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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2016, 10:45:08 AM »
How the hell did the GOP make it "totally impossible" for Cruz??
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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2016, 01:19:58 PM »
Did he get the nomination? \


Was it impossible for him to get the nomination?


Who was responsible for him not getting the nomination?

Members of the GOP.
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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2016, 01:27:08 PM »


Or are you now flip flopping to proclaim how the Democrats made it "totally impossible" for Sanders to become the nominee??  Let's check your parameters required to make that claim

Did Sanders get the nomination? \


Was it impossible for him to get the nomination?


Who was responsible for him not getting the nomination?

Members of the Democrat party.

ergo, per your parameters, Democrats made it totally impossible for Sanders to become the nominee
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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2016, 08:09:27 PM »
Bernie got too few votes to get the nomination, even if the super delegate votes were not figured into the total. All you have to do is the math.

Listening to Fox & Friends will not suffice.

The Republicans made it totally impossible for Ted Cruz to become their nominee, despite him having been sent by God to become president. How? By not voting for him.

It was against God's Plan! Heresy!

Stop bringing God into this until you need to.

Democracy was offended , Democrats were cheated.

If the superdeligates had all voted for Sanders  , he would have won. Why wasn't Bernie Sanders wife made a delegate as Hillary Clinton's husband was?

Why did the chairwoman have to resign in disgrace ('_-) to be hired right away by Hillary?

Why did the party establishment deny resources to Sanders that it allowed to Clinton? Money , Phonebanks , information, Hillary was getting the parties support in every way and Sanders fought for every small recognition, that he was able to influence the platform was all that he could do with being a naturally stronger contender than the selected candidate.

Why why why do I care?

I vote for Democrats so seldom that I have not voted for one in a decade, I am surely not cheated by shenanigans inside a party that gave up on my vote a while ago.

I care because the Republican party is not intrinsically stronger against this sort of corruption and is observing in distress the weakest Democrat possible running well against the weakest Republican available.

I worry that what succeeds best is success and in a short time the Republicans will emulate these Democratic methods and I will then indeed be cheated. 


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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2016, 12:26:13 PM »
Stop bringing God into this until you need to.

I did not stick God into the discussion: Cruz did. He claimed that God told him to run.
Cruz said he prayed and prayed for divine guidance and finally, God told him to run.

So there are several possibilities to explain what actually happened.

God had left the building, God was deaf, perhaps because of the Big Bang, or God simply does not exist or give a shit, and Cruz was just talking to himself, or God has a wicked sense of humor and likes to mock sanctimonious assholes like Cruz.
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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2016, 12:28:37 PM »
You forget rule #1 when it comes to God & prayer......sometimes the answer is "No"
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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2016, 02:38:14 PM »
Stop bringing God into this until you need to.

I did not stick God into the discussion: Cruz did. He claimed that God told him to run.
Cruz said he prayed and prayed for divine guidance and finally, God told him to run.

So there are several possibilities to explain what actually happened.

God had left the building, God was deaf, perhaps because of the Big Bang, or God simply does not exist or give a shit, and Cruz was just talking to himself, or God has a wicked sense of humor and likes to mock sanctimonious assholes like Cruz.

This discussion used to be about Hillary Clinton and her behavior.

Which Includes how she treated the voters of the Democratic party undemocratically.

Oh wait look over there!

Its a squirrel!


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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2016, 02:41:07 PM »
No, this is about how the GOP made it impossible for Ted Cruz to be the nominee. Trumnp got more votes.
Hillary also got the Democratic nomination by getting more votes. Even if we discount the super delegate votes, Hillary got enough votes to make her the nominee.
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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2016, 02:56:26 PM »
Not to the point now is it.  God can inspire you to do lots of things.  That doesn't equate to him saying yes to everything, so the idea he's deaf is a non-starter. 

You need to stop trying to move the goal posts.  If the GOP made it impossible to nominate Cruz, so did the Democrats making it impossible to nominate Sanders.  The kicker is that had the super delegates who were committed to Clinton, regardless of her positions or criminal liability, and not accountable in any way to the people, voted for Sanders, he'd be the nominee

Good thing Clinton bought those up early   
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Round 1 to Clinton
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2016, 03:18:06 PM »
No, this is about how the GOP made it impossible for Ted Cruz to be the nominee. .....

You are in error.

The powerful in the GOP were frustrated by the people of the GOP.

The people of the Democratic party were frustrated by the powerful and moneyed that run it.

Not just simply , rescores and cash was made available to Hillary , I would not be surprised if the Democratic Dead voters were used against Sanders .

The fix was put in and the price was paid, and Wasserman -Sholtz took responsibility.

Does all of this shame belong to one person?