alive, denounced illegal immigration, as detrimental to those civil rights he fought for

- And you now also have a plethora of activists proclaiming the need to NOT report crimes to the LA Sheriff's office, because the current LA Sheriff, Jim McDonnell, has denounced de Leon's bill for just how much unsafer it would make CA.  Seriously.....these folks want people NOT to report crimes being committed, in some bizarre notion that allowing those crimes to grow, will change the Sheriff's mind, on a bill that would create more crimes to grow, thru-out the entire state

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 30, 2017, 03:44:51 AM »
.... for now.  With the imminent increase in gas taxes and car fees, watch still more of the middle class move out, to be replaced by poor illegal immigrants who can't afford it, and will have to be subsidized by.....yep, that same shrinking middle class....which will necessitate still higher taxes to compensate

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 29, 2017, 11:39:26 PM »
Can't be too poor, if it worked in CA

3DHS / It's ILLEGAL immigration!!!
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:42:21 PM »
Getting so sick to death how these leftists keep getting pass after pass after pass after pass by the media, when they keep proclaiming their overt resistance to cooperating with ICE and the Federal Government, as it relates to immigration is regarding not just ILLEGAL immigrants, but those ILLEGAL immigrants who have been convicted in vile CRIMES, including murder, rape, & molestation.  Feds reimburse states and cities for incracerating those very ILLEGAL immigrants, so when Sessions indicates their intention to pull such funding states & cities who don't intend to cooperate with federal law, have no legal, moral, or credible leg to stand on.  They are literally protecting murderers, rapists, and child molesters from deportation because........ ?? 

CA Congress critter, Kevin De Leon, is trying to get a state bill passed here, that makes it illegal for Law Enforcement to cooperate with ICE and the Fed.   WHAT PLANET ARE THESE LEFTISTS ON??  The funding isn't about "deputizing local police and law enforcement to act as immigration agents", simply that the Fed recognizes they're holding them, for whatever crime they've committed or charged with.  If they're not going to inform ICE, or even answer the phone when ICE requests if criminal so-n-so is to be released, they have no business claiming about the need to protect its citizens, nor accepting tax dollars from any other state

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