Nothing like misreading something and making a mountain out of it.
Media can be a threat to operational security.
Don't know why that is such a shocker.
Indeed, concentrating specifically on where that line is drawn--between an actual threat to national security and a utility threat for political gain--would end most misreadings.
Trouble is, examining that line seems to be a part of what the military would be most against.
An honorably oversighted system to correctly ascertain a need for security would be entirely possible, since it is only a matter of inflicted discipline, but the military would fall apart overnight, so is its dependence on being able to hide behind this huge, univeral con job--"classified."
People tend to forget that it was the Washington Post that saved America from the first go round of a fascist seizing of America, and not any other warrior on the landscape. It wasn't the Democrats that brought Nixon down, and given their own devises, never would have. You had mostly the same then as you have now--John Kerry is Joe Biden is Joe Lieberman is Dan Quayle is Bernie Kerick is we are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men, leaning together . . .
The American Press and Media should be all over this, covering the circumstances of journalists and media deaths, and standing together here at home in directly attacking the military and its stonewalling arrogance, its brutish bullyism.
The way it works in America is that the press can go after the military, but the military can not go after the press. Sorry, but that's how it works in a democracy. In fascists countries, the press is controlled.
The military is not an institution that some should own to use against the majority of innocents.
Nor is it one that should pretend that creating fear by way of murder is within its legal and moral parameters.
When the American Military assumes the role of cop over the civilian landscape, either through intimidation or control of information, then it can be said that a good case could be made for finally naming the beast for what it is--fascism.
Anyone who presumes to advocate freedom in American should be against the military on this one.
It is the military, under these particular lights, that betrays America.