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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2008, 02:09:07 PM »
The out-of-this-world hyperbole, and again that amazing ability to read other people's minds & intentions is indeed one of Tee's most endearing qualities
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2008, 02:39:21 PM »
<<The out-of-this-world hyperbole, and again that amazing ability to read other people's minds & intentions is indeed one of Tee's most endearing qualities>>

As long as you continue in denial of basic reality, any description of things as they are will always seem to you like "out of this world hyperbole."

Too bad.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2008, 02:43:45 PM »
"But take my word for it, empathy is real, it exists"


"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2008, 04:10:32 PM »
As long as you continue in denial of basic reality, any description of things as they are will always seem to you like "out of this world hyperbole."  Too bad.

Oh, the irony     ;D
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2008, 04:16:19 PM »
<<Oh, the irony>>

You like that, eh?


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2008, 04:17:51 PM »
Oh, indeed.  Very entertaining
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2008, 04:23:12 PM »
Well, I try.  It ain't as easy as it looks.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2008, 04:24:53 PM »
On the contrary.....your entertaining hyperbolic qualities are legendary and seem to flow without effort.  Keep up the fine work      8)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2008, 04:55:59 PM »
Are you losing your house?

As a matter of fact, yes, I WAS losing my house.  I was out of a real job for nearly three years and in that time, we fell very behind in our payments and I had no other choice but for me to file Chapter 13 to keep us from losing everything.  I'm still in the Chapter 13 and am very thankful that my family is whole and we still have our home.

Are you not covered by health insurance?

I AM covered by my wife's insurance plan which is pretty outstanding since she works for the state of TN.  I could get health insurance through my employer but, for the money they want me to pay for it, the coverage would be terrible.  Their plan here is pretty poor.  My wife's plan is outstanding anyway.

However, my mother is NOT INSURED.  Right now, she is working with a local clinic in dealing with her perpetual back problems.  She has always had trouble with her back and had surgery three years ago (when she was insured) in order to correct the problem but has recently been incapacitated with more of the same.  (Two ruptured disks) In a just world, she could just go to her doctor and they would schedule her for more surgery but instead she is now taking medication to manage the pain till she can get in to get a free nerve block and then there is a two month wait to get in to talk to the surgeon and when they could schedule any possible surgery since she is elderly, unemployed and not on disability of any kind.

Now, some on the right would like to point to her situation as the way things would be in a universal health care system.  I disagree.  I am quite certain that she would be able to get the nerve block nearly instantaneously but we might as well be talking about how things would be in NeverNeverLand right now.

As it stands right now, I fear that my mother is in serious danger of having to sell her own house in order to pay for her surgery or worse, lose her house because she can't get out and do her jobs to make some money.

This is how that "we" you were asking about are living.

Who is this we you are talking about?

"We" are a lot of Americans in this country who are living with hard times.  "We" are the Americans who are losing money because we have to miss work to take our kids to have a third set of tubes put in his ears because he can't seem to shake these ear infections.  Sure, it was only two hours but that is a tank of gas that gets us to work to make more money to buy gas to get us back to work.  Luckily, insurance pays for the whole procedure but there is still those two steps back that negate that one step forward.

"We" are those Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck who get extremely upset over near-accidents because it makes us think of how close we are to ruin should one of us get incapacitated.  "We" are the same Americans that have seethed with outrage for the last eight years watching Bush and his cronies invade sovereign nations to steal oil and THEN give it to the oil companies who then have the absolute audacity to then charge US citizens MORE for the gas while posting record profits over record profits.

Just a quick calculation shows that gas expenditures come to about 8% of our household's monthly income.  There is no extra left over after the bills are paid.

Do I expect Barack Obama to cut me a check to help out?  No, I don't.  (Although he has mentioned a $1000 rebate check. OY)  However, I do expect him to move this country closer to being like every other freaking industrialized nation in the world and get us some universal health care.  That would go a long way towards helping Americans with their money.

I do expect him to push our nation towards alternative energy sources which should lower energy costs for Americans.

I do expect him to bring some sanity back to our nation by dealing with situations wisely rather than violently.

So, yes, I am part of this "we" and I do think that Obama is going to help.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2008, 05:08:56 PM »
Some of us may not be losing our homes or our health insurance, but can still feel a kinship with those who are.  It's called empathy.

So basically you are saying that supporters of Obama are emotional. They are FEELERS.

Love, hate , sympathy, empathy

Does that make the GOP thinkers.

Logical analytical, decisive?

No, it makes them ideologues.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2008, 05:20:40 PM »
This is a specious argument. Juniorbush is as bad as JFK or vice-versa, therefore, Obama is unqualified.

How does anything JFK did or did not do, or anything Juniorbush did or did not do indicate that Obama or McCain would be better now?

These are totally unrelated, any fool can see that.

I agree.
 JFK was terriffic , but it is specious to use him as praise for Obama as if therewere some reincarnation going on.

It is specious to point out that Bush and JFK have a lot in common even if it is true , no less specious to relate JFK to Obama.

Sometimes people do not realise that they seem rediculous untill the mirror image is plain.

