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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:12:05 PM »
I'm sure Frisco, as does LA, as does Chicago, as does Detroit, as does a host of other "sanctuary cities" have their upsides.  The reality is the proportion of up is degrading with the rise of the down, perpetuated by the horde of criminal element that the sanctuary status is pulling in.  I just heard a news report not 1 week ago, discuss just how far Friso had fallen, especially in the Market District.  And don't even go near Golden Gate park after the sun sets

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 24, 2017, 03:00:10 AM »
Of course its not.  None of those sanctuary cities consider that status a priority to deal with.  Quite the opposite in fact, in which their fighting to ignore federal law.  I did read that the area once known as a great tourist area, up & down Market Street has completely devolved to a point, no tourists would want to traverse thru there, unless they were getting from point A to point B, and had to go thru there

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 22, 2017, 08:32:04 PM »
Yea, they have areas that are good tourist attactions....and they have areas you wouldn't be caught dead in

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 22, 2017, 05:09:48 PM »
A misrepresented perception, pushed by leftists & the media.  And last I looked, messers Los Angeles, San Francisco, & Chicago are hardly "1 incident" safe spaces

3DHS / Re: Executive Orders
« on: February 22, 2017, 03:15:10 PM »
It's the quailty of the EO plane, and how its being used.  If being used in an attempt to bypass the legislative process, then its apples & oranges, to EO's that simply are part of the Executive Branch's function, in executing legislation that's already been passed

3DHS / Re: Poll: 80 Percent Oppose Sanctuary Cities!
« on: February 22, 2017, 03:12:40 PM »
But do you see this reported with any mainstream authority?  Of course not.  There's a template that must be adhered to, much like with abortion....blanket the coverage with stories about the "repercussions" of such if that's the norm

3DHS / Re: Dumping Trump
« on: February 18, 2017, 12:06:31 PM »
I don't really think it has as much to do with "toxic merchandise", since I'm hearing how its actually desirable to get Trump stuff now.  I think its a tad more nefarious, in that for all these years of our Country's existence, there was an element of respect we gave to the office of the Presidency, no matter who was the President.  All of a sudden, its now in vogue to completely disrespect that position.  Jst my 2cents

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: February 17, 2017, 03:14:55 AM »
That's funny....I thought we were talking about Flynn's resignation. But as soon as it was noted that its really no different than other resignations, under other administrations, all of a sudden its the "same old $#!^?  Really?

What else would you like to discuss about it?  Trump accepted his resignation, as he should have.  While others I know actually believe he was within his legal right to do what he did, I disagree...he wasn't yet part of any administration, and a private person is not at liberty to be discussing sanctions, he may be privy to, with another country's Government

What intrigues me though, is your title....."1 down" if inferring that you're expecting, perhaps even looking forward to more "going down".  Is that more of a discussion, you're hoping to have?

3DHS / Re: Dumping Trump
« on: February 15, 2017, 09:01:18 PM »
For those who are upset that these stores quit carrying Trump branded products they can always show their displeasure by stopping shopping at the stores that are doing this. If they believe in political boycotts and their efficacy. Other than that, life goes on.

Bingo.  Not sure what the problem is here

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: February 15, 2017, 08:59:49 PM »
Be nice to know what kind of change, H is looking for.  Full on Dump on Trump fest?  Leave all differing POV at the door?  That'd be a true pity.  Inquiring minds and all that

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:21:20 PM »
You know what's unfortunate, Tucker Carlson now has his own show, and managed to get guests who think themselves very mainstream or mainstream liberal perhaps, and thru his questioning, demonstrates just how completely unhinged the left has become.  Yes, there are radical elements on the right...let's get that disclaimer out of the way....but presently we're being witness to a massive growth of folks on the left who have no interest in democracy or "accepting the results of the election", as Clinton lectured us about

So, on the show the other night IS a middle grade teacher, Yvette Felarca, who proudly supports violent confrontation to anyone she and her throng perceive as fascists....which of course includes Milo.  She whole heartedly was so impressed with herself on how she and her other folk "shut him down" at Berkeley.  Video shows here and some of her folks literally assaulting a Trump supporter.  In her words, they "have no right to speak".  That he incites.....(and this is priceless).....he insights in HIS supporters/followers acts of violence.  Her violence apparently is justified to stop them before it gets started, despite no actual examples of Milo or Bannon or any of the so-called designated fascists as calling for such violence, or in her words, genocide.

But Tucker's hilighting this overt radical violent-themed hypocrisy wasn't the real trick.  He kept pushing her as to "what end", as in how far was she willing to go, to stop such a perceived level of fascist propaganda.  She couldn't provide a straight answer outside of her claiming the need to bring about more of her folk to "stop it".  You could tell what Tucker was getting at......assasination?  Apparently, that was never ruled out.

Who are the Fascists again??

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: February 14, 2017, 03:03:26 PM »
So despite this happens in nearly every administration, to placate the subject matter, and appease H's apparent desire to dump on Trump, it isn't good optics, and it was appropriate Flynn resign.  It was premature for his actions, prior to actually holding a position in any administration, and to add on to it, his being less than forthcoming to VP Pense, who was vouching for him.  Now we wait to see who next the left will villify to merely being nominated for the now vacated position

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: February 14, 2017, 01:43:20 PM »
IIRC, I don't believe H was as giddy with any of the resignations, during the prior 8 years...some of them pretty significant.  From Van Jones to Tom Daschle to Bill Richardson to Chas Freeman.  I don't recall any Conservatives making a checklist of how many of his nominees or inner had gone "down".  And the Right despised what Obama was doing to this country.  Then again, perhaps a greater degree of tolerance by some than others

3DHS / Re: One down
« on: February 14, 2017, 12:30:30 PM » many more to go, H?

3DHS / Re: Senator Obama in 2005 on Illegal Immigration
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:08:22 PM »
....and thunderous applause

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