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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: One down
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:19:46 AM »
....In spades....rubbing it in

What I don't get is H.  He's generally pretty level headed, usually objective, able to bash both parties pretty accurately.  Why he thinks this is some sort of "good 'ol boys" club defies logic.  It also defies logic that when he decides to rant on the latest Trump issue, he then takes exception to when its been shown to happen in pretty much every other administration.  I just don't get it

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: March 01, 2017, 07:02:59 PM »
Not at all.  What contributes to increase homelessness?  More and more taking in low/no income illegal immigrants, with pretty much no means to pay for anything, thus the need for increased services and increased taxes to support them, driving cots up and the price of homes even higher.

And now Brown & the Democrats want to add mandatory healthcare coverage for them as well??

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: March 01, 2017, 03:50:06 PM »
...and that it is a predominant self-proclaimed, self-adored sanctuary city

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: March 01, 2017, 02:22:29 PM »
I respectfully disagree.  WHEN it tanks, its sanctuary status will have contributed to its tanking exponentially

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: March 01, 2017, 12:01:04 PM »
Never said Frisco didn't have its positives....WAS a great place to visit.  Not so much now.  And going to get a lot worse

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 28, 2017, 01:24:37 PM »
.... and if state Democrat legislators pull what they're hinting at pulling, (state version of Obamacare), watch a far greater loss (of middle & upper class folk bailing the state, in advance of the massive tax increase that would be required to cover it)  See what businesses can retain anyone then, much less stay viably profitable

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 25, 2017, 12:54:27 PM »
There, I can agree......for most on the left, its all about appearance & perception, regardless if its counter to reality.  Shall I argue when they randomly picked out my 85year old as-white-as-white-can-be mother in law for "special screening".  What were here features?  too many suspicious wrinkles?  It's polticial correctness that's the true enemy here.  It's what these sanctuary cities are trying to hide behind, and screw how much more in danger it puts its citizenry in

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 25, 2017, 03:16:59 AM »
But see, that's my point....we're not.  We're simply enforcing our laws.  We're not enacting any new laws.  We're not enacting some draconian measures.  People have simply gotten used to our Government NOT enforcing our current laws.  Well folks, there's a new Sheriff in town

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 24, 2017, 06:51:58 PM »
I disagree.....on multiple levels.  No, we're not trying to become isolationist where we're merely enforcing existing law.  Tourism will be just fine.  And no, our security is anthing BUT tight, which is why so many people are having such a coniption.  When our acutely laxed enforcement of immigration law is seen as the norm, the perception that we're somehow bringing down the guantlet, for shifting to actually enforce our current laws, can be seen as somehow, "over the top".  That's an erroneous perception.  There's is no massive effort to "show me your papers".  Thousands and thousands of people, were coming thru from Muslim countries, just fine, with Trump's 1st EO.  There were a few hundred who were merely inconvienienced, but when you listened to the news, the perception is that anyone that largely walked on 2 legs was stopped by ICE or Customs.

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 24, 2017, 04:28:51 PM »
I'm glad you're working and will continue to pray for your safety.  The fact remains that in these so-called "sanctuary cities", the plethora of reporting has reinforced what is largely a logical conclusion, that crime is skyrocketing in sanctuary cities, due in large part their effort to protect actual violent criminals, from Federal law & subsequent deportation

3DHS / Re: would you afterwards have dinner with them
« on: February 24, 2017, 03:51:48 PM »
Of course..... do unto others as you'd have done unto you.  My Mom drilled that into my wee little skull as a youngin.  I always initiate/facilitate civility.  I respond repsectfully to respect.  I only start to get testy when I'm no longer being given respect 

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 24, 2017, 03:48:29 PM »
Yea, really.  Just reading and listening to the myriad of news reporting the status of crime in these locations.....increasing exponentially with their sanctuary status compared to cities that don't have or push such a status

3DHS / Re: would you afterwards have dinner with them
« on: February 24, 2017, 03:30:46 PM »
I'd still have dinner with....anyone.  Why shouldn't I?

3DHS / Re: Why demographics weren't - and won't be - destiny for Democrats
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:16:53 PM »
I also read that the electoral map is not going the Dems way, anytime soon.  While places like CA & NY will remain blue, for ..... ever, those electoral numbers will not change.  CA will always be 55, no matter how big a popular vote win, CA gives to whomever the Democrat nominee is.  The hard core left agenda is pushing its base to each coast, while alienating everything in the middle. 

We're going to have multiple upcoming Presidential elections where the Democrat is going to win the popular vote, but the GOP will ultimately win the electoral college & WH

3DHS / Re: would you afterwards have dinner with them
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:12:52 PM »

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