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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: was Melania Trump a mail order bride?
« on: November 08, 2016, 02:49:08 PM »
Once again demonstrating just how puny the human mind is at comprehension.  Thanks for the reinforcement

3DHS / Re: was Melania Trump a mail order bride?
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:23:06 AM »
Your puny human concept of what is and isn't competent, I'm sorry to say, has no standing, as it relates to God's function.  Here's a hint, he allows us free will to decide for ourselves, what wars we're to fight vs not fight

3DHS / Re: This is what it is all about.
« on: November 07, 2016, 02:42:50 AM »
What do you think "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" means?  Just like the entire year of birtherist garbage, it was planned to mean that because of Black President Obama, America is no longer great.

See?...everything HAS to be racist with you guys.  No, what it means, is that "it was planned to mean that because of President Obama's & the Democrat's POLICIES, America is no longer great.  Skin color has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING.  But since you're side is intellectually devoid of defending the indefensible, you have to invent non-existent racist attributes, to try and scare off criticism

We did not hear Trump saying this when Juniorbush failed to prevent 9-11, mongered wars and fought them incompetently and screwed up the economy.

You're not listening then, since Trump has made it painfully clear of his critism of Bush and the Iraq war.  However the domestic POLICIES put in place by Bush and the GOP Congress were working, especially the across the board tax cuts.  But thanks to the Government, creating the housing bubble, that was sure to crash, our economy got screwed.  And thanks to Obama and the policies of the Democrats, we're dealing with a near non-existent recovery, and the ever famous "new normal" that the left has pulled out to explain the lack of a recovery

3DHS / Re: This is what it is all about.
« on: November 06, 2016, 07:01:38 PM »
No, that's not what he claims, or even infers.  He simply wants to take us back to a point where corruption wasn't so rampant in the Federal Government, that it functions like a 3rd world Latin Country's government.  Not one campaign pledge or even rhetoric that declares his intention on revoking an of the Civil Rights legislation, or ANY legislation, outside of the god-awful Obamacare

But that's what the left is left to try and scare people with.  Too intellectually devoid of trying to defend the indefensible, they have to try and scare the electorate in non-existent racist and gender issues

3DHS / Re: unbelievable recklessness!
« on: November 06, 2016, 04:11:32 PM »
Yea, she "really take serious" the notion of safeguarding our confidential & classified information      ::)

(now watch how the rebuttal is likely some effort to make it some attack on the maid)

3DHS / Re: This is what it is all about.
« on: November 06, 2016, 04:09:31 PM »
That's all the left has.....if you didn't support Obama, its because he was black.  If you don't support Clinton, it's because she's a woman....and a Clinton.  Can't possibly be about their policies, hard core liberal agenda, polarizing rhetoric, or "new normal".  Naaa, they have to make it about race and gender, as what its "all about".....that way, its intellectually easier to argue racism & misogyny, vs trying to defend the indefensible

Leftist debate tactic 101

No one claimed that her traveling on the tax payer's dime, to see people 1 on 1, isn't indeed helpful.  But it's also very inefficent, in the time it takes to travel, and the few people you actually are in contact with (depending of course, on how much they donated to her foundation).

Point being, which you have yet to refute, is that e-mail is likely the MOST USEFUL MEANS Clinton had at her disposal to communicate the most classified of information, to the most people, in the quickest manner.  So, you can try to minimize the importance of her e-mails getting exposed in multiple hacks of her doesn't negate the highly classified intel & information that was obtained in those hacks....thousands upon thousands

Do you really relish highlighting your idiocy??  Perhaps an unconscious demonstration of transference.  Do you hate blacks & women that much??

Here's the serious question, one more time:

The e-mails amount to thousands. Must be hundreds of hours of composing and writing and reading.

Is there any evidence that she ever did anything important away from the e-mails

Care to answer vs deflect??  MOST people read something in order for the information to be better appreciated.  This is either by letter, text, or EMAIL.  The 1st takes too long for it to be the most efficient means for substantive communication of thought.  The 2nd generally doesn't allow enough time for anything substantive to be discussed.  The most effective means of communication, in this day & age, outside of a telephone conversation, is e-mail.  It's quick, can be sent immediately, yet be able to incorporate far more information than a text could ever perform.

In other words, its likely the MOST useful method of transmitting vital information, quickly, yet with detail.  And the physical text allows the recipient to spend as much time going over it, after receiving it.  This is all pretty much common sense, in this day and age.  However, you're free to answer PLANE'S QUESTION, as to what other method would she have used more of

When unable to answer a serious question posed, deflect, deflect, deflect

3DHS / Re: Peter Thiel Speech Supporting Trump at National Press Club
« on: November 04, 2016, 07:20:21 PM »
...and here's the kicker...its entirely possible Trump may get more popular votes, but not the 270 electoral votes needed.  And that's the way it should be  In that scenario, watch the left and Democrats then praise the wisdom of the founders and the Electoral College

Your erroneous opinion of Trump not-with-standing, you can doubt all you want.  The fact that classified and top secret e-mailsings are sent all the time tends to debunk the nonsense of how unuseful e-mail supposedly is.  It also wouldn't explain why tens of thousands were actively deleted upon the Clinton camp getting word of a Congressional subpoena to save all of them, if they were no big deal.  That's all the proof anyone needs

3DHS / Re: Hillary and Gore Hate Each Other!
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:24:46 PM »
Remember......just like Lincoln, you have to have a public face that says one thing & a private face that can remind people of the truth

And you're trying to claim she did NONE??

3DHS / Re: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case
« on: November 04, 2016, 01:08:20 PM »
so when a source is actually providing actual quotes from actual people connected......we should ignore them because, the source doesn't fit your ideological litmus test??  Is that how it works in leftist loony land?

No thrill up that leg.  Too bad Michelle didn't run.  Matthews wouldn't have been able to contain himself

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