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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 1862
3DHS / Re: Sex change operation?
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:28:28 PM »
It is just bullshit.

You park your car under a mulberry tree, and when you return, it is covered with purple birdshit.
You listen to Republicans, and you hear bullshit.

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:26:13 PM »
Stop bringing God into this until you need to.

I did not stick God into the discussion: Cruz did. He claimed that God told him to run.
Cruz said he prayed and prayed for divine guidance and finally, God told him to run.

So there are several possibilities to explain what actually happened.

God had left the building, God was deaf, perhaps because of the Big Bang, or God simply does not exist or give a shit, and Cruz was just talking to himself, or God has a wicked sense of humor and likes to mock sanctimonious assholes like Cruz.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:20:48 PM »
The principle is that capitalism moderates the price of goods and services by competition. It is entirely correct that hospitals generally refuse to reveal their prices. The hapless patient is forced to sign an agreement to pay whatever the price the hospital wishes to charge.

The only way to make capitalism work is to grab the hospitals by the balls with proper regulations and squeeeeeeeeeeeze the bastards until they reveal their prices or simply have the government slap prices on procedures.

3DHS / Re: Poisonous praise
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:28:27 AM »
Total bullshit. Complete and total bullshit!

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:27:23 AM »
This country has 330 million people. That is more than double the number it was when I was born.
People got Obamacare because what we had before was inadequate and too expensive and the idea that the most profitable businesses in the country should be those that profit from the accidents and diseases of the most unfortunate citizens was loathed by a majority.

3DHS / Re: WHAAT???! The Wall Street Journal endorses ....
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:23:30 AM »
Supporting Trump will not make America great in any way, shape of form. Trump is great only in his own sick mind.  Electing a president because he spouts dumb shit constantly is the very worst possible reason.

3DHS / Re: WHAAT???! The Wall Street Journal endorses ....
« on: October 03, 2016, 03:17:18 PM »
You are an expert on souls, why don't you tell us all about The Donald's soul?

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:19:58 PM »
Did he get the nomination? \


Was it impossible for him to get the nomination?


Who was responsible for him not getting the nomination?

Members of the GOP.

3DHS / Re: WHAAT???! The Wall Street Journal endorses ....
« on: October 03, 2016, 01:17:39 PM »
Trump is doomed to lose. Every day it gets worse for him because he is an ass and cannot keep his mouth shut,

3DHS / Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:14:11 AM »
Bernie got too few votes to get the nomination, even if the super delegate votes were not figured into the total. All you have to do is the math.

Listening to Fox & Friends will not suffice.

The Republicans made it totally impossible for Ted Cruz to become their nominee, despite him having been sent by God to become president. How? By not voting for him.

It was against God's Plan! Heresy!

3DHS / Re: Sex change operation?
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:12:04 AM »
I do not. That is bullshit.

3DHS / Re: Poisonous praise
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:11:15 AM »
Obama is not any sort of racist. That is just absurd. he wants equality, and to racists THAT is racism.

He provoked the displeasure of Stormfront simply be being elected president.

Trump uses racism to get votes. Even Speaker Ryan admitted that. Trump considers himself a Super UberMensch who declares, "I alone can fix it" The Nazi idea of the Master Race and Trump dividing the human race into winners (like him) and losers (pretty much everyone not like him) are very close. The cherry on top is that he is German.

Seig Heil! Heil Der Donald!

3DHS / Re: Trump stiffs wedding caterers.
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:04:58 AM »
Trump does not run a country, dimwit. Just as Fidel's behavior should inform prospective investors not to invest in Cuba, lest their assets be seized, the American voters need to understand that Trump is a shameless conman who thinks he can bully people and get away with everything he wants with impunity.

We should not vote for Castro should he run for the presidency (not something that is remotely possible) and we should not vote for Trump.

Also, we should refuse to offer any product or service to Trump or Castro unless he pays us cash up front in full. 

Trump is a fucking deadbeat that refuses to fulfill his obligations. There was an understanding that after Trump's wedding, Trump would pay for it.

There was no understanding that Castro should pay for assets in Cuba before he took power. The agreement to pay was made with Fulgencio Batista, not Castro.

So Trump is worse than Castro, and we can and should refuse to allow this creepo to take over our country, because he does not honor his promises.

3DHS / Re: The value of suffering
« on: October 03, 2016, 08:55:49 AM »

You just hate government.

Yes , but does that make me wrong?
FUCKING-A YES it makes you wrong. If you start off with the premise that "government is the problem", then every following idea based on that premise will also be wrong.

It is like beginning with the premise that the Earth is flat, the Sun revolves around the Earth, and that rhino horn will cure impotence.

What sort of oppressing am I suggesting? Only that the government limit the production sale of opiates to the few for whom there is no other drug. That the government ban ads hawking this shit, or at least ban promotional ads for prescription drugs to people as well as doctors.

3DHS / Re: WHAAT???! The Wall Street Journal endorses ....
« on: October 03, 2016, 08:49:20 AM »
Trump is a part of the financial oligarchy, and he apes the worst behavior of the political oligarchy.

He is driven only by his ego. He wants to be the Big Swinging Dick. He could give a shit about the rest of us, we are all inferior peasants to him.

He is too ignorant to lead this country. His highest pinnacle of achievement is a reality TV show.
He cannot be permitted to rise any higher.

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