And next thing you know , enemys all over the place are at war with us.
Enemys that were intimidated by Eisenhours reputation , were not so shy with Kennedy.
Fidel started is revolution during the Eisenhower years, and took power on Jan 1, 1959. I hardly think Castro wanted anything from the US otherthan to be left the F**K aone. But the US oligarchy did not want to give up their profits and offshore hidey-holes, so he appealed to he Russians. It made perfect sense, and he woud have done this if Eisenhower, or Stevenson o Nixon or Kennedy was president.
The US ois a warlike country. It's business interests like to found monopolies whever they can, cozy up to tyrants and go screaming to their government if the people in the tyrannical country seem to be gaining the upper hand.
Sweden also has major business scattered all over the planet, even a greater share of Sweden's business is overseas. Saab Scania, Volvo, Erikso are everywhere. And yet, and yet, Sweden fought its last war in the early 1700's.
There is a lesson in this: the US Armed Forces do not need to be an instrument of US foreign policy anymore than the Swedish Armed Forces.
Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was a situation in which a series of countries banded together for a common cause. Iraq clearly was not.