Obama is no JFK any more than Bush is ,or any less.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2008, 05:22:07 PM »
Are you losing your house?

As a matter of fact, yes, I WAS losing my house.  I was out of a real job for nearly three years and in that time, we fell very behind in our payments and I had no other choice but for me to file Chapter 13 to keep us from losing everything.  I'm still in the Chapter 13 and am very thankful that my family is whole and we still have our home.

Under whose administration will being out of work for three years become easy times?


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2008, 05:22:36 PM »
Are you losing your house?

As a matter of fact, yes, I WAS losing my house.  I was out of a real job for nearly three years and in that time, we fell very behind in our payments and I had no other choice but for me to file Chapter 13 to keep us from losing everything.  I'm still in the Chapter 13 and am very thankful that my family is whole and we still have our home.

Are you not covered by health insurance?

I AM covered by my wife's insurance plan which is pretty outstanding since she works for the state of TN.  I could get health insurance through my employer but, for the money they want me to pay for it, the coverage would be terrible.  Their plan here is pretty poor.  My wife's plan is outstanding anyway.

However, my mother is NOT INSURED.  Right now, she is working with a local clinic in dealing with her perpetual back problems.  She has always had trouble with her back and had surgery three years ago (when she was insured) in order to correct the problem but has recently been incapacitated with more of the same.  (Two ruptured disks) In a just world, she could just go to her doctor and they would schedule her for more surgery but instead she is now taking medication to manage the pain till she can get in to get a free nerve block and then there is a two month wait to get in to talk to the surgeon and when they could schedule any possible surgery since she is elderly, unemployed and not on disability of any kind.

Now, some on the right would like to point to her situation as the way things would be in a universal health care system.  I disagree.  I am quite certain that she would be able to get the nerve block nearly instantaneously but we might as well be talking about how things would be in NeverNeverLand right now.

As it stands right now, I fear that my mother is in serious danger of having to sell her own house in order to pay for her surgery or worse, lose her house because she can't get out and do her jobs to make some money.

This is how that "we" you were asking about are living.

Who is this we you are talking about?

"We" are a lot of Americans in this country who are living with hard times.  "We" are the Americans who are losing money because we have to miss work to take our kids to have a third set of tubes put in his ears because he can't seem to shake these ear infections.  Sure, it was only two hours but that is a tank of gas that gets us to work to make more money to buy gas to get us back to work.  Luckily, insurance pays for the whole procedure but there is still those two steps back that negate that one step forward.

"We" are those Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck who get extremely upset over near-accidents because it makes us think of how close we are to ruin should one of us get incapacitated.  "We" are the same Americans that have seethed with outrage for the last eight years watching Bush and his cronies invade sovereign nations to steal oil and THEN give it to the oil companies who then have the absolute audacity to then charge US citizens MORE for the gas while posting record profits over record profits.

Just a quick calculation shows that gas expenditures come to about 8% of our household's monthly income.  There is no extra left over after the bills are paid.

Do I expect Barack Obama to cut me a check to help out?  No, I don't.  (Although he has mentioned a $1000 rebate check. OY)  However, I do expect him to move this country closer to being like every other freaking industrialized nation in the world and get us some universal health care.  That would go a long way towards helping Americans with their money.

I do expect him to push our nation towards alternative energy sources which should lower energy costs for Americans.

I do expect him to bring some sanity back to our nation by dealing with situations wisely rather than violently.

So, yes, I am part of this "we" and I do think that Obama is going to help.

Wanna have some fun Brass?

Reply to your post the way i would. Start with some of your over the top rhetoric that i would pounce on immediately, then wrap it up with some of the subjective stuff i would take issue with.

I'll be back in an hour or so to see how you did.

Michael Tee

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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2008, 05:27:35 PM »
<<Obama is no JFK any more than Bush is ,or any less.>>

In the comparisons that I saw being made between the two men, it wasn't so much the similarities between the two of them in their personal qualities, it was more about the feeling of hope and youth and change that both of them were able to evoke.  It wasn't that "Obama is another JFK" or anything like that.

I remember the JFK campaign from the kick-off, and there was definitely a feeling of change and hope in the air.  This was more or less how I (and apparently millions of others) felt when I first became aware of Obama as a serious candidate.  The similarity was in the nature of the hope and optimism that was inspired.


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Re: Who can move and shake this nation
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2008, 05:42:43 PM »
<<Obama is no JFK any more than Bush is ,or any less.>>

In the comparisons that I saw being made between the two men, it wasn't so much the similarities between the two of them in their personal qualities, it was more about the feeling of hope and youth and change that both of them were able to evoke.  It wasn't that "Obama is another JFK" or anything like that.

I remember the JFK campaign from the kick-off, and there was definitely a feeling of change and hope in the air.  This was more or less how I (and apparently millions of others) felt when I first became aware of Obama as a serious candidate.  The similarity was in the nature of the hope and optimism that was inspired.

And next thing you know , enemys all over the place are at war with us.

Enemys that were intimidated by Eisenhours reputation , were not so shy with Kennedy.

Is this once again a groundswell of emotion and nonthought?