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Messages - sirs

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 1806
CA is going to run out of money that much faster, trying to fund other Democrats in ohter states.  No wonder they're trying to raise taxes while also circumventing the democratic process here.  People, and their freedom to choose, can be such nuisances, it would seem

3DHS / Re: Presidents panel on voter fraud
« on: July 04, 2017, 02:30:06 PM »
One Democrat governor let slip the reason he was refusing to provide any voter information, in that he didn't want there to be any attempt to try and resurrect the supposed false notion of widespread voter fraud.....basically reinforcing the need to apparently hide such

3DHS / Re: CNN....very fake news
« on: June 30, 2017, 03:02:23 AM »
Seriously?  A "photo cover" on a magazine is analogous to a major news organization purposely manipulating the news to push a false narrative onto the President of the United States?

Wow..... how the mighty have lowered their bar

btw, I have a couple of pictures taken, one with Friends while dressed up in old west garb, the other with my wife dressed up in Civil War garb.  That obviously is on the same line as what CNN pulled........right?

3DHS / Re: CNN....very fake news
« on: June 29, 2017, 12:00:52 PM »

Ok, I'll bite......what exactly is fake, about this?

95 won't happen again....we promise

That face u make when reality hits & u realize u wasted 6+ months of your life (& $32M) on a "referendum" that doesn't even exist.

I saw this as well...... a picture worth a thousand words

3DHS / "The Resistance" is ...... got a pretty bad batting average
« on: June 21, 2017, 01:57:35 AM »
This is pretty sad..... Dems practically tried to buy the Georgia seat, with gobs of dollars pouring in from out of state (San Francisco in particular, spending more money than the entire state of Georgia), with a young Democrat, running on a moderate platform (vs a progressive one), campaigning largely on an Anti-Trump referendum.......and they still lost

Add that to the SC seat, and the Dems lost another

3DHS / Re: Attorney General Sessions Hearing Today
« on: June 14, 2017, 10:07:34 AM »
It was clear from the Comey hearing, that the Dems were going to focus on Sessions.  When I heard Kamala Harris ask Comey if he knew of any backdoor meetings or encrypted communications between Sessions & Russians, Comey could answer truthfully, "Not to my knowledge", but the accusatory inference had been initiated.... Sessions was now required to prove a negative

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:55:55 PM »
...and you'll also notice she never did apoliogize to Trump, or more importantly, Trump's children, especially Baron.  IMHO, I believe folks like Griffen would shed not one tear, if Trump became the target of a bloody assassination.  She might even jump for joy

ok, I can support that notion.  I mean, there's no way anyone can ascertain the motivation or intent of someone, without a clear pattern of support.  I do find it ironic that Comey could apparently find intent of how he saw some of Trumps comments and "questions", but somehow couldn't find any intent with Clinton's attempted bleachbitting her server and physcially hammering all her & her staff's tech devices, when subpoened by Congress.

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 09, 2017, 12:01:28 PM »
In the fall out, after the beheading photo, Griffen was very clear in that whatever effect this had on Barron, that she had no problem with it

Due to who comey is it's extremely hard to disregard him. He's definately not the kind of guy who won't go down fighting.  This will take awhile and damage will occur

I guess this begs the question......who's disregarding him, and what he said??  What he made painfully clear, is that a) there was no collusion, and b) there was no obstruction.  He also didn't believe Trump was completely trustworthy, but that's hardly earth shattering news...nor a condition to be charged with obstruction. 

So......who again is disregarding him?

What the Dems have left now is;
- to proclaim how Comey's testimony supposedly raises more questions than it answers
- to drumbeat the notion of obstruction, despite no actual evidence of what exactly is being obstructed

3DHS / Re: kathy griffen has drawn a line
« on: June 09, 2017, 02:33:22 AM »
Oh no......he's still being attacked.  Rosie O'Donnell uses him as her personal rhetorical punching bag

3DHS / Re: USS Liberty: Fifty years on
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:51:07 PM »
We do all have our dark times of history, ripe with bad decisions.  Thanks for sharing, H

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